Cheap High Quality Bubbler


Well-Known Member
My wife say's to me:

"Another One"?

I would like a 187 as well.


I have 10 water pipes already and want more still?

After this one arrives I'll have some cool set ups!
The D020-T works better than the frit. (my option)
I like the frit however I like the D020-T better.

Please post a review of this ashcatcher when it arrives! I'm thinking about this as my next purchase.

Maximum diffusion!!


stay true to yourselves
So many amazing looking bubblers/bongs here. Is there a top 10 list so I can narrow it down a bit? :shrug:Im overwhelmed with choice.. Want something to attach to my Extreme Q that is going to be petite enough to pick up and inhale from, and decorative/stylish enough to be a centrepiece. (budget - $100 to $200 Australian dollars
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So many amazing looking bubblers/bongs here. Is there a top 10 list so I can narrow it down a bit? :shrug:Im overwhelmed with choice.. Want something to attach to my Extreme Q that is going to be petite enough to pick up and inhale from, and decorative/stylish enough to be a centrepiece. (budget - $100 to $200 Australian dollars
In the world of Cheap Glass, you can build a collection on $200:D


stay true to yourselves
Interesting.. I might not go overboard then. Maybe make it a budget of $100 for ONE supreme bubbler. Where would you guys recommend I take a look for a nice variety?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
My wife say's to me:

"Another One"?

I would like a 187 as well.


I have 10 water pipes already and want more still?

After this one arrives I'll have some cool set ups!
The D020-T works better than the frit. (my option)
I like the frit however I like the D020-T better.

Mine just arrived from Sunshine store the bottom plate chugs nicely. But the turbine is disappointing. Not enough heigh to see an cool turbine action. Only time I get the turbine spinning motion is when running a hot water flush during cleaning!

Also note, the Lotus cap is too wide for the female mouthpiece - I will need to get a male to female extension (straight or angled, to be determined) to make it fit. Kinda dissapointed, but since I didn't spend too much, I'm not worried, I'll find a use for it sometime.

Interesting.. I might not go overboard then. Maybe make it a budget of $100 for ONE supreme bubbler. Where would you guys recommend I take a look for a nice variety?

Why buy one supreme bubbler? Why not get 2 or 3 pieces in case you break one?

One thing I think people need to understand is this is cheap glass, the vendors we discuss produce a decent product, but they definately don't appear to chug nearly as well as their true name brand counterparts. My D020 for example seems to prefer chuging mainly on the front right side of the showerhead, no matter which angle I tilt, I can never get full chugging at any water level.

If you're like the rest of us, you've broken glass in your life. Hopefully it wasn't expensive. We're all on this thread because we don't want to throw our money away on expensive glass and risk breaking it.

There's really only 2 vendors discussed on the past 20-30 pages Yingming5 and SunshineStore. Read through the past 2 pages, and click any links - look at those vendors and their other offerings.


stay true to yourselves
Thanks @Ratchett , I respect that. For a first-time FC'er it's a bit overwhelming so i'm just throwing my questions around in the closest possible relevant thread, and you guys have been helpful but i'll take it elsewhere. Before I keep searching however; Is there a list somewhere of some top reputable makers/sellers of glass that make a decent variety of stuff?

Peace out and thanks again

edit: YingMing & Sunshine store look great, cheers


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
Mine just arrived from Sunshine store the bottom plate chugs nicely. But the turbine is disappointing. Not enough heigh to see an cool turbine action. Only time I get the turbine spinning motion is when running a hot water flush during cleaning!

Also note, the Lotus cap is too wide for the female mouthpiece - I will need to get a male to female extension (straight or angled, to be determined) to make it fit. Kinda dissapointed, but since I didn't spend too much, I'm not worried, I'll find a use for it sometime.

Why buy one supreme bubbler? Why not get 2 or 3 pieces in case you break one?

One thing I think people need to understand is this is cheap glass, the vendors we discuss produce a decent product, but they definately don't appear to chug nearly as well as their true name brand counterparts. My D020 for example seems to prefer chuging mainly on the front right side of the showerhead, no matter which angle I tilt, I can never get full chugging at any water level.

If you're like the rest of us, you've broken glass in your life. Hopefully it wasn't expensive. We're all on this thread because we don't want to throw our money away on expensive glass and risk breaking it.

There's really only 2 vendors discussed on the past 20-30 pages Yingming5 and SunshineStore. Read through the past 2 pages, and click any links - look at those vendors and their other offerings.
Yingming5 so far has been up & up, but Sunshinestore gave me the run-around. Just my:2c::2c:.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried using any of these glass bubblers from sunshine/yin with the bowl + combustion? I'm guessing it'll work just as well as they do with a vape but I want to make sure that dual purposing this glass works 100%


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Has anyone tried using any of these glass bubblers from sunshine/yin with the bowl + combustion? I'm guessing it'll work just as well as they do with a vape but I want to make sure that dual purposing this glass works 100%

I'm sure they would 'work', but I personally prefer 2-3 water chambers for better filtration of the smoke. But since vaping, I only want 1 real chamber of water diffusion, no sense in removing ALL the flavor from the herb!

I can't imagine going back to combusting, but If i did, I don't think I'd even consider using the same glass.


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker

I'm sure they would 'work', but I personally prefer 2-3 water chambers for better filtration of the smoke. But since vaping, I only want 1 real chamber of water diffusion, no sense in removing ALL the flavor from the herb!

I can't imagine going back to combusting, but If i did, I don't think I'd even consider using the same glass.
I do commit herb sacrilege now & then when at a friend's house, but always come home to vapor. Big big diff! Vapor is cleaner and meaner - no contest! ...and won't gunk up glass nearly as fast!!!


Well-Known Member

I'm sure they would 'work', but I personally prefer 2-3 water chambers for better filtration of the smoke. But since vaping, I only want 1 real chamber of water diffusion, no sense in removing ALL the flavor from the herb!

I can't imagine going back to combusting, but If i did, I don't think I'd even consider using the same glass.
Is there any particular reason not to use the same glass? like tastewise or what? I love how vapor won't gunk up glass!


So many amazing looking bubblers/bongs here. Is there a top 10 list so I can narrow it down a bit? :shrug:Im overwhelmed with choice.. Want something to attach to my Extreme Q that is going to be petite enough to pick up and inhale from, and decorative/stylish enough to be a centrepiece. (budget - $100 to $200 Australian dollars
I have a few pieces.
My favorite piece for the NANO is the D022 tomorrow I will test the D020-T. $30us$
Ghgate or spend cash at agua labs.
How rich are you?


stay true to yourselves
Not rich at all man, just on an average wage. I figure if something is built to last though then I could justify spending a bit. It is afterall a hobby, decoration, passion, entertainment, medical aromatic. device.. list goes on. haha


Not rich at all man, just on an average wage. I figure if something is built to last though then I could justify spending a bit. It is afterall a hobby, decoration, passion, entertainment, medical aromatic. device.. list goes on. haha

Well here's the problem. The glass from DHgate and Yingming are an outlier on this curve. Typically you don't find glass of that sort for the prices asked, anywhere. Now, as for the quality, I can't speak to it. I don't own any of those pieces myself, but judging off of feedback from trusted members leads me to believe that the quality is well worth the price and then some.

Anyway, to come full circle here, $100 is the average you would be looking to spend on glass that's about the same quality as the DHgate/Yingming stuff (at a local head shop here in the US) and that's where your problem comes into play... this is also what makes the DH/Ying glass such a great deal.

If you want to step up in quality you're going to have to get into the $150-200 range IMO... and if you want "heady" glass (colored/worked glass) you're now talking $250 and up.

Have you looked at the classifieds section here on FC to see if anything used strikes your fancy? You can usually get one step up in quality/work by buying used versus a new piece for the same cost.


stay true to yourselves
I see. If the increase in functionality and appearance is significant enough then maybe $200ish is going to be my price. Ill have to say that its an early bday present otherwise im in trouble though lol.
With that being the case; where should I now be looking for one? Also the continued assistance here is awesome. Much love to you all!

and I havent checked the classifieds yet but that is a good idea. and im not looking for an extravagant 250$+ one, just something sleek and dope enough to match the vape.
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Hmm... now you hit on something interesting. Will you see an increase in functionality between a $200 piece and a $30 DHgate piece?

In theory, no.

In real world practice however? The odds of you getting an optimally functioning piece @ $200 is likely higher.

It's a gamble to go cheaper. It's stacked in your favor but it's still a little risky.

Just look at @ataxian. He's like 6 for 6 with getting perfect pieces from China. Then you have other guys who only have one slit firing in their perc. That's the gamble you take to enjoy the payoff of getting a quality piece for so cheap. I'd be inclined to assume it'll be in the middle. It won't function like shit but it won't be ideally perfect like you would expect from a full priced, brand name unit. QC comes at a price.

As for your needs/budget... I'd think that (not counting shipping and customs costs) commissioning a custom piece would be your best bang for the buck if you want something in that price range. At the moment I've had good experience Rick Bird Barry, Cory Glass Designs, and most recent Ryan "Ryu" Wilson. Both Ryu and Cory have threads in this glass section as well.


stay true to yourselves
That was a great post, and you are totally right. Im a big fan of reputable brands that I can trust, so ill firstly check out classifieds and then suss those glassmakers that you mentioned. May your next hit from the vape be extra potent! :tup:


Well-Known Member
@MuushuPork Hey I tested my D020-W and the perc fires pretty even on both sides. When I pull really slow the left side of the perc (opposite side of the the side arm mouthpiece) fires first, but once I start pulling normal all holes begin firing.

Reviews for many different pipes and sellers will come tomorrow. Take it easy everyone.


stay true to yourselves
@Caligula (tagging you because i'm not sure who else has your level of knowledge yet)
I checked out those artists, amazing work. Better than most artwork i've seen all year.. But after checking it all out It made me realise that I probably want something more scientific looking. Am I wrong to believe that with vaporisation you only really need to filter the vape through water once? Twice or more is a bit overkill.
That being the case; I think a more sleek, scientific looking glass is the way to go. The elaborate decorative type isn't my thing unfortunately. What are the top brands out there for a $100-$250 one?
Edit: im actually on and it's fantastic. If there are any other sites like that then someone here should let me know :) Otherwise I think this site is going to have something I want for sure.

edit 2: FUCK AquaLab is expensive though. It looks like $200-$300 ones are the 'cheap' ones here.. and the expensive ones are like $7,000.
For $300 this is gorgeous, but sheesh.. $300..

I finally understand the practically of this thread, but still tempted by some of these masterpieces at AquaLab
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Well-Known Member
@Deja Vu, yeah if you are financially well off or just have some money burning a hole in your pocket then aqua lab is cool...

But after smoking out of MANY different high end pieces in the last decade I cannot claim that they are that much better. Most people who have spent that kind of money won't admit their super expensive pieces were a rip off because it would make them feel stupid. They are all brand whores and dick riders living in denial lol.

If you had an unbiased person hit 10 different pieces while blind folded I doubt that they would be able to tell you what cost less than 100 and what cost over 1k. For that kind of difference in money it should be instantly noticeable in my opinion.

I would love to hear some other members chime in on this


stay true to yourselves
After checking out AquaLab I was honestly wondering who the fuck buys these.. Extravagant billionaire stoners? To have a classy, well-made and durable little attachment just to add water filtration to my vaporiser.. I want to acheive that, but no way am I spending more than $150.

I've smoked a fair share in my life and the difference is just placebo.. A bigger, 'better', crystal, handpainted brand-name bong doesn't make a difference to the hit in the long run. Water filtration is what is important..

This is harder than I thought, what a journey.. Just to find a hand-held bong/bubbler (under $150-$200) to stick on the end of my Extreme Q hose to pass around something a little bit prettier than a bacteria infested plastic mouthpiece, and that servers the function of one chamber of basic water filtering for a smooth hit.


edit: and I also found some users on FC that said that AquaLab weren't as great as they appear. Defective bongs were hustled off during their 4/20 sale, and shitty customer service/refund policy for overseas buyers.
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Well-Known Member
@Deja Vu, yeah if you are financially well off or just have some money burning a hole in your pocket then aqua lab is cool...

But after smoking out of MANY different high end pieces in the last decade I cannot claim that they are that much better. Most people who have spent that kind of money won't admit their super expensive pieces were a rip off because it would make them feel stupid. They are all brand whores and dick riders living in denial lol.

If you had an unbiased person hit 10 different pieces while blind folded I doubt that they would be able to tell you what cost less than 100 and what cost over 1k. For that kind of difference in money it should be instantly noticeable in my opinion.

I would love to hear some other members chime in on this

Funny a while back I asked my other half to test me with blind folding and try various pieces and guess what I thought I knew the pieces I loved so well but think again, I was shit at it!!!
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