Cheap High Quality Bubbler


Well-Known Member
Was thinking that too...he just sent me a bunch of pictures of stuff, lemme ask him. I wonder how China's view on a url with "fuck" in it is. Will report back.

Edit: "that is ok,i will register an account at
i will share more pics on the forum"

He says he is not familiar with the site and will need help so i'll help him out as it gets going.

Remember, he has to contact vtac before posting in here to register as a reseller. Might be a good idea to inform him before he starts spamming pics and getting into trouble with mods :-)


is high
Thanks so much for posting those pics. I'm actually more interested in the 189, turbine perc but I think the same can/sidecar design, so I appreciate being able to see the size in comparison to the D020 and that it's larger than you anticipated. I'm gonna have to start nagging yingmin5 reps to put it up for singles, maybe if I reference the 187...hmmmm :evil:

I was also more interested in the 189 but would prefer a male joint (and I don't need 12 of them). That's how I found the 188 as a single and jumped on it. Looks like we are possibly going to get the 189's sold as singles, nice to see all the communication. This thread has become like our own mini massdrop.


Long Time Lurker
Does anyone own this? Its a recycler that is sold in individual pieces, unlike the lots of 120 for other recyclers on this site

Edit0: found this too

Edit1: Found this too,

Can anyone that knows recyclers comment on the recycler in the pic above. Does it look like it might recycle or even vortex? A vortexing recycler at ~$31 would be an insane deal but I might be getting a little too hopeful.
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Long Time Lurker
LOL, I have this one, got it of iOffer for 65 bucks. Never seen this one on DHGate/AliEx before. I saw another online store that sells them for over 100 dollars or something crazy like that.
I really like the little guy, for the money it's pretty much a steal. No big vortex action but very tasty imho.
I just decided to get it. I have been fascinated by recyclers since I discovered them and want some new glass. Do you use it with vapes? Do you think it could hold a cloud EVO?


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Jesus this thread moves fast!

But I welcome @yingmin5! I look forward to purchasing your glass in the near future. I am new and have very little glass currently. I hope you can help me fix this!

Thanks @PoopMachine I will be contacting them once I have my accessories from SunshineStore delivered next week. I want to have access to measurements if necessary before they make/sell me what I need to make this everything work. I really think that submarine piece would make for a sweet base for my turbine AC and my helix jet vortex.

Pretty soon I'll have a collection of crazy contraptions like @ataxian with glass stacked on top of other glass - can't wait to show off what I have envisioned. Hopefully my Lotus will be up to the task for some milk shot videos! :science:


Well-Known Member
If anyone is interested, here's the full tracking info for my d020-d. I expect it'll be delivered early next week. Pretty good shipping considering it originates from china



I'm Sexy... I'm a Scholar... People Like Me...
I have an inline ashcatcher and a D020D en route and I am planning something like you have in mind @Ratchett . Should be fun.

Something like this?......

I love my Apollo. But it doesn't necessarily belong in the cheap thread.

But that $9.44 shipped 5 arm ash catcher from kathy on the gate does. LINK

She sent me the wrong size on accident (14mm) so sent another of the right size out immediatly after I showed her pics so I actually got 2 for $9.44!

I can hardly eat lunch for that!!!
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