Cheap High Quality Bubbler


Well-Known Member
My opinion is that Sunshine Store have almost zero ability to communicate in English. I don't think they understand what we are into. I may send them an email in Chinese and see how they respond. (I will need a translator which I have)
Yes excellent, excellent


Whatever it takes we need a d020-M (matrix edition)!
Sorry that last post was from my phone. It doesn't read too well. When I say I have a translator I don't mean that I employ one or anything. Just that I have a number of Chinese friends who could help out.

I have been into China many, many times. I can speak a little Cantonese and a little Mandarin. Not enough to have conversations but a few phrases/words for everyday life and getting by. But to be honest I refuse to ever speak a word of either language when dealing with Chinese. The language thing freaks them out. Many of the merchants that we deal with use translation software to deal with English language customers. Often the software works very poorly. For example, if you type a few words into Google Translate it will probably offer you a fair translation. Try typing a paragraph and it will deteriorate rapidly.

I'm pretty certain that the reluctance of Sunshine Store to communicate with us has to do with a few things. The language barrier. Also, I don't think they understand what vaping is all about. I'm not really sure if they even understand that we talk about them on this website. They may not be able to access this site due to the name (just a guess). Internet censorship in China is greatly exaggerated in the West in my opinion. Nonetheless, it does exist and it can often be pretty random.

Also, we don't know where they get their stock. Do they deal with a manufacturer or are they just another re-seller of sorts? If we can make a proper connection it could be very lucrative for them.
@MySega I think it is pretty nice :) I've been pairing it up with my E-Nano and the flavor is great. I've only been into glass for a couple of months though so I am far from an expert. Personally, I am very satisfied. Sunshine Store's prices are so cheap it makes it an easy decision in my opinion :rockon::tup:
Mr. Gweilo 420,
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Sith I care
Hey guys, been a few days since I checked in. I just wanted to give a quick report on the TDS-209.

This is small bubbler but I like it a lot. It is only 20cm tall and has a 14mm joint. It hits really nice and paired up beautifully with my e-Nano. I'm no expert but it definitely seems to produce a whirlpool/vortex effect (Don't hold me to that - I'm not sure what really qualifies as fulfilling this aspect). Anyway, there is the honeycomb disc at the bottom and there is a second disc above it. It is flat with a a few holes at the sides.

Oh hell yes, photos, please? (Bonus points for perc action vids)

I didn't buy this piece because while the disc you describe is present in the photo, there's also a note pointing to it saying "No disk here", so I thought this thing was just a mini honeycomb tube. Sounds like the turbine splashguard is present after all, in which case I may have to get one. That's a lot of performance in a very small, very cheap unit.
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Sith I care
Maybe they meant its not another honeycomb disc?

Possibly, with the language barrier, but "No disk here" is pretty unequivocal:

Gotta wonder what led them to feel the need to add that comment since it appears that the disk is, in fact, present, on both the shipping units and the demo one they photographed before adding that comment. Breakdown in communications somewhere?
@Anonymous mate to be honest I did read it as no honeycomb disc originally but I was not certain. Standby for some pics but sorry can't do vids atm.

The second disc is the one that seems to be creating the whirlpool effect from what I can tell :hmm:
Mr. Gweilo 420,
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Ha ha I fucking love the Sunshine store. I ordered this morning at about 10am and I just got shipping notice. I expect to have the Do20 in my hands by Thursday. Honestly, as far as shipping goes these guys are simply amazing. This is my third order with them and every order has been exceptionally fast. Add to that the quality and cheap prices to start and all I can say is wow!
I think Sunshine Store deserves a dedicated thread. :rockon::tup::leaf:

Okay and here are a couple of pics of the TDS-209. Sorry but they don't show much :(




Sith I care
@Anonymous mate to be honest I did read it as no honeycomb disc originally but I was not certain. Standby for some pics but sorry can't do vids atm.

Lack of equipment? Your mobile phone can probably take vids just fine, assuming you have an even vaguely modern one.

The second disc is the one that seems to be creating the whirlpool effect from what I can tell :hmm:

Yeah, the second disc is a "turbine", a type of splashguard that creates cyclonic flow (and thus throws water in a circle around the tube instead of up towards the mouthpiece, limiting splashback). Could also be considered a "perc", arguably, since it also creates diffusion and moisture conditioning, the two main things percs do, but a turbine is generally used with a "true" perc underneath as they work better when fed a well-aerated mix of gas and water; the same volume of air mixed in works better as lots of little bubbles than as a few larger ones. The lighter and foamier the mix going through them, the faster the spin velocity you can achieve.

Without that turbine that stubby pipe would spray water into your mouth on the clear almsot every time, I bet, especially with that super low volume. Honeycombs get a good, almost effervescent, foam going at higher draw speeds.

On the up side, maybe that "breakdown in communications" also resulted in a lower than intended price?

The price makes sense compared to their other models as it's only a 30mm tube, not much more than an inch in diameter for the metrically-challenged. It's just made from cheaper pieces of glass (as well as being pretty damn small). Still for US$16 in lots of one it's a steal.
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@Anonymous thanks for schooling me man :D I appreciate it. Its hard work learning about all of this stuff sometimes :hmm:The turbine definitely acts as you have described. The honeycomb froths/airates the water and then the turbine gets it spinning.
I don't have anything to compare it to but I'm enjoying it:lol:
About the vids. I'm just paranoid. I can't rationalize filming myself committing a crime and uploading it on the Internet. I would be looking at jail time, deportation and end of career if I ever get busted:(


Sith I care
About the vids. I'm just paranoid. I can't rationalize filming myself committing a crime and uploading it on the Internet. I would be looking at jail time, deportation and end of career if I ever get busted:(

Defninitely DON'T commit a crime. Just put water in it and film it being inhaled through. Nothing plugged into the joint, and ideally, you don't even appear in the shot. It's how most people make demo vids, as vapour would obscure the water action we're trying to see anyway. Plus, y'know, it's perfectly legal.
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Well-Known Member
Better hurry. Price seems to be going up as we speak. A couple of hours ago it was over $1 cheaper than it is now. I had it in my basket at the lower price, but when I went to check out the total was different. I went back and checked the item page and sure enough the price was higher in that short a time.

I know that's not much of a change, but it kind of irked me so I didn't go through with it. Maybe tomorrow, but the price might be $50 by then.

Guess they are monitoring this thread.


When that happens (minimal increases or decreases fluctuations in price) it is due to the RMB-USD exchange rate that changes so rapidly/often. When I get quotes from a supplier in China and it is only valid for a week to 10 days max because of this. I would bet that is the reason anyways!

Mister G

Deceptively Old Fart
Better hurry. Price seems to be going up as we speak. A couple of hours ago it was over $1 cheaper than it is now. I had it in my basket at the lower price, but when I went to check out the total was different. I went back and checked the item page and sure enough the price was higher in that short a time.

I know that's not much of a change, but it kind of irked me so I didn't go through with it. Maybe tomorrow, but the price might be $50 by then.

Guess they are monitoring this thread.


The price of the 20-D is still $31.97 . I'm tempted to get the W too and own a triumvirate of the DO2O platform, but what the fuck am I gonna do with all those glass domes, nails and combustion bowls? :evil: At least the adapter may come in handy. I'm going to wait until after I get the D to decide, by then the DO20-X turbine incycler will be here :razz:

@Mr. Gweilo 420 if the activity here doesn't convince you to open up that glass store, than nothing will. You're the closest of anyone here geographically and I bet you'd get some US help from the pool here. Hey, I'm just poking the bear... :evil:


I think Sunshine Store deserves a dedicated thread. :rockon::tup::leaf::leaf::leaf:

That is brilliant, with a collection of photos and videos of all the pieces. Too bad it would have to compete with this awesome thread.

I would love if Sunshinestore had some form of notification service that let you know of new pieces. Or even better, a "prototype" section where you can vote on the next piece they make.

I can't stop staring at the D020-W. I would go ahead and order if I knew how the D020-D performed. Can anybody tell from the photo how the actual perc is made? Is it just 10 vertical slits or are they 10 slits divided into 2 or 3 sections each?

Edit: Added cropped image

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Just think I found a local reseller of dhgate through CL... waiting to see what exactly he has.

From his pricing, it appears there is a ton of $$ to be made in reselling these pieces. :\
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Well-Known Member
have to pass on my order from here is my very specific situation...
I currently live in Spain, but have been living and working in the Netherlands before. Because of that I still have a Dutch banc account that supports Ideal for payments, and so does DHGate (as can be seen on the bottom of the page) so i taught I can finally order from them without a CC...

But off course, the system does not compute does not give me the option to pay with Ideal and customer service was not really helpful either. Not saying I would not order from them or anything, just to make that just a bit annoyed because it took me several hours with customer chat and so on only to find out it will not work...

those new pieces sure look sweet...
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Sith I care
I would love if Sunshinestore had some form of notification service that let you know of new pieces. Or even better, a "prototype" section where you can vote on the next piece they make.

I'd settle for DHGate just having an option to sort the items in peoples' stores by "Date Added". For some weird reason the only two sorting options are "Price" and "Number Sold", so there's no easy way to see new stuff, or what is older than what, etc. There's a limited "New Arrivals" section on the front page of SunshineStore's store but they don't seem to update it consistently. None of the recent new D020 "variations" show up on there yet, for example, but the ancient WP010 does.

I can't stop staring at the D020-W. I would go ahead and order if I knew how the D020-D performed. Can anybody tell from the photo how the actual perc is made? Is it just 10 vertical slits or are they 10 slits divided into 2 or 3 sections each?

Edit: Added cropped image


To me, it looks like a big, sparse circ with a blocking band in the middle. Since that band is so wide, only the top holes are gonna fire (except maybe on a really fast clear), because the lower ring of openings are just too deep under water in comparison. This thing seems to be designed to give a superficial resemblance to a "Matrix"-style cage perc with the minimum of glass and effort possible, without regard to actual function. They can't upgrade this to that more-detailed Matrix-clone fast enough, really. Only, we haven't seen one of that perc in the wild yet either, have we? It might have serious flaws of its own...

I think there are 10 slites divided into 2 sections each.

I concur. They could at least add a shitload more slits to it, since the bottom ones aren't really gonna see practical use anyway. Just a decent circ in there would still work really well, and give a bit more useful can height too.

Bracing to the bottom would be nice, too. Did any version of the image floating around add a brace? I'm a little nervous of unbraced internal bits after this incident.


Perfectly clean separation right at the weld, all the way around, under normal use, but after like a week of deliberating, they're telling me that "management" are unlikely to replace it as I didn't report the fault (that hadn't yet made itself apparent) within 24 hours of the glass arriving. The very first line of their warranty on glass is, "All glassware is warrantied against defects in manufacturing", which sure seems to cover this situation to me, as this piece can't have been annealed properly. The 24hr term later is about reporting goods damaged on arrival, not any defect at all. If I interpret it the way they're trying to, they're basically saying VaporBlunt glassware has only 24 hours of warranty rather than one year, in which case, no thanks!

Copy/Paste of TRVB Warranty Terms, as published:
The vaporBLUNT has a 1 Year Limited Product Warranty which covers your vaporizer against defects in manufacturing, parts and labor. If your vaporBLUNT breaks during warranty coverage, we will fix or replace it.

The Battery has a 90 Day Limited Warranty.

Receipt of purchase required.

Warranty and return policy on glassware
All glassware is warrantied against defects in manufacturing. Glassware can not be returned for any reason, only exchanged. All glass sales are final. Glassware may be exchanged if your unit comes broken or damaged. In order to qualify for a exchange your claim must be made within 24 hours of receiving your glassware. The warranty is not valid if the glassware is purchased from a 3rd party. If your glass comes damaged please e mail us at to request service. "
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Putin is a War Criminal
Ha ha I fucking love the Sunshine store. I ordered this morning at about 10am and I just got shipping notice. I expect to have the Do20 in my hands by Thursday. Honestly, as far as shipping goes these guys are simply amazing. This is my third order with them and every order has been exceptionally fast. Add to that the quality and cheap prices to start and all I can say is wow!

OK, so here's the deal. Since Mr. Gweilo gets everything so fast we order each new piece sunshinestore comes up with on the day it is released (like the D020 platform, for example) and send them to him. Then we send him a video crew to take action videos of each piece and post them here. That way we get action vids posted within a week of release and all the GAS sufferers (lovers) don't have to take "a pig in a poke" and will instead be able to make "sound" decisions.

Are we liking this idea? If Y'all wanna send me out there to set it up I haven't been on vacation in a couple years... :) :)


Almost there...
@PoopMachine The Atomic Perc has landed!!!
It is a LOT smaller than what i expected, smaller than my Chinese WP-010.

The quality is superb though!!
Nice clean welds with only a few tiny bubbles here and there.

Unfortunately i am trying to take a break for the next 3 days...
Going to be really hard not to hit it tonight...


They can't upgrade this to that more-detailed Matrix-clone fast enough, really. Only, we haven't seen one of that perc in the wild yet either, have we? It might have serious flaws of its own...

I don't see how it could function bad, :shrug:. I'm fine with a simpler matrix. My matrix doesn't fire but from the top two rows either. Just added cost and labor. The original D020 only has 10 slits and it works wonderfully for vapor.

They could at least add a shitload more slits to it, since the bottom ones aren't really gonna see practical use anyway.

The bottom slits make for less resistance, especially when clearing. At least I hope the same is true for the simpler "matrix". Guess that is part of the fun in new glass, :brow:.

Bracing to the bottom would be nice, too.

See I had the opposite issue, my GBD bubbler broke because they braced the showerhead to the bottom of the can. It broke just sitting on the shelf. It was only a few months old.



Well-Known Member
I dont believe anyone has had any issues with fraudulent charges on their credit card going through DHgate, this problem is raised like once every page or two of this thread and I believe it to be unfounded. DHgate if anything adds an extra layer of security between you and the seller. I do believe Sunshinestore has a ioffer store which may take paypal
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