Cheap High Quality Bubbler


Putin is a War Criminal
So, it makes perfect sense that sunshinestore would release (or at least we would find) the "Enterprise version" of the D020 just 48 hours after I placed my order for the earlier piece. I'm quite sure the earlier version will be fine, but I'm just sayin...

I will be interested to see video of the D version perc in action. I'm certain we will get that as soon as someone gets one home. The practical difference may be more about the slightly taller can than the perc design, but that is still to be determined. Ideally a piece like the D022 with a perc at the bottom and without the big cyst might have been that. Keeping that cyst clean might be a chore...


You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...


Just been messing around for a new wallpaper for my bedroom for the big opening of the Brand new D020-D$$$, not sure the otherhalf will comply but hey.

Got a couple but not sure which one to go for :rofl:



Took me way too long to see the D020-D in the blue one. All I saw at first was a spaceship. Dabs.


Ideally a piece like the D022 with a perc at the bottom and without the big cyst might have been that. Keeping that cyst clean might be a chore...
The D022 I use a lot right now!
I don't know if because it's new or what? Very smooth the way it is however I think with a couple of adjustments it can even be better.
The price was right.
If we all demand a certain quality then maybe we will win?

Time for a D022 session!


Well-Known Member
I'm negotiating to get a d-o20d, d-020t and td-321...hoping he can reduse shipping costs to spain a bit then i will order...but paying 30+dollar on shipping for less then 30dollar pieces is not going to happen

Edit: got my answer: 38dollars for shipping the 3 items together to Spain with EMS
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Well-Known Member
hey guys how legit is this site? I went on and everything is from china which is okay if i get decent cheap glass. I'm nervous about putting a card onto some weird foreign site especially when I didn't get the "https://" showing it was secure. Some of the things they have look amazing for the price. Also can someone say how long it took shipping? I am in the U.S.. Thanks.


Accessory supplier
Accessory Maker
I got my DHgate order in less than 2 weeks. Everything was good. My advice is to use a Credit Card rather than a Debit card. Easier to resolve disputes with credit than with bank account. Or if you are really paranoid, maybe a prepaid Visa burner card.
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