I'm so sorry to hear that man. Hugs.Funny you should say that.
My WP-010 love affair was cut very short tonight,.
Tried placing a keck clip on to hold my cloud buddy, and it couldn't handle the pressure. Snap. Less than a week old,.
Like I mentioned in my review, the welds where terrible but I overlooked them because the piece functioned flawlessly.
thinking about either these four bubblers, preference in this order but i want to see what you guys think.
super attractive piece that has the look i want but cant find any videos on it, need more info
i cant find a video of it in action anywhere, looks like a mega comfortable piece but kinda small looking
ive read some good reviews of this being a solid too go piece and looks like i would like the size too
not sure how this compares with the wp010 looks great
any good or bad things about any of these pieces are welcome =)
http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-CLEAR-GLASS-bottle-18-8mm-bowl/1221046578.htmlIs the Kathy Hu HC available anymore?
(from @jambandphan03 http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/cheap-high-quality-bubbler.5255/page-136#post-537150)
This little guy keeps getting lost in the mix, I think because the picture is so unflattering. It appears to be the same as the (now unavailable) Kathy Hu HC with a different mouthpiece.
They're not the same; D020Just a thought ,
Has anyone made a lower offer to Kathy Wu ?
I mean within reason , like last month's cheaper price .
Only b/c I've heard Aliexpress wants to garner ALL sales they
get nibbles on .
Can someone clarify please ?
The D020 and WP-010 are the same pieces ?
But just from diff. vendors ,
D020 comes with more extras ...( at least shown ) ?
They're not the same; D020
@poonman - are you looking @ this link for @ D020?
It shows $28 for me, that's what I paid, but maybe shipping is more to CA?
Thanx @pigfoot
No , not that link .
But at the bottom in Red , it says 51.05 total .
this is The link I was looking at ,
This one states Free Shipping to US , maybe that's where I'm getting confused .
I will do what I suggested
Make an Offer ...
d020 seems to be a crowd favorite.
Just a thought ,
Has anyone made a lower offer to Kathy Wu ?
lol ended up going for the 3rd link i posted but now that ive seen...The 2nd and 4th link you posted are the ones I'm looking at. I've been looking for videos or some solid reviews (as well) before I pull the trigger.
I cant pick between ...
the d020 http://www.dhgate.com/product/d020-bubbler-hand-blown-glass-vase-perc-water/175832535.html#ctabBox
or this one http://www.aliexpress.com/item/10-A...l-glass-bubbler-Free-shipping/1587751415.html
With $10 difference I was leaning towards the perc and honeycomb, but this d020 seems to be a crowd favorite. I'm getting it for the pinnacle pro but would like to have a few other uses too maybe buy the adapter for whip hoses for my vapor brother box. also I would like to have the opition to add an ash catcher to increase the filter, not sure if these piece r too small to support one of these 5/6 arm ash catcher...
and do these sites ship to all the states? because I live in pa and I know a lot of companies wont ship here due to the laws. any input will help thanks.
I know nothing of hookah or shisha, but I think that's what these are for?Let's all sit back have a toke, laugh and ponder at these pieces:http://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/Glass-Crafts/834023_252958102.html
This one only has like one funny pipe but some of the "smooth bottles" would be awesome abv containers or decanters...
The second one looks more like a hookah, the first ones aren't.I know nothing of hookah or shisha, but I think that's what these are for?
I'm just sitting here vaked out my mind looking at these things thinking "whaaat the f^^^ did this guy stumble upon" these pieces are seriously wild!!Let's all sit back have a toke, laugh and ponder at these pieces:http://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/Glass-Crafts/834023_252958102.html
This one only has like one funny pipe but some of the "smooth bottles" would be awesome abv containers or decanters...
Sun Feb 23 04:45:34 PST 2014
Hello Ms. Hu
I wanted to ask if it would be possible to make a "Black color Mini bubbler glass ash catcher percolator" with regular bowl instead of nail&dome.
For reference, I mean a bowl like on this piece: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-CLEAR-GLASS-bottle-18-8mm-bowl/1221046578.html
Thanks and have a nice day
Sun Feb 23 19:00:55 PST 2014
ok,if i have i will give you ,after around 3 or 4 days i will have
Sun Feb 23 19:05:17 PST 2014
Ok,i will send you a bowl