Cheap High Quality Bubbler


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Bummer! You dont know if these guys are just posting pics of name brand or if its their knock off version of it, if it was the later ,it would be well worth 75 bucks.True scenario is you get 20 dollar piece that has 8 arm tree and honeycomb for the 75 $ price and an excuse that they ran out. Only the real brave and monetarily endowed or ill-informed might pull the trigger on these rigs that are depicted as name brand knock off,YMMV:leaf:

EDIT if anyone does take the plunge please advise to the thread your experience and opinion on the piece.TIA:cheers:


high more than not
thinking about either these four bubblers, preference in this order but i want to see what you guys think.
super attractive piece that has the look i want but cant find any videos on it, need more info
i cant find a video of it in action anywhere, looks like a mega comfortable piece but kinda small looking
ive read some good reviews of this being a solid too go piece and looks like i would like the size too
not sure how this compares with the wp010 looks great

any good or bad things about any of these pieces are welcome =)
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being human
This one used to be about $42, shipping included, but they recently bumped up the price. I was debating about buying one at $42, but have decided to pass at $52. That's definitely pushing the limit of what I feel comfortable paying for Chinese glass.

They're getting a lot of views from this thread that's for sure. The more interest, the higher the price? Are they getting greedy?

Maybe we should stop posting links and just pictures - ha!


in flavor country
yeah considering what started all of this was a bubbler around the $18 shipped price point, if memory serves... maybe we should drop business for a while, and let the price go back down... :rofl:

kidding aside, these are still way lower prices than we can find elsewhere atm.
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They're getting a lot of views from this thread that's for sure. The more interest, the higher the price? Are they getting greedy?

Maybe we should stop posting links and just pictures - ha!
Yeah i've also noticed the increases in pricing. On Jan 7th I placed an order on dhgate for the d020 and the inline both pieces together for only $44 + free shipping to Miami!! Now each piece cost nearly that much after shipping :( too bad my seller fell through and now jacked up his prices on both, plus still says he has neither in stock.


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
These prices are "Market Driven". I'd say that overall the quality still easily justifies the risen prices. Couldn't be happier with my D020, solid quality!


Well-Known Member
Oh well, is what it is! Anyways, my friend who owns the LHS says he is importing a bunch of these in and expecting them to arrive in April/May so I'm just going to wait until then as he is going to give a couple to me at cost.

I just made a decent commission on a side job so I just ordered a Solo and am now looking for a decent American glass piece to be my main go to next to these Chinese pieces I will get later.

Can't wait. I need to buy a piece of glass like QUICK I am starting to lose it... I'm CONSTANTLY browsing online and religiously following this thread and the cheap american glass thread :bang:


being human
These prices are "Market Driven".

Market driven. I remember studying economics and marketing and using that word often. I think it's more "FC driven", they wouldn't have done as well if it wasn't for this thread considering the amount of unregistered guests trawling this forum for sensible and valuable info from contributing FC members.


Well-Known Member
These prices are "Market Driven". I'd say that overall the quality still easily justifies the risen prices. Couldn't be happier with my D020, solid quality!

The D020 is easily "worth" far more than its price (which is still around $28, happily), but the closer the cheap Chinese glass gets in price to cheap American glass, the more likely I am to support the home team! As the prices creep up, my willingness to roll the dice on a new piece of dubious quality definitely goes down. YMMV. :)


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
Market driven. I remember studying economics and marketing and using that word often. I think it's more "FC driven", they wouldn't have done as well if it wasn't for this thread considering the amount of unregistered guests trawling this forum for sensible and valuable info from contributing FC members.
That may or may not be overstating FC's impact in the overall scheme of things, IDK. These pieces are being sold at both single AND multiple piece prices, targeting the individual AND retail markets worldwide. No doubt FC IS a valuable and notable resource for many, but to what extent it is driving this segment of the market IDK.


being human
I think that me be overstating FC's impact in the overall scheme of things. These pieces are being sold at single AND multiple piece prices, targeting the individual AND retail markets worldwide.

Yep! This thread has shaken the myth/stereotype of china glass being very subpar to north american glass - it also challenged the myth of good glass being expensive and all... The reviews and pictures from the people on this thread has been more than invaluable to all types of buyers in their purchasing decision with these types of glass.
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Yep! This thread has shaken the myth/stereotype of china glass being very subpar to north american glass - it also challenged the myth of good glass being expensive and all...

Funny you should say that.

My WP-010 love affair was cut very short tonight, :mad:.

Tried placing a keck clip on to hold my cloud buddy, and it couldn't handle the pressure. Snap. Less than a week old, :cry:.

Like I mentioned in my review, the welds where terrible but I overlooked them because the piece functioned flawlessly.
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