And one for you treeman: how do you consider this new perc 4 mini inline one? It was looking weird in my opinion the pictures aren't so good. How is the perc (number of slits?). How would you compare the diffusion with other ones you have?
It's in the item description "Small Storage Container in the Bottom"... that's all it is. It will not work as an ash catcher because it's closed off at the junction (look closer). It's just a place to store your concentrate.i don't think that will work as a reclaim jar where it is placed, its all going to collect in the can.
But if you put that jar on in place of the mouthpiece, the bubbler becomes an ash catcher
It's in the item description "Small Storage Container in the Bottom"... that's all it is. It will not work as an ash catcher because it's closed off at the junction (look closer). It's just a place to store your concentrate.
Since I liked the HC perc so much, I went ahead and ordered the 5 arm perc with removable stem. $18 delivered to my door can't be beat.
Since I liked the HC perc so much, I went ahead and ordered the 5 arm perc with removable stem. $18 delivered to my door can't be beat.
Since I liked the HC perc so much, I went ahead and ordered the 5 arm perc with removable stem. $18 delivered to my door can't be beat.
You are absolutely correct. I did not notice that before I ordered. No matter, I wasn't planning on doing anything with that bottom ground glass joint anyway. The option would have been nice though.
I'm curious to see those other pieces. I've been considering beefing up my collection while the prices are so low. I also would not put too much faith in the tracking being accurate. So far everything I've ever ordered glass or otherwise from china has shown up within a month and has been well packaged.
Although , I've heard some posts of bad QC issues from ' Made in China products ' . ( and justified )
All you members have me itching big time for one of these pieces .
I've mentioned that I had to sign up to view the Alibaba stuff , and I'm guessing Aliexpress is a partner
of theirs . They are persistent tho , they keep sending me offers to view .
Here's one , BTW I used a different sign up name as you can see ....hehe