Cheap High Quality Bubbler


Well-Known Member
No, no you misunderstand. What I meant was that it is no way cheap glass. $75.00 is a good quality piece for something that is only 5 inches. The same price for a 27" piece woud be crappy. The 8 arm piece is much lighter and thinner and is only five dollars less.


No, no you misunderstand. What I meant was that it is no way cheap glass. $75.00 is a good quality piece for something that is only 5 inches. The same price for a 27" piece woud be crappy. The 8 arm piece is much lighter and thinner and is only five dollars less.

:) thanks for clearing that up. I think I found my bubb, since Sam won't accomodate the rest of the world with his FC bubb. It'll go well with my Gn0me, too

Thanks OV!


I know, it hurts cause it's one of the only pieces of glasses that I know without a doubt that I want. I like EVERYTHING about it, where as the Planet vape one I'm just not in love with.


Herbus Superbus
Why the F*** does HaywoodJGlass have Silika branded products on his etsy?

Looks like he's got a few different "brands" on his store.

lol, here we go..
As if no one has ever walked into a smokeshop and seen other artists pieces for sale.
They could be blems,though.

I contacted him on etsy a number of months ago asking about a custom dry mouthpiece thing for the Vapexhale and he didn't respond to even say no :\

Now thats kind of messed up.
I swear i saw it somewhere, he implied that he did custom work if you contacted him.


I'm not complaining. Never used etsy before, nor do I know their policies. I just noted there were several brands available, when it was asked why he's carrying Silika


Well-Known Member
Got one of his oil domes a while back. The pic did not have the silika label on them in the ad but it came with silika on both pieces. Works great and did not come with any blemishes or imperfections.


Well-Known Member
I'm not complaining. Never used etsy before, nor do I know their policies. I just noted there were several brands available, when it was asked why he's caring Silika

Handmade by you

With the exception of Vintage and Supplies, categories on Etsy are for handmade items. Handmade items must be created by the seller operating the Etsy shop (or a member of that shop)

so either he is Silika or he is in violation of etsy rules.


Herbus Superbus
Handmade by you

With the exception of Vintage and Supplies, categories on Etsy are for handmade items. Handmade items must be created by the seller operating the Etsy shop (or a member of that shop)

so either he is Silika or he is in violation of etsy rules.

Suddenly i feel bad.
For sure someone will read that and think its their moral obligation to get the seller removed from etsy.
Ruining my chance of ever getting anything from haywood again.
Thats the internet,though.

Got one of his oil domes a while back. The pic did not have the silika label on them in the ad but it came with silika on both pieces. Works great and did not come with any blemishes or imperfections.

Im pretty sure if he does make anything, its his domes and dabbers and joints and things like that.
The ones i buy from him are pretty solid.

I was gonna suggest that maybe he has something worked out with the blowers to sell their product, but with 3 brands in his shop, idk.
Seems a bit unlikely..
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in flavor country
I don't know if this has been mentioned here yet, but is offering a special deal on the FC bubbler (no lettering straight body for $100, add the curve at the bottom as shown for $120, add lettering for $40 more) it looks like a very well made piece, and that is one hell of a good price. You simply place your order with instructions for the FC pricing and they will send you an invoice.

I think it's only good through Oct.



Well-Known Member
Hey now, don't knock my precious Ehle :myday:

This baby was only 50 bucks (not your cheap dollars though, I'm talking real euro's here :lol: ) including the diffused downstem, so it still fits in this thread perfectly.


But looking at your collection Big Daddy, it seems it doesn't have to be expensive glassware to turn us in to collectors :lol:
Yeah, but I would call that a bong, not a bubbler. Ignition straight downward to bottom, then toke from side. Or at least that is how I see it. Although my fake RooR sure looks like yours there.

Here's a video I took with the small gogopipes bubbler and my ArizerSolo

Where did that ashcatcher come from? Looks nice.

Mod note: When possible, please avoid making back-to-back posts in a thread. Use the Edit feature located at the bottom of your posts. Posts merged.... again.


Its not an ashcatcher. That's a little dual chamber bubbler. Ontario is our resident Guinea pig. :lol:

Performs better than I thought it would, Ontario. Looks like its worth the money.


Level 30 Nature/Healer
Do we have to tilt our heads to use it?
Looks really nice though, how filled was the second chamber?


Well-Known Member
Its not an ashcatcher. That's a little dual chamber bubbler. Ontario is our resident Guinea pig. :lol:

Performs better than I thought it would, Ontario. Looks like its worth the money.
Thanks. I agree - it looks really nice. Can just pop a bowl on it, or GonG or whatever. Never seen such a thing YET . . .


I think he just tilted his head for the sake of getting the video shot. Half my videos are, spent trying to figure out how the show the piece and not my unkempt facial hair.

Thanks. I agree - it looks really nice. Can just pop a bowl on it, or GonG or whatever. Never seen such a thing YET . . .

Any bowl that fits the connection, or whip. Its a GonG connection.
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