I didnt take it that way friend. I like you Ataxian, I think you are very fun, but clearly very wise and knowledgable beneath a humorous non serious exterior, and I respect you for that, you display no ego.
Novak Djokovic (tennis) also removed gluten years ago. He became a super human superstar!
I am very much into healthy eating. Above all, I emphasise all natural, unrefined, close to nature.
STRICTLY avoid man made salt and ESPECIALLY fat! Refined vegetable oil is one of the greatest weapons against humanity. Fortunately, I became so severely allergic to it in 2005, I cant eat it once ever, or my digestive system is fucked without treatment from my chiropractor, using T.BM. (total body modificafion), to reboot my stomach, spleen, liver, kidneys etc and especially GALL BLADDER!
My gall bladder never has any problem, for a decade now, unless I eat that poisonous fat which is EVERYWHERE in public and take away food, every school, hospital, retirement home etc, virtually every chip shop, take away and so on, over most of the world, because of the lies invented by the government demonisimg natural fats (now being officially disproven, but still swept to sidelines).
People would get into trouble for using natural fats to feed the chikdren, sick and elderly.
The CHEFS think refined veg oil is good!
This gets me the most. The effevtiveness of their lies, and the damage it does.
Man made fat is possibly the FIRST thing I would get rid of on earth, it does so much damage and reaches so many.
This stuff I know about, like I said, stick to what I know and the rest is for fun.
Gluten is interesting. Beyond natural, unrefined (organic is obviously best, but I put even less emphasis on this-- too expensive for some items, many not on offer), there is a lot of foodstuffs to question for suitability, including gluten/grains. I eat many organic foods, but not all. Organic spices are simply GREAT! Dont bother otherwise- is only 10% of flavour aroma and medicinal value- turmeric, cayenne, cinnamon my FAVORITES.
I would like to try gluten free. I dont notice a correlation with my body, but is not obvious without a long break of course.
My diet is hard to choose with over 95% of all foods and supplements being intolerable to me, including ALL fruits for example.
So it is tricky to experiment. I love my porridge, it has gluten in another form-
"avenin" (awsome time


I am a comedian at heart. Need to get back to this, its my special talent before being ill and seeing only seriousness.
I am responsible though. Ecstasy destroyed my brain (my fault), equally Lyme Disease (not my fault- US govt!)
I know all about POISON especially food. Food is EITHER medicine or poison. Some food is medicine to some, poison to others (not true poison, just wrong fuel).
What governments have created and most people eat is poison to EVERYBODY!
This makes me mad! Im lucky I became an ultra-sensitive mining canary for foods that should not exist. I had to educate and avoid 100% to today.
This means 100% home cooked food only. No fish and chips, public food, take away etc. Chip shops used to use beef fat, coconut oil. GOOD FATS - beef fat is actually better, but should be organic or course. I would love to eat fish and chips sometimes, I long for the ideal world oven baked in natural fats!
They have made it nearly impossible to eat healthy unless you do it at home, very clever plan!
Cooking 100% of own food, every single day for 12 years makes food a CHORE, together with severe respiratory symptoms every time I eat anything.
Thank you for your sensitivity and undestanding Ataxian- I am a sensitive soul! My self esteem does yo-yo's! I use this forum as an escape and distraction from turmoil, I dont really fit here, but vaporizing is a love of mine.
So this is why I come across how I do on the forum. Im very mentally unbalanced. I should go elsewhere!
@Hogni I like too! Can you believe Hogni, I took thousands of ecstasy pills (not proud), hundreds LSD, ketamine etc (not "hard" drugs, but tried everything), smoked cannabis with amd without tobacco until 2005, but never tobacco on its own once, never even ONE PUFF on a cigiarrette! (in joints though).
I am a man of principle, cigiarettes =insanity to me! (I can talk!)
Not judging you friend. I accept you, just sharing.

Excited for you Hogni to get the Ti next week, and more! I wonder the glass you will choose?
I dont think I can reccomend the bubbler for it. Wish I had got the herbo tube for better cooling. Bubbler mouthpiece is such a narrow slit concentrating vapor on the throat.
Good luck.