@ragnorokk these are both resting on my desk and as you can see it is substantially bigger. It's really a nice piece that functions well, but to me it loses the hydrotube smallness factor. If the tube was bent at 45 degrees right above the recycler it would be easier to use. With either the Air or Nano on the bottom it's too long, but not by much. The draw is fairly smooth, and even filled beyond the safe point you aren't getting water into your mouth as far as I can tell. To send water back through and down to the bowl connector you have to either blow pretty hard or basically turn it on its side, at which point it comes out the top and bottom. Overall I rate it 7,842 on my scale of meaningless numbers that end in 42. So...fun for less then $30 but not a daily driver.
@Cannabis Connoisseur it is 18mm

@Cannabis Connoisseur it is 18mm
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