thoroughly vaped
I actually LOVE this one as far as aesthetics over the FC-710. How is it in comparison as far as performance??? Also, I've heard many great things about Steven, how is CCG's shipping, is it as fast?
CCG can be hit or miss with shipping according to what's here in the thread, but think much better recently. I got mine in the spring and had it in less than 2 weeks IIRC.
Performance wise I like the 710 a little better for flavor, but the D-cycler is right up there. D-cycler doesn't have the little clickity clack of the glass ball. Depending on the rest of your setup either could be a little easier in use. Top mounted GonG on 710 can provide a more stable base. D-Cylcer stemless type design keeps the heat a little further from your face and easier to see IMO, but that's with my older vision (reading glasses needed for past couple years).
D-Cycler looks cooler in use. Mine gets a nice water turbine going that drains as recylcers should according to what I've seen. If I'm quick I can easily pull back and see the last few swirls and watch it drain. Anyone else who has used it loves it and enjoys watching others use it. My girlfriend calls it the "cute little swirly one". 710 is really hard to get a good idea about unless you look at a vid or 2. Whole piece is filled with water, but in a diffusion pump like this vapor/smoke only goes through the J shaped tube in the middle - which is pretty cool looking too IMO.
I seem to reach for the 710 just a bit more often for dabs and vapor (60% - 40%, maybe only 55%). But, would probably quickly replace either of these if something happened to one. If you're having trouble making up your mind, I would just get whichever is tickling our fancy more right now, and the other for your next piece. IMO they're both very cheap for what they are and how they function, and always a good idea to have one on your your short list to help deal with GAS.