Has anyone bought from/heard of/encountered/seen/met/had dinner with/licked/prank called the seller
Wcp15131? Because woah, is there some crazy shit over there. And some of it is actually pretty damn cool...
First, and what I'm most excited about, is this short, squat and
hexegonal rendition of the d-cycler:
Of course function is anyone's guess, but I frickin love my d-cycler and my only real complaint is that there's too much room for bubbles to pop between the perc and the uptake tube. This fixes that.
Then there's these colored matrix bubblers which might have some potential if color is your thing, although it looks like there's a label that we can't really see:
There's also this take on the torus with colored glass. Again, it's anyones guess as to the function:
From here things start getting a little weird and wacky
One cool thing for everyone looking for desktop and whip pieces is that they have the largest selection I've pretty much ever seen. A lot of them are crazy and some are pretty cool looking, but unfortunately the color scheme they picked for all the glass they use in the percs is IMO pretty horrible

They also all seem to include the round slide pieces that we all associate with hard drugs and sketchy-ness, which I'm pretty sure they believe is used to smoke cigarettes through these pipes
Ok, so this one isn't the whackiest but I'm mentioning first because, despite it's ugliness, it's pretty similar to something I was dreaming up a while ago over in Open Source Glass and I might have to pick me up one just to test it out:
Getting a little bit whackier

we have the standard issue desktop-style cabbage:
If the standard cabbage is too boring for you, however, FEAR NOT! for we also have the light-up cabbage:
There's also this ship-in-a-bottle perc which is pretty damn cool looking, and I might have to pick up as a present for my father:
They also have a plethora of different variations of this same type of bubbler, all with different, unusual, potentially amazing and potentially terrible, somewhat artistic, often cool, and ugly colored percs:
I've honestly been trying to cool down my GAS recently, but this kinda shit isn't making it easy

Especially when that d-cycler is only $35 bucks