Since no one else has mentioned it (and I always do), check out the jhanpixel showerhead ufo sidecar on ioffer. Is a good bit bigger than most of the D020 series (2x - 2.5x? volume) so definitely not a mini but not too big either. My old beat up lungs can clear a full chamber with no problem. Also, it's US made with heavy glass and a bargain at $150 incl. shipping IMO. One of my absolute favorites under a nano.
jhanpxel ufo sidecar on ioffer
I'm kinda partial to sidecars, but for cheap Chinese glass (<$35) the D020-W is hard to beat. It is second from left in pigfoot's pic; 3rd down in jam's link list. The infamous penis mouthpiece gives great hits IMO, but makes cleaning a real pain in the ass. Takes a while to dump through the tiny hole.
For size comparison - D020 on left, W in middle, jhanpixel on right.