Cheap High Quality Bubbler


Well-Known Member
I just LOVE this setup :love:

(for info it is not switched on, only pulling at it with water)

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Well-Known Member
just ordered this for a small oil rig we can take places and not worry too much if it breaks. I am very curious as to how it functions, will report back upon receipt sometime this week. Also ordered this to satisfy my curiosity about quartz
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Active Member
I, also, can't say enough about my quartzcastle. If i'm quick like a bunny, heat up can be less than 5 sec of torch time, which I love as a lonely dabber most of the time :p

I also find it carb caps well with a plugged flower bowl over top :tup: although it does cool very quickly due to the thinness... probably not ideal for carb capping, but you can do it poorly. Would work better with a thicker quartz domeless tho!


Well-Known Member
This is a quartzcastle:


This is the standard 'domeless quartz nail':


There are a few more styles beyond this (halen honey hole, pukinbeagle, club banger, etc.) but they are rare and/or expensive.
So in reality, the nail @matthend ordered isn't a "standard domeless quartz nail" but more of an off-brand attempt at the "quartz castle" design. I know the domeless quartz nail David Goldstein was putting out also had this same design, and that off-brand one worked well.

I guess time will tell if this ~$30 one works well too.


Active Member
Yes, from looking at the picture of the one matthend grabbed to the one right in front of me, the bowl area in the center of the slits seems a little smaller and steeper on the $30 compared to the $40 quartzcastle. I think it will work fine, but the one thing about the quartzcastle design that I would be a little more nervous about buying cheap is that it is quite thin in the areas that you heat with the torch. If the material isn't 100% quartz, it might break/shatter quicker because of the width...

But yea, I know Vigil does a similar nail as well: so they are definitely out there... Let us know how it goes @matthend :D


Vaping is a way of life!
Thanks to all the awesome post and a few link with some killer deals on some recyclers, any one found any more CHEAP deals on recyclers and possibly a recycler with a 18mm female joint for under $180.
I have only found maybe like 2 female jointed recyclers and thats it, is it not common?

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
Colie Glass has 20% off for the holidays according to his website so if he hasn't raise his prices at all his recycler should be $175 shipped and you can get it female if you want.
clouded vision,
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Well-Known Member
So I received my china glass and all was well, percs are nice and low.

After some days of testing I am so glad I bought that stuff because only know I remember that in long ago combustion times I already didn't like those small mouthpieces.. I prefer the ones that widen up like the matrix clone. (educate me, what are the different mouthpiece styles called?)
Glad to have saved $$ by ordering chinaware to re-figure that :D

additionally found the D020 bubbler on ali, here the link share:

D020 bubbler (Matrix?) on Ali for $15:

same store a 2 Honeycomb tube:

also has some more of the DHGate stuff in that store :peace:

Edit: ordered that D020 bubbler, shipping to my region is much cheaper then DHGate but probably looooonger to :ninja:

I just ordered two of the D020s... Hope they show before Xmas.

Was this one always that cheap?

There has not been much return on this one, I think I did read a couple of OPs been happy with it but not sure?

This one got me too.. ordered one of these this morning.
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Vaping is a way of life!
Colie Glass has 20% off for the holidays according to his website so if he hasn't raise his prices at all his recycler should be $175 shipped and you can get it female if you want.
THANK,@clouded vision , I cant seem to get a hold of him, must be extremely busy.
All his stores are closed, I tried and left to emails with in a 2 week span and no word yet?
Thanks, It seems that collie will be my best best to get a sick recycler under 180.


Well-Known Member
THANK,@clouded vision , I cant seem to get a hold of him, must be extremely busy.
All his stores are closed, I tried and left to emails with in a 2 week span and no word yet?
Thanks, It seems that collie will be my best best to get a sick recycler under 180. has a recycler for $99 here: My *guess* is that they would charge less than $80 extra to make one with a female joint instead of male. Might be worth an email. I think someone further back in this thread or the recycler thread got one with DI and posted info maybe?


Vaping is a way of life!
Thank you , I have seen that one and looks cool.
I wanted a bit of a larger one hence the under "180" but some one did get that and paid extra to get it custome (larger and a female joint) and didnt get either just the same piece in the picture.
Iam for sure picking up something up from GBD, but for sure wanted a larger recycler.
Thank you :nod::clap::clap::tup::tup: has a recycler for $99 here: My *guess* is that they would charge less than $80 extra to make one with a female joint instead of male. Might be worth an email. I think someone further back in this thread or the recycler thread got one with DI and posted info maybe?


Well-Known Member
Thank you , I have seen that one and looks cool.
I wanted a bit of a larger one hence the under "180" but some one did get that and paid extra to get it custome (larger and a female joint) and didnt get either just the same piece in the picture.
sorry--missed that drama in the gbd thread when it happened. :uhoh:


Active Member
I aim my torch for the center of the nail and rotate slightly, blue flame just a cm or less from the nail... only takes 5 sec or so to start to glow, then just wait 4-8 seconds after the glow to hit (a bit faster than a Ti nail due to the lack of thickness in comparison). I use a flower bowl as a carb cap on it as well (which you can try out)
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