Hey all. Not been arouns here in a while 'cos of Dhgate no longer accepting HSBC. So I have not been in the open market. But buying more glass was not a high priority and also I figured my only way around bank transfer charges was to open a new, separate bank account elsewhere .
I may have tp just switch banks though because I think you need to have enough money gping in each month?
Anyway, I am almost about to begin pressing rosin and I need a dab rig. I have a 710 coil and banger on the way. He banger is 14 mm male so I need a 14 mm female rig, OR a drop down and male rig.
I also will get another banger from dhgate, one used and linked by a top pro rosineer here, which I will use with a torch-tbhs one:
Comes with a carb cap which I also need and is quite cheap, and like I say is used by a top vaporist with the best devices alongside.
So I decided to pay the bank transfer fee for this one purchase. And to my surprise they only offere me "local transfer". Now I have instuctions to visit the local Barclays bank and mske he trsnsfer. No fees! But a visit to town I wonder if I can actually do this online?
I will contact them and ask. If so, I CAN shop on dhgate with no extra costs after all, from the comfort of home.
Okay so I am now looking into dab rigs. I really like the look of this one. Not exactly cheap at all, but not through the roof for a seemingly quality piece:
I watched a few Youtube vids and the fucntion looks great. Huge clouds pulled really fast and effortlessly. I like it but again has 14 mm male. So wont sork with my 710 14 mm male banger, unless I add a drop down.
But I do already want the Grav rig, for a torch looks fun.
In the meantime, I just saw this on dhgate and I am curious what any dabbers out there wpuld make of this little rig? Looks very low diffusion.
Some coloured glas however. Do we have a syrong consensus here to always avoid China coloured glass or is it generally presumed okay now? A way to check/inquire?
Anyway thoughts are welcome and appreciated. Have a very nice day everyone.