I've just been disappointed in their lack of communication last week.
Same here.
I've just been disappointed in their lack of communication last week.
At the bottom of the mountain, hehehe. By RB/Poway area.
It wasn't my FAITH in TET that was in question...... it was my faith in pre-ordering 'anything' for the first time knowing it would drive me crazy.
So here we are, in one of the busiest times of the year while feeling the seasonal stresses and pocket dig of presents & festivities and make a purchase decision to treat ourselves by entering into a pre-order situation on something we really really want following the hype and determination of a known established company with a good standing. Anticipations high, emotions fragile, and the slightest off course of the current norm becomes enough to blow a gasket. Welcome to being humanI was freaking, but not that I was getting scammed (protected by the almighty VISA), but rather the idea that I fell into that NEED feeling and dove into something (pre-order), that I swore I'd never NEVER do because of the zen type patience that's usually needed for one.
Glad to hear TET et all are OK with what has come to light in their latest unfortunate situation, as I'd never like to hear of anyone's mishap commercially nor personal. But, realistically....... and with all do respect.... this show of anxiety could have all been avoided considering both that the release/shipping was planned for last Monday and nobody heard otherwise, and that two staff members were online here Friday eve and simply could have brought everyone up to speed on status. Welcome to being a consumer based commodity offering a relatively expensive item that is paid for in advance of release.
As I said, I'm glad everyone is ok, and I hope your setbacks are minor and your drive to continue pursuing your dream (as you've stated many times before in regards to making it a non smoking world), are quick to be back on track for both 'our' sakes.
Honestly I think you should get the car adapter even if you don't plan to use it on the road. Reason being, what if something happens to the plug you have for the wall and it becomes damaged? You'd have to go without charging the batteries long enough to get the new piece in the mail. For $5 you have a backup solution that you can safely put away until you need it. $5 is what I spent on coffee yesterdayAnd very true car adapter is only $5 didn't realize that. Hmm.
Btw, got an email back from TET, I know everyone has the information but I thought this was cool.
"The first shipments will start just after Christmas, this pushes the delivery time to just before the New Years. All orders will be upgraded to expedited shipping to help get your Cera's to you as quickly as possible."
Upgraded to expedited shipping! That's pretty sick, thanks guys!
There's a bunch of you (you know who you are) who don't deserve this.
Awh you're funny Paka
Thanks for that!
I don't deserve many things but you don't deserve to talk to me like that.
Regardless if you're the host or w/e.
Don't act like you've never been upset before.
Ears burning, perhaps? I don't recall mentioning you or anyone else in particular.
When I get upset, I don't act like a child. Note that I'm not saying that you do.
Alright here we go.
No, ill take full responsibility for getting upset, I know I'm not he only one who was upset so I'm not saying you're specifically calling me out.
It doesn't need to be explained again, but I guess I have to for some people who are slow (not saying that you are)
Sometimes in this land of money, $300 is a lot to some people, I sure know it is to me, but the Cera was/ is worth it, so I took the plunge and bought it on Pre- Order (which i never do) got super excited TET was here ramping up the 10th getting us all ready then it didnt happen.
TOTALLY not TETs fault AT ALL, I understand that, just a little communication would be nice. (For us impatient CHILDISH people)
I'm going to leave it at this.
All I posted was we are getting expedited shipping, and someone told me me some of us (who paid for this item) don't deserve it.
Little childish?
I'm done, it just came out of left field, so naturally I'm going to respond.
Ill leave you alone Paka. Sorry for the harsh words.
Do what ya gotta do.