To preface, this is just my personal silly opinion about the switch situation, but this is the jibberish thread and i feel i have some depth to add to the ongoing debate so i'm tossing my hat into the ring (i'm an EO order so it doesn't matter as much to me, though i was considering LL in the future)----so in that spirit---
From Feb. 4th on FC:
Every day I'm working on sourcing new switches and trying to get samples here to see what will fit our application. I may have found a line that will work to give a latching option, but i am still waiting for it to get here to try out. "
From Feb 12th on official blog.:
"We have decided to only include momentary switches to all Cera orders. The reason behind this is from the reports of our beta testers saying that their Cera gets very hot when left on for excessive amounts of time. To ensure safety we will no longer offer a latching switch."
So I think it's interesting to note that
in a week's time the message changed quite a bit... I
saw discussion here about lawyer advice/liability being a catalyst, but from my POV that's just speculation at this point, as
beta testing feedback is the sole reason offered on the blog.
That being said, I
have to assume they performed the 'leaving the product on for long periods' type of testing during the
product development phase? I mean, a heater gets hot when you heat it and this isn't their first vapor product so it seems like this would have been factored into the product design much earlier on, yet it never arose as an issue until between the 4th and the 12th? Hopefully we'll know more soon because i'm all conjecture here anyhow. In the end it's their product and they'll do as they wish, but if i had intended to use my cera for LL only, i'd likely be a bit disheartened by the news.
That's my

, but i certainly don't know much about making a product like this.
Was great to see some shipping notices on here last week! Hopefully we see many more happy reports this week (including miiiiine! preeeeccciousssss)