It's a long read, but is pretty informative.
Exactly, to me that's yet another artificially created incident to be linked with anti-cannabic prohibition non-sense. As long as regulators won't be able to resist the money grab then cannabis will be a magnet for greed and hence the war against the so-called "evil dangers" of "marijuana" shall continue to fail miserably.
But i realize that under the Commonwealth umbrella our prohibitionist friends can by-pass democratic debates using international treaties, since our sovereing laws need to be harmonised to those afterward; what they're attempting to do with e-Liquids and associated vapes could eventually hit us as well (
This is especially relevant for people who are already very sick and using the products to try to improve their health.
Actually it's devastating, not to mention just a few days ago i started to see some mentions of challenging side-effects. Seen under this context i'd comment it was bound to happen, now that the public finally finds out what it implies to extract CBD oil from hemp stalks with trivial traces of THC!
Well, ideological interference proves to be a toxic ingredient of its own kind after all...
The Omega Labs website says that they get their cannabinoids from the hemp flowers. I wonder if this makes them essentially safer.
There's more trichromes on the flower sites, so that would sound a reasonable assumption. But reading in the report there was also nickel, selenium, molybdenum, arsenic, silver, hexane, pentane, butane and ethyl acetat, euh... Ah and fungi-derived mycotoxins that resist decomposition...
Apparently we can only concur with the following excerpt:
« Medical Marijuana Inc. ultimately is an artifact of prohibition, an opportunistic creature rooted in the cracks and contradictions of a government policy built on lies. Give these hemp oil hustlers their due for realizing early on that there was a large, untapped market for non-psychoactive cannabis concentrates. They shamelessly played the CBD card and pushed the envelope willy-nilly into grey areas of the law. »
It's no wonder the last two words read as "
sordid affair"!!
...I think this stuff is still legal in the USA...
My guess is that's exactly what is meant by "cracks", "contradictions" and "grey areas of the law".
...because it is made from male hemp below the legal THC limit.
The first time i heard about the price tags in Colorado i thought to myself it was going to please the bigots, and now this is their legacy too. Because of hate-lovers/love-haters disguising bigotry as "tough-love", whatever, etc...
Some morons should simply loose their right to vote because of revolting mishaps like that - and those in power made accountable for starters!!
But that's day-dreaming, the hypocritical blood-suckers won't capitulate easily.
The law that they want to change is to specifically allow high CBD and low THC female plants to be legal.
That would be a start but this won't make me feel better about the origins of prohibition, questions need to be asked by those in place before this becomes a popular topic on radar of medias...