I was wondering what the consensus was on thc, and cbd ingestible tinctures.
There isn't alot of actual evidence regarding if they may or may not be harmful to your liver in large doses, or in smaller doses over the course of time.
There was one study done on rats, which did show liver toxicity, and even death. This was with large doses, and done on rats.
Has anyone on here taken tinctures for a long period of time, and have you felt any impact negatively on your health, specifically your liver function.
I just read the sad news on Elias Theodorou(RIP), and from what i understand he had liver cancer,(correct me if im wrong.) I don't want to make assumptions, but im curious as to when his ordeal with cancer begun, and if tinctures were part of his healing process, or possibly if they had done harm to his liver.
Currently I use tinctures 1-2 times a day, mainly in cbd form. My future plans were to replace vaping with tinctures, in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, but now im not so sure anymore,
Thanks, all.
There isn't alot of actual evidence regarding if they may or may not be harmful to your liver in large doses, or in smaller doses over the course of time.
There was one study done on rats, which did show liver toxicity, and even death. This was with large doses, and done on rats.

Can CBD Cause Liver Damage?
A research scientist and a doctor debunk the alarmist theory that CBD may cause liver damage.

Has anyone on here taken tinctures for a long period of time, and have you felt any impact negatively on your health, specifically your liver function.
I just read the sad news on Elias Theodorou(RIP), and from what i understand he had liver cancer,(correct me if im wrong.) I don't want to make assumptions, but im curious as to when his ordeal with cancer begun, and if tinctures were part of his healing process, or possibly if they had done harm to his liver.
Currently I use tinctures 1-2 times a day, mainly in cbd form. My future plans were to replace vaping with tinctures, in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, but now im not so sure anymore,
Thanks, all.