Actually you are far from the truth, besides the use of the chemicals to preserve the tobacco and manufacture it to it's standard, you discart the possibility that 1 of the 600 in cigarette isn't the magic potion that allows your brain to give way to another.
Since cigs are a mind drug, here's the metaphore.
Each chemical is a person, and each person has been invited into your world, and out of each chemical, there are maybe 50-60 for example that you see everyday, you see them when you eat, drink, breathe, maybe when you rub cream on yourself, you see them again because they exist elsewhere and you contract them elsewhere. However, out of the ones you don't see everyday, there are ones that are only seen once in a while, like maybe you enjoy the smell of fuel? or some distinctive smell from glue while you are in art class sticking a piece of paper to another? Then you have those that are only present in cigs, such as the "free-base" chemicals or those only manufactured in labs. Well ok, out of all these people (chemicals) you see, there is this one girl or boy you fall in love with, at first you might "feel" that you are in love, because that person seems to make you "feel" good, and being with that person kind of makes all the other people make you "feel" good about yourself.
This happens on a sub-conscious level, nothing you can directly control unless you do it on a level of pure strength of will which even then will be because you are blocking off not that one person, but rather putting up a whole wall and ridding yourself causing collateral damage such as maybe present thoughts, forcing the chemistry in your body to change, stress and other factors that i can't think of right now. The truth boils down to the story where your consciouness which in this case we will refer to as "daddy or mommy" is saying "you can't have that person" and in contrast, even though you are the one who made that decision and you are the one going through with it without anyone holding a gun at your head, your sub-conscious will reflect back holding your hand with another answer such as "why can't i be with him/her?" "there's nothing wrong" "there's no pain" "it's nothing just to see him again" "it's only once anyway" "i can always say no if i don't like it". In this situation you will yield, you will be torn by both your consciouness and sub-consciouness. When you see people using cigs or tobacco, it will side with your what you are seeing and will work against you. It's a painful story of romeo and juliet.
If you take all 600 chemicals and for each living person, suppose each chemical might be delegated to be at the top of the pyramid as the starting element of addiction leading to many several other addictions of other chemicals without the user even realising, leading to the common nicotine addiction. I would say that 600 chemicals, most with the potential of starting the addiction, just like going to a friends party, making friends with his friends then becoming your friends friend best friends, then sleeping with his sister and becoming a family member. Not so far off saying your friend is a terpene that you administer everyday with food and you see him again when you smoke tobacco, only this time he's with other people, and out of those people you thought it was cool to make them a part of your life.
Only difference with smoking is that you don't make any decisions besides using fire to light up.
So yes, i do think that the people behind the manufacturing of cigarettes and tobacco have designed it so well that you will eventually become addicted to smoking. It was designed in such a way that there was a need for so many chemicals, a justification to have every single one present. They would have more of a chance to getting you hooked on with 600 chemicals rather than just nicotine. If nicotine doesn't work on you, then they will make it work on you. Each chemical, each road, leads to another, until you reach your destination, and that's addiction. If one doesn't work, there's another.
I mean come on, look how much money they are making, if they didn't have so many people hooked on do you think they would come this far? They have enough money to finance research to this degree, and probably even past standard government research. People who have this much money are capable of selling poison to you and make you believe you are taking a youth potion.
I understand, i still maintain my version, tobacco does not need additives to be addictive and i don't think it is the additives that do the addiction. When i smoked i bought natural tobacco, with no chemicals, 95% of the time that i bought.
I think you are fooling yourself if you think there is a conspiracy theory around tobacco and the tobacco industry has researched ways to make you more addicted. Even though there could be such a thing as research made to make it more addictive, i really never heard about it.
I also think that the exposure to people smoking triggers your smoking urges, just as when you see food, you realize you want to eat.. not because you feel the chemicals present and are familiar with them, but because it triggers memories in the brain associated with dopamine release, which makes you feel happy.
Demonizing tobacco or the industry is not the answer, tobacco is a plant and has an active compound which alters part of your brain function when consumed, bringing you pleasure. Some people like ADHDers, or people with Parkinson Disease or Bipolar Disorder for example, have a problem with a brain function which ultimately affects dopamine release and assimilation or other neurothransmitters like serotonin.. this is why there are people more prone to addictions and who have a harder time overcoming them.
FWIW, i am not defending the tobacco industry.. i think they are a powerfull lobby that as done more harm than good (much more harm.) and have an impunity that doesn't correlate with the potential harm tobacco has.
So we " All " agree ,
Tobacco is bad !
Slightly derailing ...from Qbit's question .
The main ingredient is " MJ/THC " for doing both ways .
I realize this is a vape forum , and can understand the " back-lashing " one gets for admitting to smoke MJ
But follow me on this ;
Smoking THC is version 1
Digesting THC is version 2
Vaping THC is version 3
And yes , Vaping has improved my health and I'm better off for doing so .
I will shoot for 100 % vaping ...eventually .
" And now , back to " my " regular-scheduled program "![]()
There is no backlashing, just preferences. It is expected that a forum named "Fuck Combustion" has more people who chose to cut the combustion habit.
If you go to grasscity, you will find the opposite is true..

I didn't follow the versions bit.. are you about your preferences in terms of high, process or in terms of harm done? Or do you take all factors in account?
Because in terms of harm done, digesting THC is the safest option. But, I prefer vaporizing hands down to all other ways of consuming the plant in every aspect.
Wow ! As an old pot head ( 60 ) who has smoked weed with all kinds of different people
here in NYC , we never mixed tobacco with our herb. This "mixing" is a recent thing brought
on by those who smoke spliffs.
I believe the original Jamaican spliffs were all weed wrapped in corn husk.
Most of my friends hate the smell of tobacco and would never mix that poison with good herb!
I never smoked tobacco, but like many of us on this forum I have smoked weed for decades
and have only switched to vaporizing 03/2010.
For a while I hungered for that joint like hit, but eventually that vapor taste, especially from
that first pull, won out and now I can't combust at all.
My lungs feel great, but I seem to be vaping all the time. The launch box lends itself to this
as you can take a pull almost anywhere.
I was amazed that so many forum members use tobacco.
Cannabis was consumed not just in Jamaica.. i don't know where the habit of mixing tobacco came from. It looks cultural, in Morocco they mix with tobacco because they use hash mainly, in Brasil they usually smoke weed so the habit is a pure joint.
It is curious though, since Tobacco came mainly from America, that the tobacco joint is mainly an european thing.
My theory is that we adapted the way morocans smoke hash to weed as well for various reasons (smokers would like it best, and it conserves more material are the reasons i feel are the most likely IMO) until it became the norm.