Just so Dab HAppy!
It is completely unacceptable. The law change did nothing except make things cheaper and easier for the black market to thrive since that is all there is here. Dispensaries in DC only cater to medical and I think they are rare.I've heard the laws in D.C. are a little different from other states that have legalized.
In D.C. you can grow your own medicine (not sure if there's a limit on number of plants allowed) and smoke almost anywhere excluding federal grounds. So far, so good right? Now here's the but. You can't sell. You have to give away your buds. You can give up to an ounce to one person.
So you can grow, smoke, but not sell. Would this be acceptable if your state had this exact law? Or would you want full legalization, no if's, ands or buts?
To me, in my humble opinion, it would be very acceptable. What are your thoughts?
The DC law allows possession of up to 2 ounces and trade of up to one ounce so that's great for the personal user, but what about the person who goes in for a bargain trade deal for them and their neighbors/friends? Their now at risk of breaking the law. And what about the person I get from, why should I have to worry he/she may be picked up.
The law sucks to say the least and it leaves me, a professional, a father, a successful contributor to our society with no access to a reliable source and puts me in a legal obstacle course. And I feel that I represent most of the people in this region that are users as I know many Dad's, coworkers and community friends that are in my boat. We deserve better!
Here are excerpts taken from the NORML website below explaining the DC law:
*Initiative 71, which took effect on 2/26/15, permits adults 21 years of age or older to possess up to two ounces of marijuana in one's primary residence without penalty. Transfer without payment (but not sell) up to one ounce of marijuana to another person 21 years of age or older is also permitted.
*Initiative 71, which took effect on 2/26/15, permits adults 21 years of age or older to cultivate no more than six plants (with three or fewer mature at any one time) in one's primary residence without penalty. Provided that all persons residing within a single house or single rental unit may not grow more than twelve cannabis plants, with six or fewer being mature, flowering plants.