Good for Pennsylvania! Looks like it won't be available in flower form, but it's better than nothing. At least chronic pain is a qualifying condition. Here in MN they decided not to add chronic pain to the list of qualifying conditions.

It's also prohibitively expensive here.
Hopefully PA gets it right...
I just don't get the push to not allow Medical flowers, just conc. Take the world's finest herbage and deconstruct/reconstruct/ whatever to it.
And a report I saw stated that no flowers (which are cheap to raise), means the cost is 4X or 5X for the same effective amount
@Derrrpp I'm in MN too, and attended all the public info mtgs and there is still great bias/apprehension/ move to go forward as slow as possible until there are years more of research etc from within the State Health Dept that I have a hidden fear that I'll share:
MN Law is for "INTRACTABLE PAIN" which is much higher standard than for "CHRONIC PAIN".
Intractable talks about there being no known cure or help and you have to have made "reasonable efforts" thru (all?) other med remedies.
Way too much wiggle room to push folks to try the OXYkillers first/ that you haven't tried med remedies until you're tried extreme prescription painkillers.
I hope not, but fear they pushed that language for a reason....
We need legal bud to end this BS of only a few getting their medicine of choice.