..............................................................Here's some Cannabis News: I just got my purple card (medical) for Colorado!
Medical prices are half that of recreational.![]()
I agree. 1 zip of top shelf stuff at recreational prices in Colorado is the same price or slightly more than on the black market in Chicago. For those who don't know, dispensaries haven't opened yet in Chicago and black market prices for bud there are among the highest in the country...............................................................
Congrats on getting to CO, the MJ land of plenty.
I get my bud from CO and it royally piss#s me off that rec is so much higher price than med.
Especially since you just gotta know they're making a big pile of money on their medical herb, so they are raking it in on rec pricing![]()
Congrats on getting to CO, the MJ land of plenty.
I get my bud from CO and it royally piss#s me off that rec is so much higher price than med.
Especially since you just gotta know they're making a big pile of money on their medical herb, so they are raking it in on rec pricing![]()
...................................................I think you've got it wrong on several points. First, prices for medical in medical states are quite low, given what it costs to grow indoor weed. Try it sometime, you'll see what I mean. Second, the difference in price between medical and recreational in recreational states is mostly a matter of the several layers of taxes that recreational gets.
Wholesale medical in CA goes for closer to $100 to $150/oz. I know this because I tried to sell some I grew to the well known dispensary Harborside in Oakland. They do not accept anything but the finest, densest, large chunk bud, mainly indoor. To get the kind of results demanded from dispensary weed, you must use 1000 watt finishing lamps. Too hot? Too humid? Crop is ruined. So maybe you have to use air conditioning and dehumidifiers. Electric energy is not cheap nowadays. What I'm telling you is I went through the entire process, grew a few pounds myself and determined that it is easy to grow cheap weed for yourself, but not easy to make money growing weed. Profit margins are not that great. Several years ago when 1 lb went for $4000 wholesale, the margin was good. Now that it's less than $2000, not so good. You are also thinking of a grower with an ounce and somebody offering him $200. That's the end consumer paying $200, not the retailer. That doesn't account for taxes. Pot is just more expensive to produce, dry and cure, process, keep secure, market, etc than you think. I gave up the idea of growing as a cottage industry because the amount of work was significant and the returns were quite low. I remember when I got the whole cycle figured out and saw what kind of profit could be made I thought "who the hell can make money like this?" The answer is likely bigger and bigger operations. But even they are not minting money as people think. As I said, the price of medical is extremely competitive nowadays and actually quite low....................................................
So med prices are quite low????
I checked the store where I bought: medical is $50 1/4 oz and some at $60 1/4 oz.
If you can't make money at $200 oz for your product, something is wrong LOL
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A blue-ribbon panel says curtailing the illegal marijuana market in California should be the primary goal of legalizing the drug's recreational use in the state, and not developing another tax source.
Unless they've changed it or I'm mistaken the law caps you at a quarter per dispensary not an 8th (I'm sure a dispensary could set a limit if they wanted) so you'd be able to just go from dispensary to dispensary or have someone else go in and buy more. You can legally posses an oz at a time.Going to CO for my bachelor party, is it as easy to get a medical card in CO as it is in Cali?
I don't need to be capped at 1/8! Hoping to get enough in one run to last 3 nights/days.
................................................Unless they've changed it or I'm mistaken the law caps you at a quarter per dispensary not an 8th (I'm sure a dispensary could set a limit if they wanted) so you'd be able to just go from dispensary to dispensary or have someone else go in and buy more. You can legally posses an oz at a time.
.........................................................................Pot Death: Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie
He ate 1 cookie = 60 mg THC: a store-bought cookie w/instructions to divide into 6.