I could be wrong, but I'm pretty certain teen cannabis use trends
down in fully legalized States. It's less cool when your boomer dad buys a vape pen from a store so he can "choom on that loud".
Also, is anyone in Nebraska (or anywhere) trying to legalize juvenile marijuana use? That's what's so obnoxious about the "tHiNk oF thE cHiLDreN" bullshit. If these fucktards gave a shit about THE CHILDREN, they'd push for full legalization with lowish sales taxes. Drug dealers don't card customers. Dispensaries do.
Since we're throwing grown adults in cages for using products kids can't handle, let's do iPhones next. I am certain smartphones have killed more kids than cannabis. Constant connection to social media has caused a spike in teen suicide over the last decade. If you're against iPhone criminalization, you're a literal child murderer.
Edit: Just Googled Gov. Ricketts. A real self made man. His daddy, Joe, is one of the founders of TD Ameritrade. It looks like that's who he inherited his brain-worms from.
Regarding his time in Omaha during the 1960s, Joe Ricketts wrote in his 2019 memoir
The Harder You Work, the Luckier You Get (

) about "stockbrokers destroying their lives with dope, alcohol, and sex, which was just another kind of drug":
Our substance of choice was beer. Beer, whatever its drawbacks, is not dope. Marlene generally did not come out for drinks on Friday at the Rookery. She went home and got supper ready for the children. Often, I did not get home in time to eat with them. I might have had twelve beers on a Friday evening. I might have had more. I'm sure there were a few nights that it was only by the grace of God that I didn't have a car accident. But it was only beer and it helped me get rid of all my pent-up stress. I got myself home, and our family and our business could press on together.
Getting blackout drunk and driving is totally cool and moral. But smoking a joint at home is evil and akin to child murder.