you know what's utterly ironic in this whole scenerio?
@C No Ego Keep the name NORML should keep it in conversation, especially educating people Harry Ainslinger, etc. William Randolph Hearst and his yellow journalism (made up lies whole on the spot), his racist underpinnings of the 'black jazz musicians use it' (guess what, so did some of the white musicians!), then smearing Mexicans (the origins of racist marijuana). At least they laid claim to 'we want to LEGALIZE it, not just make it 'accessible'... and in many ways they are right.
Americans for Safe Access... didn't really do much, they were itching so badly to get on Facebook and Twitter, and no amount of people worried about their privacy would dissuade them
There was also the Drug Police Alliance -, and Students for Sensible Drug Policies, I'll have to rebuild my list, it was on the laptop that took a big stinky one.
@ClearBlueLou I WISH they'd use Cannabis and 'varietals' (rather than strains that sound like crazy virii.)
Keeping the old NORML name and explanation of it's roots, while using Cannabis and Varietals should allow for educating how we got here from 1937, with a brief break to support WWII, especially NAVY ships, lots of canvas and hemp rope.
At one point when I was the main MAIN moderator, I put up a letter I'd sent to ALL the medical cannabis and legalization folks and pled with them to form a collaborating council to oversee all study methodolgies.
Some great ideas, but not ONE OF THESE organizations ever said a word, just crickets, and folks paranoid about working smarter, not harder

. I had James Anthony take a look at it, and he was HELL YEAH!, so I sent it out a couple times weeks apart. more crickets. So much more could be accomplished with staff and volunteers from the various operations collaborating and assembling some good reports, and disputing things like the California Police Chief's association publications on pot going back a number of years.
Seemed no one had the stomach for a fight... argh!
ASA didn't bring in enough money to wage much in the way of legal battles...
They held their meetings simultaneously with NORML in my areas, they didn't grab dues or anything for either group in a regular fashion.
I have no idea what they do in these meetings of late, I can't get out to attend in any case. It's not like there's a lack of territory to work on these Prop64 laws. But ya gotta start somewhere.
Let's fight these idiotic bastards who're forcing cancer patients to eat 7x the amount of sugar they should be

I can make a 500mg to 750mg dose, You'll need around 50G, put water on a double boiler and add the amount of concentrate to break down and liquify in the oil in the top of the double boiler.
, mix the concentrate in a good oil, Peanut if you can tolerate it.
I've used sunflower oil too.
Then you can use a single or double beater hand mixer to blend the oil as thoroughly as possible
then pour it the pan with the oven pre-heated and calibrate, once it's dead on, throw the brownies in and start timers to watch it, after it's cooled quite a bit, you'll have to cut slow and carefully... you don't want to be impatient, let things cool off and firm up your slices will be straighter then.