shit like this isnt going to allow us to get cannabis like US
The fact that this is the only sort of news that our government let our papers report on. It has to be bad to keep up the public brainwashing.. .
No good cannabis news is ever reported, and breakthroughs linked to cannabis are quickly swept under the carpet....
I hate our biased controlled news...
Especially the BBC who just report outright, blatant lies.. such as staying that cannabis is proven to be deadly... what the fuck...
These lies should be illegal...
Even school children are educated that cannabis is a cancer causing drug...
Then at the bottom of the page, in tiny writing, it states that they mean cannabis mixed with tobacco and smoked...
I'm sick of this fucking country, we are the laughing stock of the work...
And a bunch of spineless cowards, that can't stand up for itself for fear of being labled...
I would execute Blair and Bush for war crimes..
And Cameron would just get a bloody good hiding... for making the rich richer and the poor poorer....
Morning Xmas rant over... merry Xmas UK fcers....
Hope you all have a nice big nug set aside for today....