Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


Fuck Vaporizer Combustion
Wikipedia says it's easy to machine.

Here’s Corning’s data sheet on it (see “Properties” section for specifics):

Looks like its thermal conductivity is similar to that of borosilicate, so it could be similar in heat performance but have the bonus of being machinable? I wonder how fragile it is.

Glass ceramics are so neat. Corning Visions cookware is one of my favorite examples.


Wikipedia says it's easy to machine.

Are there any other products using this in the vapor path?

I'll order some tomorrow

I know of no vaporizers currently using this material but I have researched materials throughly for vaporizer design and IMO it is the most promising thing I have seen not being utilized yet in the industry.

Machinable to tight tolerances, thermal conductivity similar to Quartz, stable to well over 800C, no post firing like some technical ceramics, can be threaded, etc. Corning claims it's suitable for medical and lab grade purposes.


I know of no vaporizers currently using this material but I have researched materials throughly for vaporizer design and IMO it is the most promising thing I have seen not being utilized yet in the industry.

Machinable to tight tolerances, thermal conductivity similar to Quartz, stable to well over 800C, no post firing like some technical ceramics, can be threaded, etc. Corning claims it's suitable for medical and lab grade purposes.



Active Member
I really appreciate the response here. It sounds like MACOR looks promising. i really like the basic concept of what New Vape has done creating a durable product that is easily cleaned. I also like the carrying/storaage case.

$600 is a major purchase for me(I'm on a limited income), so i may not jump right away. i own a Vapolution 3 and like the glass vapor path, but I can see the NewVape line has real advantages.

I've not yet been impressed with the consistent tolerances associated with hand blown glass. I suppose i'm not a blown away yet. I've searched high and low for a USA glass blower to discuss tolerances with. This forum has produced a china supplier that we are currently working with. I'm far from thrilled about the quality of the bowl as it currently is. Please remember that we are a machine shop first. I'm proud that we can currently say the entire vapor path is made with certified grade 2 titanium melted and machined in the USA. I'm also committed to make the flowerpot the best vaporizer on the market regardless of materials. If you have any ideas I'd love to hear about them. I've also never actually seen or personally spoken with anyone associated with machinable quartz. I've researched that and actually purchased some sample material. I hope this answers your question.


Are there any other products using this in the vapor path?
Not that I have found in studies, but I have found Macor used as a preferred dabbing surface.
Interested and excited to see what you find.
I wonder how fragile it is.
It has cracked for me as inserts for a dabbing surface, over time.
That being said, it may react much differently as a vapor path/bowl.


Well-Known Member
Well I joined in on the FlowerPot fun a couple weeks ago now, started with a used D-Nail WA head from the classifieds here, got SiC and Quartz dishes, love them both and was blown away by the twaxing experience! Needless to say trying the WA head had me really interested in all things FP so I ordered a Showerhead+Cap to go for the ultimate flower experience.

I was conflicted for sure, as I wanted to go with the V-Rod but I dont know if my coils will be big enough, and havent been able to accurately measure them yet. Does anyone know if High5 20mm coils are adequate for heating a V-Rod head?

Regardless Im pleased with my purchases, and am definitely going to be back for more! The worksmanship and quality of the machining is all very top notch. Glad I discovered this forum, and then NewVape as a result! Thanks to the @NewVape710 team for everything you do, cant wait for my new showerhead to get here and get testing with it! :science:


Well-Known Member
So after having the VROD for a few weeks...I gotta ask...

Is it just me or does the VROD with SIC Dish seem to 'smolder' (I know that's not the correct term so feel free to correct) concentrates MUCH more than the SH did? With SH at 710, I could finish a dab and it would stop smoking relatively quick. With the VROD, even at temps like 750, it just continues to smoke forever, even to the point of pooling in the dish... and these are normal rice-sized dabs.

One thing I noticed last night as I was closing up shop for the night, the controller shows the temp to drop about 10-15 degrees on every single hit. I then remembered about 'learning' the nail with the mass it is heating up.

I plan on doing the 'leaning the enail' tonight to see if that is perhaps the reason I'm getting these weird outcomes from the VROD. Flower wise, I don't really notice much difference, both the SH and VROD handles the dry herb flawlessly. BUT, with concentrates, I'm honestly liking the SH better so far. Which is a bummer considering I upgraded to the VROD primarily to step up the concentrate game...I just feel like it's isn't vaporizing the concentrates in the dish very efficiently.

ANY help is greatly appreciated!

P.S. I feel like it has to be something I am doing wrong lol
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Is it just me or does the VROD with SIC Dish seem to 'smolder' (I know that's not the correct term so feel free to correct) concentrates MUCH more than the SH did? With SH at 710, I could finish a dab and it would stop smoking relatively quick. With the VROD, even at temps like 750, it just continues to smoke forever, even to the point of pooling in the dish... and these are normal rice-sized dabs.

Check that your retaining nut is fastened securely, I found when I would tighten by hand cold it would loosen up at temperature, I let it heat up and give it a quarter to half turn with a set of pliers to seat the dish well.

I don't notice that at all with my sic halo, but I dry swab with one end of the q tip then dip the other into a shot glass of distilled water for a wet swab, just a drop to moisten the cotton, not soaking wet.

You say it's pooling, but are you sure those aren't just the residual plant lipids in your concentrate? I find the sic halos smooth surface tends to make it look like there is a lot of oil in the dish, but when I swab it clean, the amount of residue is very minimal, even at the temps I use (555-625 or so)


Well-Known Member
Check that your retaining nut is fastened securely, I found when I would tighten by hand cold it would loosen up at temperature, I let it heat up and give it a quarter to half turn with a set of pliers to seat the dish well.

I don't notice that at all with my sic halo, but I dry swab with one end of the q tip then dip the other into a shot glass of distilled water for a wet swab, just a drop to moisten the cotton, not soaking wet.

You say it's pooling, but are you sure those aren't just the residual plant lipids in your concentrate? I find the sic halos smooth surface tends to make it look like there is a lot of oil in the dish, but when I swab it clean, the amount of residue is very minimal, even at the temps I use (555-625 or so)

I'll definitely tighten up the nut after it heats up tonight. Sounds very reasonable for this to be a contributing problem.

It is definitely pooling. I can pick the head up, a few minutes after taking the dab, and turn it sideways (making the dish perpendicular to the ground) and the concentrate will create a larger pool on the lower end. If I turn it around, the pool will run to the opposite side of the dish.

If the concentrate is the reason...why would I only have this problem with SIC dish and not the SH?



Honestly not sure, definitely check the nut, I had to use needle nose pliers to get in there.
I think the SH dish actually has more surface area which could help oil vaporize but the sic dish is still pretty big. Definitely spin the carb cap while dabbing if you aren't, it works more like a bubble cap and delivers a direct blast of air, but does need the carb cap to spin to get the best performance.


Well-Known Member
Honestly not sure, definitely check the nut, I had to use needle nose pliers to get in there.
I think the SH dish actually has more surface area which could help oil vaporize but the sic dish is still pretty big. Definitely spin the carb cap while dabbing if you aren't, it works more like a bubble cap and delivers a direct blast of air, but does need the carb cap to spin to get the best performance.
Thanks bud! I'll give it a shot and let ya know back.

Edit: Looks like the tightening of the nut while hot has drastically made a difference in the pooling issue. Thanks @invertedisdead appreciate the quick help
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Well-Known Member
Hey all! I've probably spent most of yesterday and today combing over this thread and others like it for info on this super interesting piece. Thanks so much to everyone for helping lurkers like me get the info they're looking for. I ended up ordering the HUGE showerhead bundle/kit with a glass bowl last night and I can't tell you how excited I am.

This is going to be a long post so please humor me! I'm just going to explain what brought me here, which might help you folks determine if the flowerpot was the right decision for me :)

I've been searching for a replacement for my daily bong. I've been a daily toker (fairly heavy user) for just under 10 years and for most of that time I've been spoiled by some pretty great bongs. I just love that feeling after taking a huge bong rip. Not much else compares. (I live in an illegal state so I've never had the luxury of dabs or anything like that). I understand, though, that some of that feeling could be coming from a lot of the nasty stuff that comes with smoking and I'm just associating it with being high.

I wanted to dip my toe into vaping a few years back and purchased a Firefly 2. It did the trick for what I needed, but I wouldn't recommend it to too many people. It sits collecting dust nowadays, unless I pack it before heading to the movies or something. I then bought a Lotus vaporizer bowl attachment and tried it out with my bong. I really loved the concept of it but I HATED using the butane as the torch I had sucked and messing with fuel really made me dislike the whole vibe of getting 'medicated' that way.

So, I've been a pretty heavy daily bong user. I can feel the toll it's taking on my body even though I'm a fairly healthy guy. i need to hock loogies and after smoking it's dark and it grosses me out, as it should. I don't see smoking as good idea in the long-term even though I love it. So, I began the search for a new vape.

I immediately started looking at the Volcano as it seemed to be pretty revered throughout 10 years of toking. I've never had the opportunity to try one, but I love how easy it seems to use. The noise of the bags I'm 50/50 on, the cost of the bags I'd like to do without. I was THIS close to buying the whole volcano shebang on Saturday night, but I decided to sleep on it. Like I said, I spent most of Sunday researching and the flowerpot just kept coming up. I liked the concept of easy vaping with bags...but I just couldn't help but feel like I'd miss using glass. I was already looking into the magma/obsidian attachments for that water-vibe.

I was a bit intimidated by the flowerpot set-up at first. I watched the demonstration video with a whole hard-shell case of gear and was like 'oh my god.' But the more I really thought about it I realized how simple it is. I'm still a bit anxious about it, but I'm more excited about how awesome it could be.

So, was the flowerpot a good route to go for a heavy bong-user/person with my vape experience? My main motivation was keeping my health in mind. I'm just looking for a similar smoking experience as I get now, just vaping instead with an awesome futuristic rod to heat up my bong bowl.

And I know it's always 'the grass is always greener' with any type of smoking piece investment, but I have a really good feeling about the flowerpot. Thanks for your time!
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Well-Known Member
I ended up ordering the HUGE showerhead bundle/kit with a glass bowl last night and I can't tell you how excited I am.


I came to vaping from 30 years of bowls, bongs, and one-hitters... The Flowerpot is the closest thing you can get to a "regular" bong hit in my experience.

Just remember, some of the effects of a combustion hit are your body reacting to a lungful of smoke -- endorphins and adrenaline are released as a biological panic response. Many people believe those effects are part of the cannabis high, and think vaping isn't working as well as smoking. (Corroboration: edibles don't produce such effects.) So it may take some acclimation before a vape hit is as satisfying as a combustion hit...


Hey all! I've probably spent most of yesterday and today combing over this thread and others like it for info on this super interesting piece. Thanks so much to everyone for helping lurkers like me get the info they're looking for. I ended up ordering the HUGE showerhead bundle/kit with a glass bowl last night and I can't tell you how excited I am.

This is going to be a long post so please humor me! I'm just going to explain what brought me here, which might help you folks determine if the flowerpot was the right decision for me :)

I've been searching for a replacement for my daily bong. I've been a daily toker (fairly heavy user) for just under 10 years and for most of that time I've been spoiled by some pretty great bongs. I just love that feeling after taking a huge bong rip. Not much else compares. (I live in an illegal state so I've never had the luxury of dabs or anything like that). I understand, though, that some of that feeling could be coming from a lot of the nasty stuff that comes with smoking and I'm just associating it with being high.

I wanted to dip my toe into vaping a few years back and purchased a Firefly 2. It did the trick for what I needed, but I wouldn't recommend it to too many people. It sits collecting dust nowadays, unless I pack it before heading to the movies or something. I then bought a Lotus vaporizer bowl attachment and tried it out with my bong. I really loved the concept of it but I HATED using the butane as the torch I had sucked and messing with fuel really made me dislike the whole vibe of getting 'medicated' that way.

So, I've been a pretty heavy daily bong user. I can feel the toll it's taking on my body even though I'm a fairly healthy guy. i need to hock loogies and after smoking it's dark and it grosses me out, as it should. I don't see smoking as good idea in the long-term even though I love it. So, I began the search for a new vape.

I immediately started looking at the Volcano as it seemed to be pretty revered throughout 10 years of toking. I've never had the opportunity to try one, but I love how easy it seems to use. The noise of the bags I'm 50/50 on, the cost of the bags I'd like to do without. I was THIS close to buying the whole volcano shebang on Saturday night, but I decided to sleep on it. Like I said, I spent most of Sunday researching and the flowerpot just kept coming up. I liked the concept of easy vaping with bags...but I just couldn't help but feel like I'd miss using glass. I was already looking into the magma/obsidian attachments for that water-vibe.

I was a bit intimidated by the flowerpot set-up at first. I watched the demonstration video with a whole hard-shell case of gear and was like 'oh my god.' But the more I really thought about it I realized how simple it is. I'm still a bit anxious about it, but I'm more excited about how awesome it could be.

So, was the flowerpot a good route to go for a heavy bong-user/person with my vape experience? My main motivation was keeping my health in mind. I'm just looking for a similar smoking experience as I get now, just vaping instead with an awesome futuristic rod to heat up my bong bowl.

And I know it's always 'the grass is always greener' with any type of smoking piece investment, but I have a really good feeling about the flowerpot. Thanks for your time!

You're gonna love how much cleaner your bong is.


Well-Known Member

I came to vaping from 30 years of bowls, bongs, and one-hitters... The Flowerpot is the closest thing you can get to a "regular" bong hit in my experience.

Just remember, some of the effects of a combustion hit are your body reacting to a lungful of smoke -- endorphins and adrenaline are released as a biological panic response. Many people believe those effects are part of the cannabis high, and think vaping isn't working as well as smoking. (Corroboration: edibles don't produce such effects.) So it may take some acclimation before a vape hit is as satisfying as a combustion hit...
Ah I actually like the way thats explained, makes sence
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