One thing to consider here- the Showerhead has established a very firm reputation for significantly improvimg and enhancing the experience, effests, enjoyment, and pafticularly satisfaction from vaporizing flowers.
You will see in the thread the number of members who have been delightfully surprised by how they have gone from majority or total concentrates, to almost exclusively flower since getting the Showerhead.
It is said by many that the SH vapes flowers and extracts so well it is like concentrates.
And others are adamant that they actually prefer the full bodied flower hits in the SH to rosin pressed from the same herb, in virtually any setup.
So in relation to your own needs at bedtime for instance, you may find that flower is working better for you.
And you can still dab with the SH of course. I never tried the Wraparound, it looks and sounds excellent for what it offers. And I have never dabbed either.
But I do know that the Showerhead is a very special device and you surely could not be disapointed, I would want to predict delighted. But certainly a new experience of vaping and the plant itself, I can vouch for that.
Sorry, I shouldn't try to influence. Just a little perspective.
Oh yes, there are options for PID controllers outside the kit. Bit not from the UK that I am aware of. You can order the Newvape approved UK model from dhgate, for $120 shipped (may or may not be customs on top, a fair chance of avoiding them).
Or there is the Auber controllers direct from them. Would be a bit more than the China option after you add a coil. Just see what your options are. Work it out,
-What is cheapest overall?
-What is practical?
Good luck making your choice and being fully happy with it. Sorry I'm too stoned to be of any more help right now!