Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


I think I'm going to take a dab... anyone with me?

HAHA Need one to put next to me shiny GED :lol:

Here is something off topic i have been wondering.

When in a group setting using mainly the FP, whats the Flowerpot etiquette on packing the bowl. Do you pack one hitters for each to rip so they can experience the FP? or do you pack a huge bowl and just pass it around until someone tells you there is no more?

One hitters only in my circle! Everyone gets a terp hit.
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Well-Known Member
I take it back, reposting my original post because, in retrospect it still seems to be polite, constructive, fair, and accurate. And for this I get a lot of guff? Nah.
Hi guys - so, I used my Pan Head last night.

Now, this is important (well, at least to me haha). I have only used the Pan Head for three each, approx .15 gr loads, so this not a mature opinion and is really only very first impressions, which I find are very often wrong with the passing of time.

Also, I recently retired from a lifetime of being a project/program manager of technical projects. I have sat on proposal evaluation boards, proposal prep teams, design reviews, test reviews teams, did flight test planning and conduction for a while, etc, etc, etc. What I'm saying is that by profession I'm trained to be critical. Not critical as in putting someone down, but critical as in looking at all of the details, large and small. In my professional world, we didn't huzzah for things that met the spec....the damn thing was supposed to meet the spec, our interest was in ferreting out discrepancies. I'm just saying this because I do tend to highlight the negative and not accentuate the positive but I also don't want anyone to think that any individual criticism constitutes an overall impression of the device. That and I must come off as very negative because I'm the only one to whom Edwyn feels he needs to tell that unused items are returnable! HAHAHAHA

Alright, a lot of preface now on to my impressions:

Nothing stuck into the glass at all during any of these three sessions. No sticking whatsoever. That was the intent and the goal was accomplished as far as I can tell

First load was with the 14 mm stem in a stevenlmz70, FC-188, Mobius Ion knockoff (14 mm dewar type joint in the middle of the top of the can with a sidecar MP). I used a drop down that I recently got and posted about some pages back. I got them off of Amazon and the quality is total shit. Also, although I do like my FC-188, I'm not sure how accurately the joint was made as I do have some adapters that are a bit loose in there (or the adapters are crap...either way). Further, I don't think the FC-188 type joint is good for the Pan Head as I think the stem will drop down too far (below the level of the can) before engaging the joint.

I mention all of this because when I ran my first load at my normal, capped, 620-625 F, the vapor was very respectable but definitely thinner, more watered down, than with my OG SH.

IMO, this 'thinner' vapor comes from a number of source; 1) small bit of 'air leakage'...contributed by the FC-188, the shitty drop down, AND the gap between the outside wall of the stem and the inside wall of the bowl (there is one, certainly). Now, the bottom of the bowl does indeed sit flat on the top of the joint, but not all joints are perfectly flat, I don't think that would be air tight even if the joint was perfect, and I do think a bit of air was getting in there from that source and; 2) the bowl is 2.5 mm deeper than my OG SH which I think was a contributor to the change in vapor.

I switched from the FC-188 to my C2, 65 mm stemless can with an 18 mm joint and fuck the drop down. I put the Pan Head right on the joint as I had no sticking before....meaning no expansion, so I took the chance. No problem with that, it turns out.

I also bumped my temp up to 645 F from 620 F to to compensate for the deeper bowl.

Much, much better. Very satisfactory. Still not sure its quite as thick as my OG at same temp, but I think this is bowl depth again...but very respectable performance and NO STICKING!! :-)

Ran two loads this way while drinking a Tito's Martini and at that point it was bed time. HA

I think, with the Pan Head, I will try to bump my temp up yet a bit again and see what that does.

But I'm also thinking about asking @NewVape710 (Edwyn) if he would, as a custom job, either mill the bowl on my current Pan Head back down to the SH OG depth or perhaps just ask if he would make me another with the shallower bowl.

Guys, I'm a lightweight compared to many. But even when I do consume more than normal, I do like that around .15 g bowl and just do multiple sessions if I want more. I understand that the bowl as made deeper (like the OG FP) by popular demand and I concede that my desires may not be the majority (and who the F can satisfy everybody..yeah?). But it would seem to be a very easy customization to just mill the top of the bowl down a bit and put the bevel back on. I'm going to think about it.

So, I'm still very happy with my OG SH and now my Pan Head but there is more to explore.


Well-Known Member
Full too close to full bowls since it rips so fast and I'm sick of people not liking vapes so i want to get them wrecked and not give them a shitty last hit that dosent taste as good as it could. I'd really want a massive party bowl though Since unloading from a hot bowl with a pick into a plasti c bag takes time.


Full too close to full bowls since it rips so fast and I'm sick of people not liking vapes so i want to get them wrecked and not give them a shitty last hit that dosent taste as good as it could. I'd really want a massive party bowl though Since unloading from a hot bowl with a pick into a plasti c bag takes time.

Someone just hit the FP. Respek :rockon:
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Staff member
I'd like to remind everyone that we have a rule:
  • All members must be treated in a respectful and adult manner. All members should respect and adhere to the promotion of harmony within the community. Do not attempt to disrupt the community in any way.
  • No flaming. Do not post any content that harasses, insults, belittles, threatens or flames another member. Please be nice to newbies.

Some of the recent comments are bordering (if not crossing) some of the above rules, so I urge everyone to keep these rules in mind as we continue these discussions. I have a pocket full of warning points and I'm not afraid to use 'em. :goon:



Active Member
Tried out the new bowl for the 1st time . I couldn’t clear the 1st hit for some reason so I took another video. Up the quality of the video if you can . Happy Friday Everyone .

Almost seems you dialed the bowls handle to anchor it on the glass and found a balance with the coil handle.

Chicken #420

I and I be Irie Vaping with U and U in Zion, mon!
I'm leaving this thread, probably for good, as I do not enjoy the company of bullies, nor liers. This has become too ugly, and I have no desire to add to the ugliness... so I'm hoping nobody pulls me back into this discussion. I'd just like to leave at this point.

So long, folks. Enjoy your FlowerPots... they really are the pinnacle right now. :)
@NewVape710 I am interested in your products but find living in Asia I am geoblocked from your website. Anything we can do here? Im not really sure of the purpose as a VPN and a forwarding company ensure everything is global. However, I would prefer to deal with you directly if that can be made possible. Cheers


Well-Known Member
What a shame. Logged in this morning to catch up on this thread and all I see is a lot of grief. I come here for my pleasure and for an open discussion. I have never been involved in a thread with so much enthusiasm and genuine interest in collaborating with the manufacture to make a great product even greater. So disappointing that it all has to blow up because a few members finally have a few critical comments. We should be able to have critical discussions without things getting nasty.


Just a dude
^agree^ I had the same feeling this morning. This thread is one of the first I go to because this was my next big thing. I really couldn't believe what I was reading, I've never seen anything like that on FC before.

@steama is perhaps the most vocal champion of NV on FC in other threads, and seems to get everything NV-related when it drops; you'd be hard-pressed to find a bigger fan/unofficial salesman of NVFP. @Baron23 is respected for his knowledge, RW experiences, and IME is a level-headed, see-both-sides, kinda dude; opposite of trouble/drama maker. He's stated he liked Edwyn and the precision of NVFP & liked NV as a US manufacturer. In fact, he just offered to pay extra to have more work done to his satisfaction, he wasn't screaming for a refund. No one was.

I don't think we need an apology from Edwyn, he seems fairly entrenched in his position. Perhaps this is insight into how he truly feels about his customers. Just a shame, and pretty fucking stunning, his reaction to theirbecause I didn't see anything different than usual going on around here. It is what we do here, yeah? Talk about our favourite and newest acquisitions.

I have to say this about Edwyn's first life principle: 1) "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all" - while very useful in interpersonal relationships, maybe not so helpful in corporate product development on a public forum where you have encouraged and solicited customer opinions and input on the products that are constantly being churned out. Especially considering the overall (& ongoing) financial commitment required. When FC members buy something & use it, they should absolutely feel free to talk about that experience in that product's thread on FC. Without being attacked by the manufacturer.

Maybe if Edwyn had considered his #1 life principle before posting his initial reaction and subsequent nasty posts, all of this bullshit could have been averted. Observing #2 would have helped you as well. No one dragged you through the mud, you did that for you

Crazy to wake up to such a different atmosphere here. Think I'll go elsewhere now, this has totally affected my NVAS. If I already had the SH, I'd be using it happily but maybe this ordeal has saved me $500-1000?! Not a knee-jerk reaction, not doubting the NVFP's ability, it's just I care about where I spend money? :peace:


Seeking Higher Ground
Sorry but I do feel that I'm entitled to speak up if I see miss truths being spread about my products. My offer stands to refund any customer's money that's not completely happy with my products. I'm fine with criticism that has real validity like sticking bowls, hot parts that burn skin, enail overshooting, blowback, bowls not deep enough, the list goes on. It's the spreading of miss truths where I draw the line. If the flowerpot wasn't any good we wouldn't be having this discussion.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry but I do feel that I'm entitled to speak up if I see miss truths being spread about my products. My offer stands to refund any customer's money that's not completely happy with my products. I'm fine with criticism that has real validity like sticking bowls, hot parts that burn skin, enail overshooting, bowls not deep enough, the list goes on. It's the spreading of miss truths where I draw the line. If the flowerpot wasn't any good we wouldn't be having this discussion.
If the perception of multiple customers is similar, whether they are correct in what is taking place or not, has some validity. I understand it is frustrating but this forum has done nothing but help further your product from everything I've seen and read. These aren't random people that purchased the product and then went to a review site and started slamming you. This is all my opinion, and you are entitled to yours as well...I just do not think the outburst was justified, especially some of the more direct ones.

Why say that about the FP not being any good? Who made that claim? I think this forum is an obvious indicator of how well the product is liked. Even throughout this situation and people getting disgruntled with you, are still praising the FP.

This was the best thread I'd seen\been apart of on FC. The involvement of everyone, was unbelievable. While the FP is incredible on its own... Don't let this destroy everything else. :2c:


Seeking Higher Ground
If the perception of multiple customers is similar, whether they are correct in what is taking place or not, has some validity. I understand it is frustrating but this forum has done nothing but help further your product from everything I've seen and read. These aren't random people that purchased the product and then went to a review site and started slamming you. This is all my opinion, and you are entitled to yours as well...I just do not think the outburst was justified, especially some of the more direct ones.

Why say that about the FP not being any good? Who made that claim? I think this forum is an obvious indicator of how well the product is liked. Even throughout this situation and people getting disgruntled with you, are still praising the FP.

This was the best thread I'd seen\been apart of on FC. The involvement of everyone, was unbelievable. While the FP is incredible on its own... Don't let this destroy everything else. :2c:

I do agree if multiple people report similar issues will create validity. That's not what happened here. This video is with the new bowl in question. Do you see anything wrong here?



What happen to the common courtesy of simply returning any unwanted items and privately emailing complaints or suggestions.

This is an open forum, I've been a member for a long time and this things happen in forums my friend. If someone find out that maybe there is an issue with one of your items, it's much better for you and us if it's made public for 2 main reasons:

1.- Every single owner of it is gonna be able to test if that is true or not and we will find quicker and easier if there is a problem.

2.- Everyone is informed in any of both cases.

Don' take it personal, I don't think anyone is trying to attack you or your company. This product seems to be an amazing one and I'm sure that loads of us are already thinking about buying it. In my case after having 2 vapexhale I never thought I would need another plug-in at home but your product looks so amazing that VAS is starting to be strong, specially because I have been wanting to buy an e-nail for some time and this seems to be the best for both worls: oils and flowers.

Some members can be harsher, other more polite but don't worry the moderators in this forum are amazing and will take care that no one atack you or your company.

Leaks or no, we will find out whats going on and will be the best for both as i said :)

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Well-Known Member
I was going to post this last night after my findings... Again, the claim was slightly more whispy vapor that was a noticeable difference even though it was a fairly insignificant different. This is in comparison to previous bowls.

I'm using a 18mm rig with 14/18mm reduce with two 14mm to 14mm dropdowns. I'm using drop downs because most of the time I use smaller rigs and don't want the heat near my face. I also prefer using one just to keep things cleaner so I use degummed hemp wick in it. To each their own, but one most of my rigs I need/prefer to use a dropdown.

To preface my findings. I did a lot to try and remove user errors. Sure, when I initially installed the adjustabowl I wasn't watching the video side by side and may have not had as great of a seal at first. One of the first things I did though after that was re-watching the video on how to install it.

As I mentioned in previous posts, I wanted to investigate so I've done even more testing than I've posted below and on my initial write up last night had more info. Because of this it ended up being more of a summary of my findings.

First 14mm dropdown it doesn't sit right on top of the joint which creates a noticeable air gap. This can be compensated for by adjusting the adjustabowl to allow it to sit properly but didn't change the vapor. Without hemp wick installed in the gap and even applying a little pressure to allow for a better seal the vapor was still lighter than using previous bowls.

Second 14mm dropdown same issue but sits properly on the end of the joint. Again, even with pressure it still has slightly more whispy vapor without the hempwick installed into the gap.

Here's where things change though. Directly on my 14mm/18mm adapter it seals tight. No perceivable loss in vapor production. Absolutely no need for orings/hemp wick or any other solution.

EDITING for clarification.

Also, still a bit upset by this whole situation. Everyone's only human. Just hope we can move forward.
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hotboxing the cockpit
Here's where things change though. Directly on my 14mm/18mm adapter it seals tight. No perceivable loss in vapor production. Absolutely no need for orings/hemp wick or any other solution.


So this is a good thing lol!

I don't see a need for dropdowns, especially with the new bowls designed to not fuck up your glass?

Dropdowns and adapters fucked up the milkiness that I would see in my tubes.

How are some people getting leaks and others aren't?

Are people using this thing right? Why is everyone so fucking pissed?

You must not be using it right if you're getting that upset...
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