Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


hotboxing the cockpit
It's gonna stick simply due to the weight and expansion during heat. I don't think the female body one will stick?

Idk. If the ptfe thing works let me know. I tried beeswax before and am gonna try again because I get blowback on my FC-UFO and man is that annoying. Hard to sometimes pull the head off and put it back on the holder AND pull the bowl off the clear my piece after taking a huge hit

I drop my herbs in the bowl with my scoop and then kinda level it out, I don't tamp it, I just make sure it's evenly spread across the screen
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hotboxing the cockpit
I can usually get it off within a minute (before I exhale,to avoid blowback) if I use the handle and wiggle it in the correct way.

Sometime I get way too baked and forget the head on(usually after a dab) ... the body gets hot as fuck and then it's stuck for like 3nin.

I'm never sitting there pissed off, wishing I could dump my bowl when I can't though


I have already run into the FP sticking to my joint and have ordered one of these Seems like the perfect fix for that issue.

I think it's sticking because it is designed to seal differently than a ground glass joint. In my video it stuck in my joint because I was trying to do the old bong trick where you rotate the bowl while pulling it out. This bowl seems to come right out if you just pull it out straight.


Well-Known Member
It's gonna stick simply due to the weight and expansion during heat. I don't think the female body one will stick?

Idk. If the ptfe thing works let me know. I tried beeswax before and am gonna try again because I get blowback on my FC-UFO and man is that annoying. Hard to sometimes pull the head off and put it back on the holder AND pull the bowl off the clear my piece after taking a huge hit

I drop my herbs in the bowl with my scoop and then kinda level it out, I don't tamp it, I just make sure it's evenly spread across the screen

same thing happens with my grasshopper pfe mouthpiece... this also expands due to heat and sticks in the female joint...
one other solution could be if you have a 18mm bubbler, bong, to buy a 14mm male fp bowl and use an 14mm to 18mm glass adapter so if the 14mm male bowl sticks due to thermal expansion in the 14mm to 18mm adapter you can pull the 14 to18mm adapter from your bubbler or other glass rig...

this is the adapter:
which you could use with thisFlowerPot 14mm Male Body with Handle (3038) in your 18mm glass rig:
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20 going on 60
same thing happens with my grasshopper pfe mouthpiece... this also expands due to heat and sticks in the female joint...
one other solution could be if you have a 18mm bubbler, bong, to buy a 14mm male fp bowl and use an 14mm to 18mm glass adapter so if the 14mm male bowl sticks due to thermal expansion in the 14mm to 18mm adapter you can pull the 14 to18mm adapter from your bubbler or other glass rig...

this is the adapter:
which you could use with thisFlowerPot 14mm Male Body with Handle (3038) in your 18mm glass rig:

I was just wondering if that was the way to go.

I've just received the glass piece for my FPSH setup. It has an 18mm GonG but I do have 18-14mm adapters.

Would I be better off getting the 14mm male FP bowl and use the glass adapter?

Is there any advantage to the 18mm bowl over the 14mm one?

P.S. the ash catcher on my glass piece arrived smashed, email sent to supplier, I'm not that bothered but was thinking of using it with a J-Hook some time in the future.


Be sure to get a cap for the showerhead. I have no idea how people use it without. I got zero vapor when I did that.

I think I know what you mean. At lower temps it acts like it has too much airflow. This morning I'm at 660, if I use the showercap to milk my hit, I can actually clear the pipe just from removing the carb cap, still leaving the showerhead on. So it's not making much vapor at that temp without the carb cap.

I think what's actually happening is the carb cap is creating a restrictive convective environment which results in increased realtime temperature at the bowl, regardless of what the PID coil temp says. So 660 + a carb cap is really more like 700 without.

That said, I do seem to be getting better flavors using a lower temp + carb cap than higher temp without.

But this is only day 3 so, MORE TESTING REQUIRED :science:

This thing gives me those sleepy feet hits though. @Danksta I'm curious to hear what you think of the effects after you get some flower to try in this thing, since we both seem to be coming back around from a long run of concentrate use.

I definitely have not even considered touching any of my other vaporizers though.


Well-Known Member
Are most people using the NewVape Fine Grinder? Looks like I need to upgrade my grinder. I just took a razor blade to my moonrocks to get them finer. Seems to help.

@invertedisdead I got higher last night from the moonrocks than I did from a night of dabbing. Granted there is oil in those rocks. It was a very early night for me.

Are you leaving the showercap on between pulls? I've noticed you can get milkier hits as the load goes if you keep it on. Taste probably suffers though. I try to remove the showercap when I clear the tube but then put it back on til the bowl is finished.

Double deckers are the shit btw. Forget to mention I messed with those too. I found it best to draw a little bit and then drop the dab. Pretty amazing stuff!
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I just loaded another bowl (I'm a researcher) at 666 :evil: with no carb cap. If I hit the piece nice and slow I was able to milk it up fat! And then without even removing the showerhead, just by increasing draw speed I could clear the beaker. All just by adjusting draw speed. But it never feels restrictive, it's super organic. Very impressive. Gonna go zone out for a bit now.

@ataxian this is as civilized as it gets.


I just loaded another bowl (I'm a researcher) at 666 :evil: with no carb cap. If I hit the piece nice and slow I was able to milk it up fat! And then without even removing the showerhead, just by increasing draw speed I could clear the beaker. All just by adjusting draw speed. But it never feels restrictive, it's super organic. Very impressive. Gonna go zone out for a bit now.

@ataxian this is as civilized as it gets.

Now start taking the temp down and see where that full fat milk first starts, and you're down where I dwell :D


Thanks for that info @emmdeemo

I posted here the moment I got the email informing me :)

Chicken #420

I and I be Irie Vaping with U and U in Zion, mon!
...This is something i've seen coming up watching reviews, etc. Is it more prone to stick in certain glass joints?

My experience is that the 14mm and 18mm Male FlowerPot bowls seem to stick on glass joints FAR more often than my Female 14/18mm FlowerPot bowl.

The sticking with male bowls is so pronounced that I rarely use my male joint FlowerPot bowls any more, unless the glass geometry demands it or an "intermediary" glass piece is used between the bowl and the pipe... so I can seperate a glass-on-glass joint instead of trying to pull the Titanium bowl out of the glass pipe inlet fitting!
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20 going on 60
From what you are saying @Chicken #420 it seems a male to male GonG adapter and the female FP bowl could be a better solution if one wanted to interface with a female bubbler.

I'm using a bubbler with an 18mm Female GonG and I feel like the 18-M2M adapter would help stop the heat from potentially cracking the glass as well as avoiding the FP bowl from sticking in the joint.

Chicken #420

I and I be Irie Vaping with U and U in Zion, mon!
female does not stick? or just rarely? I'd rather just buy a female bowl when the new design is released than use a jenga-tower of adapters

This depends.

The female bowl will definitely stick, but it is not very frequent, and it "unsticks" quickly as it cools unlike the male bowls which can take their sweet damned time cooling and releasing.

Also, as a side note on this issue, on my original NewVape order for OG Flowerpot, I purchased the old style "handle-less" female bowl (now in the closeout section). I put a silicon ring (from an E-Nano stem) on that female FlowerPot bowl to easily handle it, then I foolishly placed it onto a small sidecar bubbler with a somewhat resin-caked male joint. The resin, of course, melted and fused that bowl onto the pipe stem so solidly that I've pretty much "abandoned it in place" and it's become a permanent part of that pipe. Moral of le storie? Don't do that! :D
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Well-Known Member
I might just grab a bunch of cheap china stems for my bong and screw that joint protector. I only plan on using this with bongs anyway and cheap china bongs are perfect for this setup. It would give me an excuse to mess around with other percs too. No need to risk hurting my good glass.


Well-Known Member
I might just grab a bunch of cheap china stems for my bong and screw that joint protector. I only plan on using this with bongs anyway and cheap china bongs are perfect for this setup. It would give me an excuse to mess around with other percs too. No need to risk hurting my good glass.
I been using a drop down , this way if it does get stuck i just take off the drop down and empty it that way. I don't find it a problem though really as the joint is usully cool in under a minute and i am good to unload/reload.


Well-Known Member
Just got some nice milk without the cap! Drawing slow basically primes the engine to create vapor I've realized. Once it's primed you can pull harder and get good milk with or without the cap. I'm currently enjoying capping for a sec as I start to draw and then take it off for no restriction to fill the tube up more and then finish. Really REALLY having a blast with this thing. Love how it can be used different ways.


hotboxing the cockpit
I'm not so concerned with the glass breaking. I left the head on my body... in the joint of my glass for over an hour the other day at 640... Bad idea and I was totally baked and zoned but no breakage.

I mostly try and take the bowl out to prevent blowback. It's not an issue w my 14mm male joint piece, where I use 14mm female to 18mm female to plug into, I guess the air leaks out along the way, through the adapter or something.
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