It looks like I called it from the start.

Manufacturer/Supplier issues. That's unfortunate. Thanks for getting me the answer.
I highly commend you for now sourcing your insert materials from an American company.

I believe the cost and time is far worth the pain in the beginning. It'll be far better for you and the customers in the long run. We need all the help we can get here, so I'm with you on the USA quality, build and materials.
This would be freakishly expensive to do. Multiple miniature pre-filled sapphire dishes. I wish!
@NewVape710 keep that dabbing area low/recessed too and the airflow to a comfortable minimum. Flowing to much air makes for poor draw quality among other things. Most of us here at FC prefer a restrictive draw.
@grokit the 30mm Ligers are the preferred banger over the 16mm and 20mm sizes in Liger land. This is because they are larger and more efficient. The 20mm is just more recommended for the geen-horns. Trust me.

I'm with you, a larger area for that sweet errl is what's needed.
Keep the same thickness throughout the whole dish. This will keep the thermal properties more stable and reliable. Keep those tolerances tight.

Polishing is important. It helps with longevity, taste, cleaning and heating. Please polish me baby!
When you have the dishes made do not use 90 degree angles on the inside surface areas. This would be where the wall meets the bottom of the dish. This makes for a mess, less efficiency and more cleaning. Use angles so the concentrates move around better and are easier to clean.
Nothing really keeps the dishes from spinning. They really don't move around much. They really don't have to be scrubbed with much force at all. Especially the Sic material. The technique for cleaning is easily picked up within a few minutes. Keeping up with a quick clean in between each dab is the most important step actually.
@Baron23 thank you for reiterating my earlier point to NV about airflow, inlets, complexity and such. It's usually an unneeded headache that's for sure. As for heat transfer issues that was the users mostly messing up not the Ligers problem. Selecting bad coils with bad fitment and such if memory serves me correctly... but anyways back to it.
I have to disagree with you about inserts being a "pitfall" on the Liger or at all. This is not a design error or issue in any way. It is purely the users issue and fault! One the user either neglects to regularly clean their banger and insert or two the user improperly loads (AKA, over loading/filling) the insert like it's a normal nail. The "glued" on insert problems are user caused. The inserts are not a problem and function perfectly when used properly.