So, what the happs daddyoh!? Peal us off some of that idea pot thought. I can dig it. Was your duchess on point and you're now fillin your airbags? Once I'm easy with cabbage I'll have the FP. In the meantime I must remain iceberg. Sahdahhtay my man!Both of mine are arriving at the same time too. Newvape is so fast that they didn't have time to correct my shipping info lol luckily I was only off by 1 number and it still arrived according to the girl friend. Now I must make the day go by faster by working hard. And I still have to get some concentrates after work. But it's wax Wednesday and most shops will have a discount today.
The first thing I did when I got mine was to double-up the screens, I used one brass and one ssThe only thing I'm not so keen on is the supplied brass screen let through a little bit too much dust for my liking. Nothing a double up of screens cant fix, or a little whisp of hemp fibre in the air path.
All right this is my first initial remark. Holy shiznittle bam snip snap! I came come and loaded a small bowl and had a hard time to get it milking with the nv carb cap. I tried again but i used more flower and this time waited a minute or so and got a pretty good hit.
I noticed however I set my temp to 650 but at times it jumped to the 660s. Is that normal? I'm assuming it was because I was carb capping? Also how long do you guys keep your nail on the body before hitting it? i have an auber rdk 300.
Now for the fitting of the coil to the body I noticed that mine too is sort of loose on it but it's not bad at all. I gotta go back and check since i was real excited (still am). There was a small chip in my quartz and some marks on the ti that dont look normal but that doesn't bother me since it's in a spot that you can't see.
The auber rdk 300 is way smaller than I thought and is really light. I really like the looks of it. I'm a little bummed out that they zip tied the coil so tight because it left a small mark on the sleeving. Again it's small but that one kinda hurts the most for some reason.
Please take all this with a grain of salt. I literally just got it.
TLDR: I really dig it, I'm happy with my purchase.
You know one of the best things about NewVape's fine grinder besides that they are one helluva piece of three inch metal. It looks great with the Flower Pot set-up with it's bold engraved logo. Very nice NewVape, very nice. It looks better than any grinder I have. Of course it grinds great as you would expect. The grinding 'feels different' than any of my other grinders. I put some 'stick on the wall stuff' in her and gave it a spin. I could feel it cutting with every twist and it seems like I could go on as long as I wanted. Anyway, besides the feel being 'interesting' the results are absolutely perfect for vaping. An extremely uniformed fine grind exposing maximum trichomes to be vaped. The grind looks cut not torn or ripped. If you are old school a firm toothbrush works great for clearing this two-piece into a small dish. A different, and quality grinder in just about every way.
Because the NewVape Fine Grinder is so different from the crowd I think it has a place in everybody's line up, but especially if you own an FP though. It's like a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup, two great tastes that go great together. Besides, did I say it looks great on my desk?
Definitely on my shopping list. I think it might the only grinder thats ever made it onto my shopping list. Havent seen any that impress me at all (but I also havent properly done the research).
Now for the fitting of the coil to the body I noticed that mine too is sort of loose on it but it's not bad at all.
Check out this one...if I wasn't so cheap it would already be in the cart.Good News , I was able to take a few dabs at 585F with the 20mm setup , D-Nail Sic Halo using Loud Pack Live Resin last night and had great success . Got a new Karl termini Carb cap on the way to try out as i heard they fit the Dnail halos perfect , lollicap works fine though along with the hive ceramic carb cap , i just wanted some nice glass. The only issue i am running into and i believe it is from spreading my coils out is my temp readings on my Enail fluctuate allot , they will sometimes drop without me even taking a hit or touching it and eventually get back to temp , sometimes they stay at the exact temp i set , they do drop around 15-40 degrees tops when actually taking a dab but that is normal. So i think by me spreading the coils now it is causing the temp fluctuations . More testing to be done but as long as it is working well i don't mind. Now i have to try some flower hits at that temp next.
Yeah that was my initial thought of it. I'm gonna use a washer first before I bend but yeah i agree.Each to their own approach, but to me "sort of loose" is too loose.
Coils heat enails by conduction. Air is a great insulator as it does not conduct heat well. For best transfer of heat and the least delta between controller set point temp and actual dab/flower pot temp, gently tighten your coils with pliers (silicone jaws, they make silicone pliers jaw covers, or just use some sort of other padding).
Be gentle, start from one end and just do a little bit at a time and I bet your FP gets much hotter than previous.
Funny you had posted that , that is the exact cap i got coming my way , only it is signed by Karl Termini on the bottom. They do make one that is all clear for $49 but i got the one you had linked with the purple as i had seen someone using it with the Dnail Halo for a perfect fit. I'll post pics when it arrives , hoping soon.Check out this one...if I wasn't so cheap it would already be in the cart.
I'm having pretty much the same reaction as you. I read your post and did my first try at 650, really great taste and vapor. I did a pretty big bowl and it extracted everything in 2-3 hits. I did a 4th one I didn't need to. At a coil temp of 650 my dish temp was around 460. I bumped the coil up to 700 while I loaded another bowl and the dish temp was around 480. The taste was good, but not as good. I bumped the coil up to 750 while I loaded a much smaller bowl and my dish got around 510. Flower taste wasn't too good at that temp and I think it scorched a little. By then I was pretty far gone so I didn't try to turn the temp way up and dab on it. Probably would of had to been in the 800's to get the sic dish around 600.Hmm well I wasn't able to dial it in to be able to take dabs and vape. If i had it at 650 it was perfect for vaping but i got very little hits when if just dab at that temp. When I turned it up to 675 the dab would be okay but then my temp would go high because of the carb vaping and my herb would taste like burnt pop corn.
I think it's because of the little contact the coil has on the quartz dish. Before I spread the coils im gonna use a large stainless steel washer either on top of the coil or on the bottom. If it works im gonna try to find titanium washer.
As a vaporizer I really like it but right now I prefer to take dabs on my banger.
Gonna mess with it again today after work since i only got an hour yesterday to play with it.
Oh and the circular nut should have some sort of indent so we could use a tool to tighten it down cause it comes loose very easily and then you gotta turn it off and wait for it to cool down to re tightened . Also the handle on the flowerpot body comes off very easily and the hemp wick gets oily and moves around. I also bent the hell out of it while it was hot so idk if its also titanium but it definitely wasn't strong enough.
To anyone that got them do the newvape coils fit when you get them? Is it a tight fit with the flower pot? is it flush against the dish?
I was lucky enough to get my flower pot, auber 300, and tubo (and flam) on the same day.
I'm having pretty much the same reaction as you. I read your post and did my first try at 650, really great taste and vapor. I did a pretty big bowl and it extracted everything in 2-3 hits. I did a 4th one I didn't need to. At a coil temp of 650 my dish temp was around 460. I bumped the coil up to 700 while I loaded another bowl and the dish temp was around 480. The taste was good, but not as good. I bumped the coil up to 750 while I loaded a much smaller bowl and my dish got around 510. Flower taste wasn't too good at that temp and I think it scorched a little. By then I was pretty far gone so I didn't try to turn the temp way up and dab on it. Probably would of had to been in the 800's to get the sic dish around 600.
So far I love it for flower, I guess I need to reshape the coil to fit better. For now I'm just using my old dab rig too.
Funny you had posted that , that is the exact cap i got coming my way , only it is signed by Karl Termini on the bottom. They do make one that is all clear for $49 but i got the one you had linked with the purple as i had seen someone using it with the Dnail Halo for a perfect fit. I'll post pics when it arrives , hoping soon.
Dang, you just triggered my VAS! How dare you do such a thing, shame on you.To anyone that got them do the newvape coils fit when you get them? Is it a tight fit with the flower pot? is it flush against the dish?
I was lucky enough to get my flower pot, auber 300, and tubo (and flam) on the same day.
I'm having pretty much the same reaction as you. I read your post and did my first try at 650, really great taste and vapor. I did a pretty big bowl and it extracted everything in 2-3 hits. I did a 4th one I didn't need to. At a coil temp of 650 my dish temp was around 460. I bumped the coil up to 700 while I loaded another bowl and the dish temp was around 480. The taste was good, but not as good. I bumped the coil up to 750 while I loaded a much smaller bowl and my dish got around 510. Flower taste wasn't too good at that temp and I think it scorched a little. By then I was pretty far gone so I didn't try to turn the temp way up and dab on it. Probably would of had to been in the 800's to get the sic dish around 600.
So far I love it for flower, I guess I need to reshape the coil to fit better. For now I'm just using my old dab rig too.
Personally I like the double mesh Ti screens from Errlectric. Way tighter mesh and more sturdy too I'd imagine. Plus shame on Amazon for illegal business practices and profiting off of Americans taxed dollars for their personal gain. I'll not support such a shady monopoly. But that's just me.
This wouldn't be the one that's now been sold from the classifieds section now would it?
Dang, you just triggered my VAS! How dare you do such a thing, shame on you.Once my NV controller and coil arrive I can let you know how the fit is. Keep in mind that I've not ordered the FP as of yet. I'll be doing so next month.
I'm hoping that NV sent my order out the same day. According to Nick at NV they ship orders out at 4p.m. So based on that information mine should have shipped already. From those of you that chimed in about shipping times, (thank you) it's looking like the same scenario for me. I got the tracking number a day later and like others it has not yet updated in the usps computer systems yet. Ahhhh yes the speed of big government,it brings back memories. The speed of hurry up and wait.
Personally I like the double mesh Ti screens from Errlectric. Way tighter mesh and more sturdy too I'd imagine. Plus shame on Amazon for illegal business practices and profiting off of Americans taxed dollars for their personal gain. I'll not support such a shady monopoly. But that's just me.![]()
Ty , appreciate it . I was going to grab the other also but I'm pretty sure it will not fit the tag Sic or dnail .@Justpassedu I like the pretty colors myself when it comes to glass. I'm eyeing that other item that was sitting next to yours but it's just clear unfortunately. I was watching videos last night on it and the function looks great. Enjoy your new glass sir.
Yeah I don't see it working at all with those. It would be for the Liger and not the the FP. I'm glad that you didn't pick it up. It still leaves me a chance, that is if someone else doesn't pick it up before I decide.Ty , appreciate it . I was going to grab the other also but I'm pretty sure it will not fit the tag Sic or dnail .