my coil fits just fine from auber. I have no extra space. very nice to see all these updates... but nothing for my 16mm coil
Sweet 16 isn't getting a date to the prom yet from the looks of it. That's stinky. Sorry buddy.
Has anyone purchased, received, and tried the ShowerCap yet?
Any first impressions?
I've got it. It's beautiful! I'll post my usage thoughts later on after I get in few more rounds with it.
The showerhead is easier than a bic lighter for flower. And did I mention no coughing. I'm not sure why. I'm beginning to think coughing might be associated with draw resistance.
The showerhead will still easily induce a cough. Just push the temperature up and you'll get there. I promise.
It still is the smoothest big hitter that I've ever used though

and oh so good too. But still if you go long and slow or hard and fast on draws, if the temperature is turned up on the Showerhead you'll cough.
Thanks again, folks...
Lost another battle with NVAS, just ordered the ShowerCap to keep my Shower Head company, a 4" dabber ball handle, and a 20mm wrap-around center post for my SiC dish!

You're going to love the quality of the dab tool and the Showercap.
The only bit of stiffness was getting the SiC dish on to the wrap round but a bit of coconut oil on the inside rim of the dish and it fell into place.
After a few heat cycles that D-nail Sic dish will start sliding off and on a lot easier for you.
Sorry, meant no disrespect. I stumbled onto this thread because of folks like
@biohacker &
@duff just folks that make me laugh but also have good insight and the owner impressed me so I checked his info for NV website and the following just made me like him more:
"Occupation: just another hippie with a Machine Shop"
The FP certainly has its share of respected FC members as fans. And it's remarkable how
@NewVape710 interacts with his devotees and is so driven to innovate and experiment in his laboratory as
@ichibaneye so aptly calls his machine shop. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, wherever (whenever?) you may be.
EDIT: I misquoted machine not metal, sorry
Lol... hey easy buddy...I was only elaborating on the genius that is Edwyn! No worries or sorries are needed around here. You're on easy street around these parts, we're all family here!

Thank you for the kind words. These products would not be where they are now without the input from everyone on this FC feed. I've wasted years on Instagram looking for what's happening right here right now.
Instagram is highly overrated.

Just because it's in doesn't mean it's in.

Thank you for the top tier products to compliment our top-shelf vaporizable goodies and glass. They'll last a lifetime and be passed down to others after I'm long gone.
As I slowly talk myself into buying this sucker I was wondering if anyone has used the Titanium Dabber Disc Cutter with Windows dab tool? How was it?
I plan on getting this in a couple of weeks. The NV dab tools are the best that I've touched so far. I wouldn't even think twice about buying any of them. Just do it!
How long does it take would you say from dead cold to stable and usable?
4 minutes without a care in the world!
I broke my 2nd quartz dish so I threw my Sic dish on there.
How do you keep breaking your quartz? If you're not already let it cool all of the way down before you even think about touching it. Also do not even tighten the nut on it. Just turn it until it touches the quartz. Heat expansion will snug up the rest of the slack.
I greatly prefer the draw resistance w the showerhead. Very open. It's also fucking massive and dabs don't taste "worse" - just slightly muted but I still get the full profile of this live resin I have
There is no "worse" just better viable options around when it comes to the perfected art of the dabbing experince. Thus the proven better options over just Ti. Like taste and efficiency to mention a couple.
No one is giving Ti the shaft here. Plus most of us here understand that the old torch heads have a hard time letting go of those flaming Ti memories of days gone by.
No matter what surface you dab
LIVE RESINS on you'll ALWAYS get a more full flavor profile over all of the other concentrate types.
This is because live resins contain the most abundant amounts of cannabinoids and terpines that are available and delivered while dabbing them. Thus always delivering on bigger levels all around.