Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Found the fix in that thread, thanks.
For curiosity's sake (and for our education, in case we find ourselves with the same issue), what was the resolution?
Found the fix in that thread, thanks.
I changed the IEG in 177 to 100 and the I in 166 (I think?) to 30 from 60. It overshoots the set temp by a little now but then settles, but it ramps quickly. I'm extremely satisfied with it.For curiosity's sake (and for our education, in case we find ourselves with the same issue), what was the resolution?
I changed the IEG in 177 to 100 and the I in 166 (I think?) to 30 from 60. It overshoots the set temp by a little now but then settles, but it ramps quickly. I'm extremely satisfied with it.
It's mentioned in one of the first few posts.
That's exactly what I figured.That's good. Also, overshooting and then settling is how it should be. Helps with the heat soak.
Flowerpot can be the end gameOn my quest to lower temps I've been running 610 but recently have gone down to 600 and it is quite nice. I'm gonna see it I can do 590 or lower as well.
Still love my flowerpot but VAS is getting me and I am dreaming of a microdoser like the woodscents. Damn, thought the flowerpot would be the end, hahaha. I know the FP micro dose well but I don't like running it dry and would like an option for that.
Damn, thought the flowerpot would be the end, hahaha.
@@vaping Kräuter Ich denke, Vapefiend ist der einzige, den ich Newvape in Europa auf Lager habe
Are most people using the 18mm post? Should I get a 14mm too? Are there no master adapter posts because they'll tip over?
Will there be a sapphire dish for the Vrod? Or is that not possible because of the hole in the middle? Making it more vulnerable? How thick are the dishes anyways? I understand that too thick isn't necessarily good but from 1mm onwards should be rather sturdy I'm guessing. I probably won't be too worried that it'll break. Unless I thermal shock it lol
I've managed to get someone in the US to receive my order for me. I have a few NV style China PIDs, some 20mm coils that are the the same as NV and some glass pieces.
Looking at getting:
Vrod Head Assembly
Weedeater Head Assembly
Shovelhead Bowl
18mm Male Post
Too bad glass bowls are outta stock. Anyone knows which screens are included with the bowl? Which extra ones should I get? Do they differ a lot?
I apologize for my unorganized post. Am just too excited. I had my eye on this for so long. I also sincerely apologize to anyone who may have taken offense to my earlier posts.
I really look up to you guys and looking forward to be a part of the FP fam!
Are most people using the 18mm post?
I also read about using a mug as a cheap stand. How do I do that? Having trouble imagining it.
This Xena don't count right?
Thank you so much buddy! I did consider getting only the WE nut but from what I understand, the WE diffuser has 19 holes but the vrod has 18. Not sure if it matters but would like to have them both lol. Also, I actually have one double hole PID that can be used to run both heads at the same time. Not really important but would be so cool lol.@Vapefanatic, maybe swap out the weedeater assembly for just the weedeater nut so you can change the vrod into a WE & use the $ saved for the single post stand?
And if you are getting the vrod, you do need the carb cap. But just maybe one of your c. caps on hand will work??