hello, longtime lurker here. what's this I hear about NV considering not doing a 4/20 sale?

has anyone else reached out to ask about it, or was it just the one bit of correspondence? I was thinking of grabbing an order and was reeally banking on a discount to keep things within my budget (~$300). might have to revisit some things - already decided that I wasn't going to be able to justify the coil handle, or the stand/debowler (probably the basic stand instead), or little things like a $20 scoop lol. the pan/shovelhead comes with a handle, no? that would be good - vape accessories are a very fun money pit

but so much of my play money goes to guitar-related things, which is a endless abyss from which personal funds are never recovered

I've been a smoker for awhile, used a MFLB for a bit which I never especially liked (not for lack of trying), tried and failed to get on board with the Project train, eventually just gave up on vaporizers. Recently, I've been using a friend's mighty and it made me wanna get back into the vaping game. I mostly smoke at home and decided I'd rather get the best desktop out there and call it a day, really hate dealing with the constant battery needs of portables (especially when they hardly leave my room, let alone my apartment). This thing looks sick, I've read back about 200 pages so far and for sure this is the most effective customer-company relationship I've ever seen - a vape company that listens to its userbase? whoever would've thought of such a concept

anyway, considering this new development, I see a lot of people are saying the weedeater gives comparable performance (albeit w/ higher temps) to the showerhead. would most of you that have used both agree? how about using with a carb cap, or beaker-style bongs with angled joints? I've heard the showerhead is a bit top-heavy, although that's definitely been what I had my eye on. I hardly mess with dabs and if I did convection dabs would be my main choice.
anyway, just wanted to say very excited about the prospect of getting to use this powerful device. do people still recommend the auber controller over the NV one? I might like the option of having a more common pin layout, and I know coils wear out - unless someone still had an adapter in the works/available? anyway, sorry for the lengthy post.