Pining for the Mountains
Wow. Thanks for this @Roth I had no idea the stand wasn’t compatible with the VRod carb cap. Or is it just that you have an older versions of the stand designed before the VRod existed? That would make more sense. But I just looked at it online and the pictures are with the SH & accessories and there’s nothing on the product page that says it’s compatible with the VRod Carb Cap, I feel so dumb for assuming it was.
I just bought the VRod along with every accessory that my conscience would allow yesterday. I’m laughing at myself (not in a good way) because I had the Ti FP heater post in my cart until I caved at the very end and switched it out for the safety stand. I definitely wouldn’t have bought a $55 stand that won’t work for the VRod carb cap. I really wish I had looked into & confirmed all this before buying. Shame on me.
I don’t recall reading anything about that here? Anyone here get the VRod & Safety stand recently who can comment on the fitment of the VRod Cap with the stand? I really really hope it does! Ease my mind!
If not, guess it’s time for an email to support@NV! I trust that NV will be able to exchange/refund for the stand and let me get the Ti FP heater post instead. I’m pretty sure that NV got a bajillion orders on BF so hopefully should be able to get in front of this before my order is boxed up and shipped.
Oh well. Not gonna waste time with thoughts and prayers over this small matter. I’m off to find a live chicken (easy in my village!), a bottle of rum and a cigar so I can get my voodoo on!
Can’t believe that I’m actually finally able to join the flowerpot party soon with the cool kids!
EDIT: The product page says it works with both SH & VR heads, but nothing about the Caps.
EDIT #2: Just realised that my order # ends in 666!Cue the Iron Maiden!
My vrod carb cap fits in the stand.
The old showehead/wa cap sits on the rim of the one hole, the vrod cap goes all in. Might be a problem if you have the dabber sideways, otherwise no compatibility issues.
Sorry, yes, need to clarify. The SH cap sits on the rim and fits beautifully. The Vrod cap is too narrow to sit on the rim and falls down to the floor below.
I always have my dabber on the cap coming out to the side, so it causes the cap to sit at an angle in the stand. It still works, it's just not as elegant as the fit of the SH cap, even when the SH dabber is horizontal as well.
I'm not at home right now, and don't remember how the Vrod cap fits when the dabber is aligned vertically.
@pxl_jockey don't have any second doubts about the safety stand. I couldn't imagine using my FP without one. I was just looking to bring the fit of the horizontally aligned Vrod cap up to NV's wonderfully high standards!
Can't wait for you to enjoy the wonders of the FP!