Perfect, thanks! Just when I thought my mind was made up too. Dumb question but if anyone could confirm, the coil that comes with the RDK 300 on the NV site works with the v-rod, right? I'd imagine it would but I can't find anything regarding the height of it.
I appreciate all the recommendations suggesting we have a look at the Auber controls. The auber 300 is a very nice enail controller. I have ordered more 5 wrap 20mm coils 110v and 220v with the auber pinout. The stand alone 5 wrap auber compatible 20mm coils will be available within a few weeks. Here's our enail pinout and connector blog post. Please let me know if I need to add or modify anything.
As long as it is ordered from NV and not Auber it will work with the VRod. THe stock 20mm Auber coils from Auber will only work with the ShowerHead (and not the VRod)Perfect, thanks! Just when I thought my mind was made up too. Dumb question but if anyone could confirm, the coil that comes with the RDK 300 on the NV site works with the v-rod, right? I'd imagine it would but I can't find anything regarding the height of it.
As long as it is ordered from NV and not Auber it will work with the VRod. THe stock 20mm Auber coils from Auber will only work with the ShowerHead (and not the VRod)
You can just get the flower parts and not the kit. That's what I'm gonna do I think. As a desktop I think it works great. I've never tried it but from what I read and saw it's great.Just saw the Vape Critics review for this. I'm considering getting one but not quite sure if it would be worth it for me as I don't have access to concentrates in my area and since I don't want to really bother with making them either I would just be using this as a 100% flower rig. Never used any enail type vapes before either so if anyone would like to comment on how they do with flowers it would be appreciated.
Oh also has anyone taken a look at the $85 ashtray you can buy for it? Holy shit it's expensive but my god it's gorgeous
Use an adapter Don't break your peice Break the adapter if anythingI used mine all day yesterday and it hits great but i am having a huge problem . Every time i go to take the head and place it on my bowl for a hit , it gets stuck. I had to break out the pliers a few times yesterday to get it un-stuck. The company says there is a .01 gap between them but i don't think it is enough. It is fine when cold and does not get stuck but when heated i am guessing it expands. This has caused me to waste a few full bowl packing's as they got roasted quick while i was trying to pry this thing apart.
here's a couple of interesting videos between the nv & auber controllers.
It's nice to have a quality box to compare with.
The first one was before the autotune routine was run on the NV
This is after the auto tune process was run.
the actual autotune process is here
Perfect, thanks! Just when I thought my mind was made up too. Dumb question but if anyone could confirm, the coil that comes with the RDK 300 on the NV site works with the v-rod, right? I'd imagine it would but I can't find anything regarding the height of it.
All New Vape bowls are great so your bowl will be exceptional no matter what you get. Personally I prefer the adjustabowls and I have the glass bowl with a built in glass screen which is very good. It comes down to a preference or choice. If you prefer glass over ti then you have that option.Anything unique about the glass bowl? Already have a bunch of bowls and prefer glass over metal. If any owners could share compatibility measurements that would be awesome.
All New Vape bowls are great so your bowl will be exceptional no matter what you get. Personally I prefer the adjustabowls and I have the glass bowl with a built in glass screen which is very good. It comes down to a preference or choice. If you prefer glass over ti then you have that option.
All the bowls are very good imo.
I understood your post. I posted what I did because I would just pick up the NV glass bowl. I have scads of old glass bowls and still went for the NV glass will function much better in the long run. If you have the flower pot then just go through your bowls until you find a fit.Thanks for the reply, sorry don't think I was clear in my post. Hoping a glass bowl that I already own will work with the FP and avoid having to purchase any additional bowls from anywhere.
Trying to find out dimensions of the one the NV offers.
We will have the auber compatible vrod 20mm coils available by themselves in 1-2 weeks. They's been ordered. I've also ordered them in 220v
Thank you for your support and continued business.
I think I am going to upgrade from Rev1 VROD to current. Can anyone explain the difference between 1-4 holes in the carb carb? 95% usage will be flower only
@pxl_jockey I apologize if I misinterpreted your message. NV will sell both the rdk300A and the vrod compatible 20mm coils 110 and 220v separately in a few weeks.
@MAbud the 1-4 holes allow different air flows. We couldn't get a definitive answer on the ideal number of holes so we decided to just offer all them. I can report that only one hole is required to get the pearls spinning.
Billet Flowerpot Case. I'll look at redoing the cnc case. Do you think the case should include a pocket for the glass bowls? A small custom pelican case with a laser cut foam cutout would be much cheaper and more friendly for the glass bowls. The one benifit to the cnc case is that is has a heat post. However I can't imagine that really being used. Bottom line is that after we got our laser and the ability to do quality foam cnc cutouts we put the cnc solid aluminum case on the back burner. That being said there's something people seem to like about that cnc billet treasure chest. It's been a challenge trying to keep that cnc billet case updated and in stock with all the changes the flowerpot has seen over the past year. Now that the designs have stabilized I'm open to updating the billet treasure chest. Other than just looking cool sitting on your desk what is it that you like about the case?
Sale Update: The holiday sale will run fri thru monday. It's unlikely that we will have another sale this year. The actual discounts will be announced via newsletter and a post on our site later today. Just a hint our newsletter subscribers will receive a slightly more generous coupon code than what will be posted on our homepage. We are attempting to bring our newsletter into the forefront of our business. We plan on using the newsletter for releasing all future products and promotions. The newsletter signup is located at the bottom right of the NV site.
Happy Holidays
Team NewVape
Thanks so much for the response. Maybe I’ll go 2 hole on the cap?
As far as the case it is totally a form vs function. I agree a peli makes sense especially with the glass bowls. But the billet to me is a truer representation of what New Vape, New Vape. If that makes sense? It more showcases your work.
Short answer is I would likely buy both. But anything smaller and better suited to not hold a WP would be a big win and likely something people would pick up
If you are in the area, you are more than welcome to stop by and test some vapes out before you buy.
All depends on what you want.
I like thick, delicious vapor using micro loads and complete the load in one hit.
The Plenty is a great session vape but it just took too long for me. The FP was just more versatile and conservative with herb use.
Everyone is different in what they like and how they like to use a vape.
Sometimes testing before is the only way to see if it is a good fit!
The FakeXhale was one of VapeXhale partners that sold not authenticated stock, most did not work correctly...
You can only pick them up through NewVape for now.
And with Canada Post strike, who knows when it will be delivered...