Well-Known Member
That is the first handle style for the Ti bowls and it was designed to break off with the idea of protecting the glass under stress.Wow!
I see my popularity has grown lightnin' fast while I was away!!!
@newvape918 , here you go:
Easy to see the problem IMO....the handle is more fragile where the hole for the hemp is.
This is what I received in my FP Twax Starter Kit, no extra handle.
And this is the reply I got from Vapefiend when I asked them about the broken handle:
" I'm afraid that these parts are not covered by warranty, and the breakaway handles that come with the regular bowls are designed to do this intentionally if the bowl is stuck. This is deliberate and intended to protect glass joints from taking excess torque and shattering should this happen."
Anyway...The bowl wasn't stuck and I didn't apply any excessive torque or shattering AT ALL.
The adjustabowl handles have the hole in the thick part of the handle to tighten the post and bowl.
Here is what you need: