Yep its official guys it seems that all of
@steama 's posts have vanished.
@Stu do you know anything about this was this some type of accident which could happen to any of us or maybe there is more behind the scenes?
This was all my fault.
@steama did nothing wrong. As you probably are all aware, we are under constant attack from spammers. Ridding the forum of them has become a heavy lift these days, and unfortunately
@steama got caught up in the mix when I was scrubbing the latest spam from the forum. I inadvertently banned him and deleted his posts. When I realized what had happened the next day I felt like shit.
I am hopeful that when
@vtac returns, he will be able to reverse my mistake. When that might happen I can't honestly say. We have reached out to steama via email to the last address he had on file with us, but afaik we have not heard back. He did re-register a new account, but the email confirmation has not gone through so he can't complete the registration process and he's in limbo.
Hopefully he will respond to our outreach, but if he doesn't get the email and is reading right now, feel free to email me directly at and we'll get you set up again, buddy. I owe you a beer.
If anyone knows how to contact him outside the forum, please feel free to pass along my message and apologies to him.