My only real concern is that my consumption will increase exponentially if I get this beast. I'm sure everyone initially goes through more just experimenting and gaining experience, it's just fun to play with the new toy especially when the toy does so much. I always seem to go through more! This year I get a desktop and I also must look at our toys as medical tools... The FPSH is surely a robust tool!
So I'm asking those who have been showerheading for many months, I know it can use micro-amounts very efficiently but is the FPSH an overkill device for a med user, only using .5-1g flower daily? My use case is typically medicate hard and fast, then I'm good for a while, repeat throughout the day. In this way, I'm able to keep tolerance in check without having to take a T-break. Being medical, I don't want any breaks but don't/can't grow in my current situation and like many folks, I also need to respect my monthly meds budget. I don't need a device that has me blowing through weed.
Y'all know I've read the thread and keep up, so I'm sold and not looking for encouragement there. But I don't want to be the guy with a jacked-up monster truck that only drives on city streets. The guy with a race car that never goes above 45 MPH. The guy who needs the best X whether he really does or not.
I'm an old geezer with no one to impress with my cannabis kit, I don't want to overspend if I'm only hitting 3-4 microloads for pain every few hours. I'm not the balls-to-the-wall party animal like in my 20's. I do want and need to get the most from my medicine though, and that's why I come back to this device.
It's not about the cost at all, if my use justifies the cost and the device is efficient and effective. I trust you guys (from this and other threads) to tell me if I should just stick with my log and be happy. Sorry for the novel of a post but since it's always slow around FC on the weekends, maybe someone will read this?
You have to get the Flowerpot brother, I know you know this. And i understand exactly where you are coming from 100%. I had identical reservations and insecurities about having this amazing beast of a vape which devilishly entices me to want to incinerate my precious material at lightning rate.
And a very well founded concern at that. If I was able to use my FP, this would be my only issue with it. It is indeed the pure enjoyment and fun aspect of using the system, not to mention the unrivalled ease of use, that makes it dangerous for herb supplies.
Also from my limited experience, for its amazing glory and medicating power, the Flowerpot is an especially non-debilitating vaporizer which allows you to keep enjoying the wonderful cannabis high without the effects hinging on sout as can happen a little with higher usage.
In contrast, I have always found the stone from the Elev8r to be more debitlitating, not so suitable for daytime and daily use. I have struggled (failed!) to get my shit together since using it. Stuck in groundhog day. It just seems very hard to dip toes in the Elev8r pool without creeping over that heaviness line. I do definitely feel that would be able to go through more herb with the FP while keeping my shit together.
So I hear you on this apprehension. However, it is possible to work around this. Discipline. If you are like me and are willing to hold your hits for a little while longer that will get you further down the road I am adamant about that.
Another thing- with new vapes it is common to waste material learning them by failing to get good hits but draining the herb. You wont have any of this to contend with.
And, you still have your logs, vapcaps. You can mix and match it up. I do think you would be happy with a gram daily allowance, but less Im sure if you can work on some strategies to get the most enjoyment and relief from your herb and vapes.
So I mean to encourage you. I get you wanting to reassure yourself that this IS the right idea and is best for your health, happiness etc in the long run (if not short). I do strongly believe it is. Even if you had to have non-FP days, or daily mixing with other vapes. Overall I feel it wpuld be much better for yoy to take this step, for all the right reasons.
That said, please don't come at me with a bat when you can no longer afford to pay the rent because your herb bill has gone through the roof!

Hope that helps in some way. Im excited for you man, good luck making your decision and being happy with it whichever way you go.