The vibe & energy in this thread really does seem likes it's gone to

. I'm getting a Showerhead people!

Perk the fuck up! Read, did my homework & everything like a good
@Morty. I used the search feature located at the top of the page to help me out. What a novel idea!
Whew! Thank God for that ignore button!
I feel you Morty! Like my mum's brand new cheep Nokia phone that came in the post today, with a charger saying "made for Nokia in China"! (alarm bells?)
Anyway, I was upstairs and suddenly heard an almighty BANG!
The dog was scared to shite running from the kitchen- nobody was hurt! The charger blew up on the socket!!!
And yes sadly a little bit like this thread just recently.

I may be at least part to blame. I honestly can't add value to this place in terms of vape info and knowledge, I got too much shit on my mind health wise to be any good here...
However what I did try to always bring was positivity, openess, reason. By coincondence I did stop posting here just a day before the thread dramas developed.
I realised what a twat I have been here and in general in life. My coping skills for coping with illness and depression were just wrong and SO out of place here.
I was actually done a suprisingly good favor in making positive changes after I received a pretty nasty pm from a very well known and valued member here, following a total misinterpretation of a purely innocent dumb comment I made when I forgot some things temporarily- serious long term sleep dep causes frequent memory bank shutdown!
This member genuinely thought I had purposely insulted them, so I dont really blame them for reacting from the heart, but I think a little extra sensitivity in these situations will always go a long way in life.
If, at the end of the day, you are still not happy, then you can always kick and scream all you want (this is not directed towards anybody in particular by the way).
But this unexpected misunderstanding was a helpful catalyst for me to wake up and be more honest and true with myself in life all around. I am doing what I should be doing- acknowledging my limitations and focusing on my health and priorities in life.
I am sure this thread can thrive again with a lively warm energy. The FPSH is just too good and will always draw a crowd.
That's cool you are going to get involved yourself
@Morty ! I read all your posts in the Supreme thread and you stoke that fire so well with postive and fun energy. No need to let the odd miserable grumbler get you down is there eh? The hard part of course is lifting everybody else up, and you do that so well bro keep it going!
Warmest wishes to all have top top weekends EVERYBODY (even if you are a little crabby at times

Keep it positive!