Well-Known Member
@NewVape710 - Hi Edywn, if you say that both will fit fine, I'll take that to the bank. I'll order one tomorrow when they are back up on the site. ThanksThe new adjusta-bowl has the same exact ID size bowl as the one your currently using .750" +/- .005.
Only the grove is larger.
I'm not trying to pull a fast one over on anyone. The screens are .78 and work exactly as intended.
It's the little lip that caught me by surprise. The second gen bowls that most people are using have a small lip protruding above the groove. This lip was left from reworking the bowls and removing the radius and modifying for the evo screen baskets. This lip is what prevents the .780 screen from being fully installed and clicking into the groove. Everyone here has used a bowl and screen before without a groove. Well these would work like that. Please don't purchase this screen for any other bowl than the new adjusta-bowls. I purchased a errlectric screen over a month ago and can confirm it will pass by the lip of the current bowl. The screen I received from errlectric did not ship with a material certificate.
So why the F did Edwyn purchase .78 screens?
My supplier had the .780 tooling on the shelf and allowed me to keep the cost of the screen down and reduce time to market. I'm not against purchasing the .750 tooling in the future but for now this is what we have. I believe they work perfect in the new Adjusta-Bowl.
Yes, I thought the little lip was intended as a screen hold down feature. If I understand correctly, this was actually not intended and the groove into the side wall is where the screen retention happens. With that implementation, I can see where you might (will?) accomodate different size screens with equal precision.
Once again, thank you for your participation here and your willingness to directly engage with your customers. Very few vape companies will do that.
Man all this grief over a screen
Well, my thought on this is if any of us was @steama who couldn't get his new screens to fit his bowl, we might not think it so inconsequential. Best to you, not trying to start an argument at all, just offering a slightly different POV.