Hello, good people!
I have been close-mouthed so far with respect to the new 2-Piece male bowls that NewVape has released. There is a good reason for that.
A little over a week ago, Edwyn contacted me and asked if I would be willing to beta test one of the new bowl prototypes under development... because of the large number of glass rigs I own and my mechanical background. He asked that I not reveal anything about the bowl to this forum until he released the product, to not "let the cat out of the bag" so to speak. I agreed, beta test bowl was ordered, and the testing was underway!
I have been putting the new 2-Piece prototype through its paces diligently since Monday. I have reported all my various findings to Edwyn for bowl improvement and fine-tuning, and this morning I received permission from Edwyn to post openly about my experiences with the new bowl.
This is what I have to report:
1 - The new 2-Piece bowl is designed to be a single locked unit that, once adjusted, is moved as a single piece to and from the pipe connection. This is the preferred user "mode", and it works very, very well at stopping the sticking that I and others have talked about in this thread. Because the base of the bowl is "snugged" up to the glass connection "lip" then tightened, the stem of the bowl cannot get "wedged" deeper into the glass joint by heat expansion, weight of FlowerPot handle, etc. The most I've been able to achieve in the way of deliberate sticking that siezes the joint has been maybe 2 or 3 seconds... the multiple minute cooldown wait time is now a thing of the past!
2 - The new bowl can be used in a second (unintended by the original design) "removeable bowl" mode. Twisting the handle, the top of the bowl can be removed for quick debowl and reload... leaving the stem of the bowl in the pipe the whole time. This has been my own personal "preferred mode" of use, though I have given the primary (single-piece) mode the bulk of my test time.
3 - The new bowl works with both 14mm and 18mm pipe connection "stems"... so only one bowl needs to be bought to cover both sizes. I do not know yet if both sizes of stems will come with the bowl, or if NewVape will be selling them seperately.
4 - The new bowl is exquisitely machined, like all of NewVapes products, and simply REEKS of quality and purpose-built style. It looks good, feels good, and has a magnificent balance and weight to it.
5 - There are several minor design issues involving the handle, the stems, and the question of further weight reduction... which were initially discussed then implemented or abandoned. The final version for sale should have all discussed improvements and flaws corrected.
6 - This bowl works GREAT on every pipe, ash catcher, and J-Hook that I tried it on, repeatedly and consistently, for several days in a row.
7 - The new male bowls have a single screen "ledge" - this is NOT the multiple-screen-shelf "Party Bowl" or "Adjustable Size Bowl" that many of you have been waiting for.
8 - I want another one with the final production changes!

. Off to order now.
Hope this all helped some... please feel free to ask if you have any questions!