Please note the temperature (590f!), and the milk and resulting clouds from 0.1g! This vaporizer continues to deliver and impress!!!! Convection bliss!
Someone is becoming Master of their Domain!
The fab egg seems to create some sort of vaccum that helps with vapor production. I'm pissed I didn't bring it with me for last nights sesh.
Interesting reading with this and the follow up posts. Certainly would make sense with what I've been finding with draw strength and capping making such a huge difference to bowl temp. Like when I dont have water in my D020, I just cant get the same results because my lungs are so dialed in to two draw strength, ultra low and full tilt. New users I'd take the temps back up to foolproof 600s and see how they fair, and I'd def advice them finding a draw strength and sticking with. I have one acquaintance who speeds up and slows down all the way thru the hit no matter what I say. He's either spluttering into my bong from too much vapour or getting nothing at all.
@emmdeemo had problems with his dhgate controller/coil... as far as I remeber they end him a new one...
but I am alos not up to date I was busy the last days and could kot read this thread... sorry if you answered already but did dhgate solve your problem
@emmdeemo ...
Very good communication, seems like a very good seller.
I am with you on this as well!
Also not sure what the issue is.
I tried a smaller WT the other dayand iy was def not nearly as cloudy as my daily driver tube!
Thinking with smaller WT's a bump in temp is required.
Bump in temp, faster draw, slower draw, or capped/uncapped. So many potential solutions!
Will be making a purchase for the new shower cap carb cap today!
@NewVape710 I plan on purchasing your fine grinder on Black Friday and was wondering if you guys have something to dump pre grinded material in since your grinder is a 2 piece?
I'm currently dumping into a mason jar but would like a high quality newvape piece to go with all my other NV pieces
(Something like this)
Oooh, I'd love something like that. Or if this round Flowerpot stand had curved edges and a few walled off areas. Or maybe if the silicon jar hole was smoothed out into a bowl instead. Yes Yes Yes!
FYI today I've tried to order ti mesh screens and a ti brush at Errlectric. Wanted to pay it with a German paypal account/cc and intended to let it deliver to an US adressee for bring it along to Germany by friends. No way! Billing adress and shipment adress have to be the same - fuck it!
Around 40$

for international shipment for a letter with a weight of 10-20 gr.?? It's more than expensive already w/o shipment but that would be REALLY crazy.
Yeah, its ridiculous postage

Hence me trying to get NV to stock them so we can buy them with other items!
If I gave you a 1/4 gram dab out of a 5" rig then another out of a 10" rig you think you would get a bigger hit out of the 10 inch? I see lung size and amount of cannabinoids being the bottleneck, not the water filter.
Personally I have tiny lungs, that video that was all one rip, but I had to go back for another to completely clear it. I'm sure
@biohacker would have cleared it in one. I never used giant pieces in my combustion days though. My buddy had a 4 ft zong but I always thought it was too much work to hit.
I think the Showerhead has so much airflow, that for some rigs uncapped it direct injects right into the lungs instead of milking the piece.
Thats what I find with my superfast draw, makes videos look very underwhelming but the flavour going in, and the size of the exhales, the effects, it all makes me happy
this piece had been our standard FP recommendation and is the same one we sell without the logo and it works great with the flowerpot. The height of the current 18mm flowerpot bowl is designed around how deep this glass joint is on this rig. There's also more blowback on this one. Please ask for no LOGO
However there is another one I like better and just placed a big order for upcoming holiday.
Puts the nail further away from the face. And has a thicker 18mm band around the joint. IMO it's the ideal FP beater rig. It will be our new recommendation.,null,6#vhmd-6-5|null:null:r1753630610
How tall is the prospective new FP beater glass? I'd love one that reaches my mouth with having to stoop or pick it up

#FPWorldProblems Maybe I shouldnt, I'll miss out on all this exercise lifting the glass to my mouth!
BTW I don't cap guys. We only got the proper milk capped on those smaller rigs.
525 uncapped on the egg is like no other rig I've used. I can't go back.
It would be a step down...a big step.
Interesting! Uncapped 525 is a bit rubbish here, I'm going to see if I can find a method to improve it! Whats your draw speed?
Hey Flower Pot Heads!
This thread is ridiculous. I can't keep up. I'm just going to leave this here. 20mm OG on 700f though my favourite Herborizer tube. I've been thinking about the showerhead but will it really be THAT much better?
I use like 95% flowers. Hmmm it's just kinda expensive to upgrade, especially when you're in the UK. When I bought this I said that's it no more vapes
Was in the same boat. It was worth it most definitely. Needles to say, you'll have the last laugh.