Cannabis and Autism, the evidence is clear!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing @1DMF I suffer from twitches, spasms and cramping... nothing as bad as this guy but I'm glad he found the right medication for him. Sometimes my meds can actually make it worse but only on rear occasions and luckily I can hide it most of the time. Funnily enough its mostly a problem latter in the evening and at night, bed time can be agony as I have a pain syndrome that affects my joints, its a really fun combination.

I'm in the UK and our government needs to stop prohibition and treat us like adults. Not sure where I'm going with this due to pain etc but just wanted to show my solidarity!


Old School Cheesy Quaver
@KC2K No problem, you are most welcome. Us genuine autistics self-meditating with cannabis need to stand against the tyranny of governments and big pharma, not to mention incompetent doctors who prescribe neurotypical psychotic drugs to a-typical patients without a clue how different they affect us and usually in a negative way.

I'm an ASD sufferer who self medicates with cannabis and I have nothing to be ashamed about and nothing to hide and neither should you.

Sometimes you have to come to the inevitable conclusion, we are not the problem here!

Thank you for your solidarity, we need to stand proud and together!


Well-Known Member
@1DMF sorry bro I don't have autism but if tested now would definitely score on the spectrum, but my grand son is Autistic. We have so much in common we both struggle with day to day it is unreal!

My main health issue is called CRPS its not that important to know exactly what it is in this case. Most people only get it in one joint or body part but unfortunately I have it every where. Its now affecting my brain, create constant pain, spasms, speech and memory problems and many other fun effects etc

The basic point I was getting across as you have rightly understood is that I am with you! Though we have different conditions, the outcome is similar :D No one has the right to refuse us the medication which can improve the quality of our lives!

little maggie

Well-Known Member
I suspect I am on the spectrum although it didn't exist when I was growing up or even for most of my life. But when I think back I was very odd in too many ways to describe but especially socially and spatially. I definitely have NLD which may explain the oddness without my having Aspergers. But I've noticed over the past couple of years that I've been microdosing before bed that my brain is working better in the sense that I'm more aware of the world and more present than I was able to be before.


Well-Known Member
@little maggie I have the opposite problem, I does to stop my brain. I have a stupid high IQ but no way to express it or reach my potential. My brain just ticks all the time, it slows this a bit. I also have no filters for external filters such as noise, lights, movement, and especially smells. I am constantly bombarded and it basically drives me mad... I've been told its a physical not psychological problem by the bigwigs...

little maggie

Well-Known Member
@little maggie I have the opposite problem, I does to stop my brain. I have a stupid high IQ but no way to express it or reach my potential. My brain just ticks all the time, it slows this a bit. I also have no filters for external filters such as noise, lights, movement, and especially smells. I am constantly bombarded and it basically drives me mad... I've been told its a physical not psychological problem by the bigwigs...
I've know people with sensory processing disorders: (SPD) and it's often associated with ADD. I know it's pretty miserable to have no filters for sensory input.
NLD, since it's not an accepted diagnosis, ends up with people labeled ADD or autistic. Both stem from the brain in some way.
But cannabis is kind of a miracle drug since it can help both of our differing brain issues.


Well-Known Member
I've know people with sensory processing disorders: (SPD) and it's often associated with ADD. I know it's pretty miserable to have no filters for sensory input.

My eldest is studying to be a SENCO, which is an educational specialist and said the same, I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child... not so common in the late 70's. But there has always been more to it than that. You wouldn't guess that now though, due to the CRPS I'm pretty immobile, don't get out much etc. Thats why this place is great for me when I can type or speak clearly enough for the speech to text program :D

What is NLD? I've not heard that one before which is a bit odd, originally I was a health care professional, although that feels like a life time ago.
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little maggie

Well-Known Member
I don't think most people are aware of NLD if they don't have it or a child with it. It's nonverbal learning disorder. The opposite of what most people think of when they think of learning disorder. It's the right hemisphere that has problems- more organizational, visual-spatial and coordination issues. And conceptual stuff. Like somehow I am very smart and very concrete at the same. It's why I usually need help here with a new tool that's broken down into very small steps.


Old School Cheesy Quaver
@KC2K You sound very much like you suffer with ASD , I have same issues with high IQ and a brain I can only switch off with cannabis, it drives me nuts and keeps me awake otherwise, it's also very frustrating and annoying being told you have a high IQ , but then seem incapable of using the damn thing!

Also if you were diagnosed with ADHD, that is on the Autism spectrum, so you more than likely do have Autism ;-)

I have official diagnosed Dyspraxia, but believe I also have Asperger's having done my own research and taken many on-line tests, though I have a doctors appointment next week to get refereed for an official Asperger's diagnosis.

What I don't subscribe to is the claims by some people that everyone is on the spectrum somewhere, it's just the degree that varies. To me that's like saying none of us can walk, just some can walk better than others.

There may be genes involved and some carry certain genes but it doesn't cause ASD, or perhaps it has to be a certain amount of a certain type, I guess the same way we all have cancer just some more aggressive than others.

I also don't like the term 'high functioning' autistic, as it implies, we have ASD but it doesn't affect us or it shouldn't be counted, as though others have a preconception of how someone with ASD should behave and if you don't meet their expectation you somehow don't have it. I mean how the hell does someone else know or understand what is going on inside my head or how my emotions affect me.

It's a complicated subject and still very much taboo and I have found through personal experience that the UK still refuses to acknowledge and treat those with ASD with the understanding, respect and dignity they deserve and even have the audacity to try to claim it isn't a disability.

Yeah try experiencing the way I or others with ASD experience the world and people around us and the way they experience us, and then make that claim.

On top of all this when you find medicine that helps to at least alleviates some of the symptoms experienced, you are then told you can't have it, it's illegal and you're a bad person for wanting it, be refused counseling because you arne't 'in touch' with your feelings and be prescribed pharmaceuticals that make you feel even worse.

Either there is some conspiracy going on at the top or this so called civilised society generally still thinks it's acceptable to to abuse and discriminate against the weak, vulnerable and disabled in society, which generally includes the poor!

little maggie

Well-Known Member
I see it differently. I think ASD is becoming the dumping ground for all kinds of neurological issues. For example- there is no "official" DSM diagnosis for NLD. A child with my symptoms would most likely get diagnosed Aspergers, ADHD or possibly dyspraxia. I think NLD is easy to diagnose as a separate issue. A full scale IQ test with a 40 or lower performance score from the verbal. Someone with it can appear to be genius IQ because of the verbal score but really have impaired functioning in many ways.
There are other disorders like NLD that get lumped into and treated as ASD when there are specific differences. Some of those like ADHD are listed in the diagnostic manuals unlike NLD and some sensory processing disorders. ADHD is one that overlaps but isn't the same although misdiagnosis is common. Someone can have both diagnoses at the same time.
To me the problem with lumping so many into a general category like ASD is that some treatments for ASD aren't going to work as well for specific disabilities that get mislabeled.
little maggie,
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I dont feel ASD is a general category, it just has a spectrum of issues and co-morbid conditions, and if it were that general it wouldnt have been the specific missing piece to all my personal searchings for the last 30 years. It doesnt feel so much like a dumping ground as it does an area of study that is evolving and growing.

Tho yes, totally agree that mislabeled disabilities are a bad idea, but I cannot agree that autism is a general category. My diagnosis was very specific.

Dont even get me started on the high functioning/low functioning nonsense. I know I'm intelligent but it still doesnt mean I can remember to eat every day, sleep, or 'function'. I just had a mask brow beaten into me that I can shove on for short periods.

I'm starting to drop that mask as much as I can tho as it really doesnt serve me, it serves others.

little maggie

Well-Known Member
ASD is pretty new as a diagnosis. I'd older than a lot of people here and when I was starting out "autism" only applied to people who were pretty completely disabled and neither asperger's or high functioning autism existed. And then when it was fairly new I took a class from one of the experts who identified autism by left hemisphere problems and asperger's by right hemisphere issues (basically describing NLD as Aspergers). A lot has changed over the years especially because many of those who have Aspergers are speaking out and there are people like Temple Grandin.


Well-Known Member
I was diagnosed with aspbergers when I was a kid. I really do think cannabis helps me a lot, communicating in social situations, instead of rambling on and getting overly angry, I can just express what I mean in a simple calm and concise way. Normally Ill get pretty ticked off by small things, which is great for comedy material, but not my stress level and overall well being. I dont know if its aspergers related at all, but I can be a really angry guy, and its no surpise cannabis helps me chill out.


Old School Cheesy Quaver
instead of rambling on and getting overly angry
I can totally relate and am personally attributing this to Asperger's but until officially diagnosed, perhaps it's the Dyspraxia, either way it's Autism and am sure cannabis has helped me, but apparently the medical profession currently doesn't agree.


Well-Known Member
Apologies for ducking out of the discussion last week. Had a flare up and then some minor surgery, THB it took more out of me than I thought.

Its turned into a very interesting thread. I found that what ever is going on in my head, sometimes it could be used as an advantage rather than a disadvantage/disability. For example I don't react the same way as many others do to death, don't get me wrong, it does effect me just not as in an obvious way. So long story short, I became an ICU nurse. Other times I've used it is to focus on just one thing, true its to the detriment of everything else like eating, sleeping etc but it allowed me to get what ever task done.

I think a lot of the time people in our situation just need to be a little more creative in how we use these abilities/disabilities. Ok we're never going to get everything right in social situations but I think people come to accept us and love our quirk ;)

As far as mis-diagnosis, not diagnosis, spectrums etc etc I have these discussions a lot. I think that the one thing that is changing is an increase in understanding of the causation of different problems that produce a similar effect. I think its only just beginning but things will leap on with no bounds. Better for all :D


@KC2K You sound very much like you suffer with ASD , I have same issues with high IQ and a brain I can only switch off with cannabis, it drives me nuts and keeps me awake otherwise, it's also very frustrating and annoying being told you have a high IQ , but then seem incapable of using the damn thing!

Also if you were diagnosed with ADHD, that is on the Autism spectrum, so you more than likely do have Autism ;-)

I have official diagnosed Dyspraxia, but believe I also have Asperger's having done my own research and taken many on-line tests, though I have a doctors appointment next week to get refereed for an official Asperger's diagnosis.

What I don't subscribe to is the claims by some people that everyone is on the spectrum somewhere, it's just the degree that varies. To me that's like saying none of us can walk, just some can walk better than others.

There may be genes involved and some carry certain genes but it doesn't cause ASD, or perhaps it has to be a certain amount of a certain type, I guess the same way we all have cancer just some more aggressive than others.

I also don't like the term 'high functioning' autistic, as it implies, we have ASD but it doesn't affect us or it shouldn't be counted, as though others have a preconception of how someone with ASD should behave and if you don't meet their expectation you somehow don't have it. I mean how the hell does someone else know or understand what is going on inside my head or how my emotions affect me.

It's a complicated subject and still very much taboo and I have found through personal experience that the UK still refuses to acknowledge and treat those with ASD with the understanding, respect and dignity they deserve and even have the audacity to try to claim it isn't a disability.

Yeah try experiencing the way I or others with ASD experience the world and people around us and the way they experience us, and then make that claim.

On top of all this when you find medicine that helps to at least alleviates some of the symptoms experienced, you are then told you can't have it, it's illegal and you're a bad person for wanting it, be refused counseling because you arne't 'in touch' with your feelings and be prescribed pharmaceuticals that make you feel even worse.

Either there is some conspiracy going on at the top or this so called civilised society generally still thinks it's acceptable to to abuse and discriminate against the weak, vulnerable and disabled in society, which generally includes the poor!
@1DMF auto-immune disease suck's!

CANNABIS help's big time.

Forgive me for hiding my disease?

I guess it's a way to cope?
No driving. 3 years's now!
CANE to walk without falling!
At least I was whole once!


Old School Cheesy Quaver
Why do we need to forgive you @ataxian , if you don't wish to discuss your condition, that's your prerogative and I respect your privacy.

I am sorry to hear of your predicament, I get the feeling, many of us who truly medicate with cannabis, actually have a condition we are treating, and generally it aint a grazed knee or anything so trivial.

The only consolation for you is you are in a place you can freely obtain and use your medication without the fear of arrest / prison, something us suffering with anxiety disorders living in Draconian backward thinking countries could do with out!

@KC2K - again no need to apologise, really sorry to hear you have been ill and needed surgery, I wish you a speedy recovery.

I agree that Autism can be a gift in certain areas, I guess it helps me with my music, however, it also hinders, I can't play the keyboard (or any real instrument) because of my poor fine motor skills,I also will never be able to read music or understand that way of expressing music, I can't process the symbols, remember all their meanings nor can I keep time or process the written notes, to playing the sound quick enough nor remember the sequence of notes etc.. I have trouble remember the words to my own songs / raps, so not sure how much of a gift this ASD really is!

Ok we're never going to get everything right in social situations but I think people come to accept us and love our quirk
Unfortunately for me this couldn't be further from the truth, my experience and current situation I am fighting with the courts and legal system shows, that the majority of people abuse, manipulate, bully and coerce people with my condition and are surrounded by those that aide and abet this behavior to the point of covering up the crimes on their behalf.

Average Joe, like you and me perhaps not, but we are actually in the minority, all those in positions of authority or power I have found to be financially corrupt, disabled abusing paedophiles and their supporters, which includes the police, ombudsman, regulators, government / politicians, press / media, courts / judges / solicitors / barristers, doctors / councilors .. it's an extensive list and I produced YouTube videos / web pages that exposed it and proved it!

I am still fighting with the UK Legal Ombudsman and still may need to seek redress via the European Court of Justice if it doesn't get resolved.

Until the laws meant to protect the weak, vulnerable and disabled are actually enforced, I fear that it is only people like us, who actually care and want to change things!


Why do we need to forgive you @ataxian , if you don't wish to discuss your condition, that's your prerogative and I respect your privacy.

I am sorry to hear of your predicament, I get the feeling, many of us who truly medicate with cannabis, actually have a condition we are treating, and generally it aint a grazed knee or anything so trivial.

The only consolation for you is you are in a place you can freely obtain and use your medication without the fear of arrest / prison, something us suffering with anxiety disorders living in Draconian backward thinking countries could do with out!

@KC2K - again no need to apologise, really sorry to hear you have been ill and needed surgery, I wish you a speedy recovery.

I agree that Autism can be a gift in certain areas, I guess it helps me with my music, however, it also hinders, I can't play the keyboard (or any real instrument) because of my poor fine motor skills,I also will never be able to read music or understand that way of expressing music, I can't process the symbols, remember all their meanings nor can I keep time or process the written notes, to playing the sound quick enough nor remember the sequence of notes etc.. I have trouble remember the words to my own songs / raps, so not sure how much of a gift this ASD really is!

Unfortunately for me this couldn't be further from the truth, my experience and current situation I am fighting with the courts and legal system shows, that the majority of people abuse, manipulate, bully and coerce people with my condition and are surrounded by those that aide and abet this behavior to the point of covering up the crimes on their behalf.

Average Joe, like you and me perhaps not, but we are actually in the minority, all those in positions of authority or power I have found to be financially corrupt, disabled abusing paedophiles and their supporters, which includes the police, ombudsman, regulators, government / politicians, press / media, courts / judges / solicitors / barristers, doctors / councilors .. it's an extensive list and I produced YouTube videos / web pages that exposed it and proved it!

I am still fighting with the UK Legal Ombudsman and still may need to seek redress via the European Court of Justice if it doesn't get resolved.

Until the laws meant to protect the weak, vulnerable and disabled are actually enforced, I fear that it is only people like us, who actually care and want to change things!
Your a nice person.
I am a DICK! (That is what I was called as a kid)

I get lost in study. (OXFORD, CAMBRIDGE, USC, UCLA, BERKELEY, MIT. BROWN, CORNELL, PRINCETON, HARVARD) dropping name's again! (SORRY I'm not deserving)

Anyway I love ENGLAND for the ENLIGHTENMENT!

Many incredible writer's are from the UK.

CANNABIS is a MEDICINE so natural and effective? (It work's for my disease?)


Well-Known Member
What a cool thread. I an really looking forward to participating here. I've been lurking for many years but I have only recently signed up and have been very inactive. I'm very interested in ASD and have done a lot of research regarding this and I'm glad to see other people interested in such things. There's a lot of new information being discovered and much of this information is available if you're willing to look at boring seminars by PhD researchers. In an attempt to to help myself cope I have spent a lot of time researching many things, and have spent quite literally hundreds of hours researching ASD in specific ( it seems I'm about as autistic as a football bat :-) )
Unfortunately I have to wait to do this, it takes a lot of time and effort to organize my thoughts, collect the information and data, and then organize it in a way that I can present it meaningfully, I am in exams week right now too LOL. Fortunately marijuana helps with the stress of this, PTSD, and other sorts of things like that. A lot of information that I have found here has helped me in using marijuana therapeutically to help myself; *thank you all*. If I can provide any information that's of any benefit to anybody in coping or understanding themselves, I am very delighted to have come across such a narrow specific subject that I actually know something about and am able to contribute to.

Fuck Combustion : )


Old School Cheesy Quaver
@HarmlessJohnny_5 look forward to hearing what you can bring to the table :)

The more the merrier and all and any pertinent information needs to be disseminated


Well-Known Member
Here is some information, hope it's not too much I have abbreviated it significantly and left a lot out. There is a link to

autism seems to me to be a spectrum as many have said (and some have not, but this is my perception and interpetation of the observations I have made. Males seem to be diagnosed with autism far more often (this results from several factors including 1.) Male brain is generally wired such that it is less socially and more technically orianted, this is just how we evolved. 2.) socially, many cultures are such that a male exhibiting autistic type traits will stand out as different from the "culturally preceived norm" more than women (who in displaying autistic traits may appear to 'simply be being women').

There is certainly a genetic component to all of this, although genetics certainly do not seem to be the single influecing factor.

"What is autism"
This is a tricky one to answer both correctly and meaningfully (as the answer is changing as we learn more, and we are definitly learning more).
I think there may have been groups of people with significantly diffeent physilogical (neurological in specific) criteria who exhibits what was preceived at the time as being similar sets of behavior. I think that the definition of autism came from this originally, so regardless of the cause very very different things may have been grouped togather. I mention this as it seem that about 80% of autistics (this is mostly in younger, as this difference is more apparent although the process of neuron prunign is also quite different for us as we develop over our lives). these 80% of 'autistics' seem to have a hell of a lot more neuros (possibly less developed initially, and physically smaller), mostly concentrated in certain regions of the brain responsible for certains kinds of processing in the brain (this is complex, the brain is comples so it's simple to say meaningfully such as 'the mathmatics part of the brain' or 'the social interaction part of the brain' as these tasks are vastly complex and use many parts of the brain). In about 20% of people who are 'autistic', the reverse seems to be the case, there are less neurons in the brain and they are not smaller and do not seem to develop and prune so differently over time (as the 80% autistics do).

This is something to keep in mind, that when we say "ASD" we are not necessarily talking about people with similar neurological structural differences.

Genetically it seems that there are a tremendous number of genes that can affect expression of autism (hundreds, probably thousands).

1:39 in the video there is a graph, it is a bell curve and about 2 standard deviations to the left is the threshold for autism (fancy talk for saying there is a hudge spectrum of variostion in people, when that variation goes in one particular direction far enough that person is considered autistic). Many genes affect this in vary small ways, (as per the graph, the little arrows pulling to the left or right are representing the various small effect alleals (phenotypes, think genetic expression, genes turning on and doing whatever they do) that are inherited from parents normally and have overall a cumulative effect that in most people averages somewhere in the 'norm' but in others enough point the same direction then that person will be outside of the 'norm'. Depending on which way the genes are turned, the person could have autism. If the genes are turned the other way (opposit from what causes greater expression of autism) there are very different and non-autistic effects (they are not good effects).

By considering all of the common alleal inheretince (the genes I was just talking about turning one way, or the othwer way), we can deterine a person's 'inherited genetic liability' (having the genes turned dosen't gurantee that person will be autistic, but the likelyhood is vastly increased.

Denovo mutations also happen, it's like a gene that increases the risk for autism but it's just a mutation, not an inhereted trait.

combine these two things and you have the "total genetic liability" (risk of autism).

it is worth noting that autism actually EVOLVED in us, and our gene pools has Kept it. The way in which we have kept autism in our species indicates definite benefits to the species by having this, this is certain. The genes that are inherited from parents and may cause autism are both good and bad in effect, a sort of 'mixed blessing' if you will. In evoution you do not get 'improvements', it just dosen't work that way as far as we can see (has to do with how genes sort of 'turn one way or the other'). In evolution you get tradeoffs, turn the gene the other way and give up x, but get Y. Make enough tradeoffs like that over time and you get a new creature that may appear clearly more suited to it's environemnt. The Denovo mutation are generally just bad and provide no benefit or tradeoff (they are not inherited from patents and the human gene pools as a whole dosen't seem to be preserving such mistakes unless they end up providing enough of an advantage. The denovo mutations are fortunately rare and have a large effect on autistic genetic liability.

this is the video I recommend if you only wanted to watch one (the presentation is a bit dry so it's not 'made for TV' ).

oh gosh, it seems i can't submit video links, but you anyone wants to they can search for the title and choose to watch it:
"CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders - Bernard Crespi"
It's an ongoing symposium by university of california about humans but this particular presentation contains a lot of relevant stuff in one lecture.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
damn lol, was hoping not to kill the thread : )
thought people might chime in and say stuff like "WHAT?? why do you think ->that??<- about half of those claims or relate it to stuff y'all had experienced.

I guess it wasn't really a 'this is why it's good or bad' more of 'here is some interesting information'.

all that aside, vaping helps me with not only ptsd/resultant conditions and certain aspects of my autism, but also in meditating and changing my functional behavior, even mental triggers. It can allow me to deal with certain things with the relaxed mindset necessary to change the way those things affect me when I think of them.

Now I go to search for a good portal vape of e-nail reliability and quality lol ("pipe" dream : )


Well-Known Member
What is NLD? I've not heard that one before which is a bit odd, originally I was a health care professional, although that feels like a life time ago.

She sums it up pretty much perfectly.

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