chris 71
Well-Known Member
Update on quitting cannabis due to CHS. I must say beyond any doubt this was the best course of action. Of course as most of us know that quitting cannabis is not that difficult especially if you have ever practiced t-breaks. For me quitting cannabis is one day and done, completely cold turkey with no issues at all.
All symptoms of CHS have ceased and I feel like a million dollars. If you suffer from severe CHS I highly recommend quitting with all my heart. Quitting is worth not suffering with CHS, period.
If you are on the fence about what to do get off the fence and just quit. It is not that hard.
I am still a fervent advocate for cannabis but over the years I arrived at a place where I can no longer partake. If you do not suffer from CHS enjoy the herb by all means. I have loved her almost my entire life.
Take care, and take care of yourselves FC friends.
Maybe after a prolonged abstinence and you have purged your body of all stored canabiniods , maybe you will be able to enjoy cannabis again .
I keep thinking i want to stop for a month or more maybe 2 or 3 months to completly purge my body of any stored stuff . but after a day or so i always end up having a vape .
Now im not as sick as what you have described and maybe its not CHS . but i am always having GI issues and it would seem so simple to find out if they are caused by my years of canabis use .
All i would have to do to know for sure is to stop fro a while maybe 2 weeks and if i still have all my issues i guess i would know its not the cannabis .
Iooking at the dates of your last posts it looks like you are feeling much bettwr after about 10 days of not using ?
I think you have inspired me to give it a go again to abstain and find out for sure thank you steama and good luck to you