Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome


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A couple years ago I was heavily abusing my Cloud EVO til the point I started to suffer this unbearable nausea in the morning, often paired with retching, sometimes with vomiting. I noticed that I could only get rid of this nausea by firing up the vape, so after some googling I came across this syndrome. I immediately stopped my consumption, scared shitless I could never benefit from weed's blessed effects without getting ill.

After about 3-4 months I started using again, albeit with a bit less vigor and through some more moderate portable devices. My issues had vanished and fortunately never returned. Sometimes when my usage increases, I notice some mild nausea which I attribute to my consumption.

From my experience it's not so much the quantity of herb that causes trouble, but the frequency of use. For example I have been noticing some issues with slight nausea the last week. That's coming after I've been having sleeping issues for a while and when I wake up during the night I vape a load. Back when the nausea was unbearable, before my 3-4 month break, I was in a similar consumption mode. It seems like I'm fine as long as I spend ~8 hours a day without consumption.


New Member
I am dealing with this now and just wanted to add my experience and ask a question!

I was having very severe nausea and vomiting every day for over a month, so I went to a GI specialist. I got an endoscopy and they took several samples that all came back normal, so they said it was likely my heavy intake of weed that was causing it. I have been smoking about an ounce a week for several years, so I guess I should have seen this coming, but I was hesitant to believe that weed was the issue at first! They told me to stop smoking for a week and see if my symptoms improve. I noticed improvement within two days!
I am now 3 weeks in and I have not experienced the nausea and vomiting at all. I did do a small test a few days ago where I hit the bong twice (not even a whole bowl!) to see what would happen. I noticed some slight nausea that night, but the next day was AWFUL - I was sick in bed all day, running back and forth from the bathroom to vomit. That pretty much confirmed that the weed was the issue for me.
I have noticed that edibles have not had the same effect with vomiting, however, so I wonder if anyone else has done any sort of testing with that? I ate some edible granola bars (got super high as my tolerance has almost reset, so that was dope!) and I felt fine after! No nausea that day or the next. Weird to me as the doctor explained something about 'cannabinoid sensors in my brain being overloaded' or whatever, and I would think any form of THC would result in the same nausea/vomiting?

Has anyone else noticed a difference in CHS with smoke vs edibles?
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Well-Known Member
I am dealing with this now and just wanted to add my experience and ask a question!

I was having very severe nausea and vomiting every day for over a month, so I went to a GI specialist. I got an endoscopy and they took several samples that all came back normal, so they said it was likely my heavy intake of weed that was causing it. I have been smoking about an ounce a week for several years, so I guess I should have seen this coming, but I was hesitant to believe that weed was the issue at first! They told me to stop smoking for a week and see if my symptoms improve. I noticed improvement within two days!
I am now 3 weeks in and I have not experienced the nausea and vomiting at all. I did do a small test a few days ago where I hit the bong twice (not even a whole bowl!) to see what would happen. I noticed some slight nausea that night, but the next day was AWFUL - I was sick in bed all day, running back and forth from the bathroom to vomit. That pretty much confirmed that the weed was the issue for me.
I have noticed that edibles have not had the same effect with vomiting, however, so I wonder if anyone else has done any sort of testing with that? I ate some edible granola bars (got super high as my tolerance has almost reset, so that was dope!) and I felt fine after! No nausea that day or the next. Weird to me as the doctor explained something about 'cannabinoid sensors in my brain being overloaded' or whatever, and I would think any form of THC would result in the same nausea/vomiting?

Has anyone else noticed a difference in CHS with smoke vs edibles?

Have you tried the capsaicin cream that is recommended for this situation?

If not, you should start googling it. Best of luck.

edit, here's a link
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New Member
I have a bit of a weird case. I’ve been experiencing vomiting on a multiple-times-weekly basis for around eight years, with occasional acute attacks, An “attack” being basically up to a week of violent vomiting, up to an hour at a time, several times per day. Other Gi issues as well. Here’s why I think it’s strange: I only started vaping in response to these symptoms (and unaware of CHS).

I’ve only used cannabis for the last six months. I smoked maybe three or four times in the preceding decade. These days I can barely eat without medicating; I’m going through 0.5 - 1.0 grams per day right now. I’ve had an upper endoscopy, a colonoscopy, an abdominal CT, a gastric emptying study, and a ton of blood tests, The only meaningful result I’ve gotten is that I have definite gastroparesis.

Beyond that, my gastroenterologist doesn’t seem to have any ideas anymore. They pushed CHS pretty hard after the doctor ordered a drug test, but I’ve been upfront about my usage. I don’t see how this could be CHS since I hadn’t smoked in years before the symptoms began.

The other idea they’ve floated is Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, but I view that more as a description of my symptoms than an answer to what’s wrong with me, if that makes sense. I haven’t been able to find a satisfactory answer yet, which has become deeply disheartening.

Just felt compelled to share my perspective after reading some of the other posts in this thread!


Well-Known Member
Ive read about such possible being related to cannabis that had NEEM OIL used on it for pest aversion. I wonder if this is happening to individuals that grow their own, thereby Knowing that Neem has never been applied to their product?
Im a Daily user for the past 50+ years, no such symptoms, ever. I Have became Nauseaous when overdoing a strong new batch.
Sad situation for you folk afflicted by such !
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Well-Known Member
Ive read about such possible being related to cannabis that had NEEM OIL used on it for pest aversion. I wonder if this is happening to individuals that grow their own, thereby Knowing that Neem has never been applied to their product?
Im a Daily user for the past 50+ years, no such symptoms, ever. I Have became Nauseaous when overdoing a strong new batch.
Sad situation for you folk afflicted by such !
AFAIK that's been proven wrong. Stoner science, lol. Ive read it too. They also make toothpaste and cosmetics from neem oil for reference.

Regardless the grower should never spray anything on buds. Once flowering starts spraying should end, with few exceptions.

I have a bit of a weird case. I’ve been experiencing vomiting on a multiple-times-weekly basis for around eight years, with occasional acute attacks, An “attack” being basically up to a week of violent vomiting, up to an hour at a time, several times per day.
Have you tried the capsaicin cream?


New Member
Have you tried the capsaicin cream?
I have not. At some point I did develop an affinity for very spicy foods, which is uncharacteristic of me before these issues. I don't get a ton of relief from hot showers or baths - in the sense that if I'm feeling sick, I'll still feel just as crummy while bathing. Hot water definitely does feel good, but I think that's a pretty universal human response?


My buddies CHS flared back up again and he’s been in the hospital for days. I’ve posted this before but CHS and diabetes is seriously no joke and potentially lethal. The cyclic vomiting causes extreme dehydration and dietary keto acidosis. It becomes nearly impossible to rehydrate without IVs. Last time his blood sugar was over 600! He’s been on over 6 IVs this latest visit.

The data is all for Type 1, but he’s a Type 2 diabetic.


Well-Known Member
My buddies CHS flared back up again and he’s been in the hospital for days. I’ve posted this before but CHS and diabetes is seriously no joke and potentially lethal. The cyclic vomiting causes extreme dehydration and dietary keto acidosis. It becomes nearly impossible to rehydrate without IVs. Last time his blood sugar was over 600! He’s been on over 6 IVs this latest visit.

The data is all for Type 1, but he’s a Type 2 diabetic.

Has he tried the capsaicin cream?


Has he tried the capsaicin cream?

I got him some of that last time he had an episode and it seemed to help, but I remember him saying it stung pretty bad cause he was still doing the scorching hot baths on top of it. I'm not sure if he's still throwing up.

I think his issue is getting rehydrated, all that Pedialyte, etc seems to drive the blood sugar up, and for a heavy user to just stop there's usually zero appetite so its really hard to eat anything.


Well-Known Member
I got him some of that last time he had an episode and it seemed to help, but I remember him saying it stung pretty bad cause he was still doing the scorching hot baths on top of it. I'm not sure if he's still throwing up.

I think his issue is getting rehydrated, all that Pedialyte, etc seems to drive the blood sugar up, and for a heavy user to just stop there's usually zero appetite so its really hard to eat anything.
Have him try to get Zofran or similar in suppositories. They are the only thing that helps me keep things down when I have a flareup.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone around here on this new supposed condition called cannabinoid hyperemesis or cannabis hyperemesis?

Basically it is when chronic users wake up nauseous and throw up until they smoke or vape. There is no science on it just random case studies. I'm not sure if its bullshit or a real thing to worry about.

I personally have felt mild symptoms of this but I now just believe that was from extremely unhealthy lifestyle and abuse of the herb. The only time I have hacked up and thrown up and attributed it to herb is when I quit smoking weed and tobacco and only vaped or dabbed, and I hacked up for days. But I believe it really is the expectorant effect just getting the gunk out of your lungs. So chronic smokers have alot of resin and tar in there and in the morning, after you haven't smoked the longest the lungs are ready to slightly expel. If you smoke right away you are just halting the lungs from beginning the healing/expeling process for another few days.

I finally quit all combustion and only vaporize oil now, after the first few days of no smoke I was spitting and coughing phlegm like crazy, even throwing it up 5 times a day, and this lasted days. Vaping would immediatly make me cough phlem and even throw up. I'm finally better and have finally felt the negative health effects of smoking too much weed. I'm not sure if cannabinoid hyperemesis has anything to do with my experience but I would bet it does. Because the other theory is that it is true withdrawl and your cannabinoid receptors are not functioning without THC and blah blah blah. But I think it is just a cleansing process. I will never smoke regularly again though!

Anyways sorry to ramble I just really wanted to see what this community thinks or knows about this supposed condition, or if it is just propaganda or something?
I'm not a doctor, I probably smoke too much weed, but I've been around awhile.

My grandmother taught me valuable lessons in life. She taught me how to pluck and harvest a chicken. She taught me how to make egg noodles. Chop wood, butcher a hog, make sausage; she was a woman of knowledge and wisdom. So going back to my grandmother, her advice would be "if it hurts, stop doing it".

Aside from my small anecdote, if you are unsure follow up with your doctor. The doctor is going to know more about lungs and health than me. Follow your doctor's advice.

Before MJ was legalized in Canada, I had a medical card. Before my doctor issued it, we had this long talk about 'moderation and common sense'. Moderation is kind of a thought, but he is a doctor after all. As for common sense, I am trying. The mysteries of life keep moving forward trying to find it..........


"There are three mysteries in the world — air to the birds, water to the fish, and humanity to itself"
~ Rabbi Hillel
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Any new science or anecdotes on this? I've been using cannabis for 3 decades now, up to gram a day of dabbing and have never been able to give myself this. I personally feel this has more to do with the person than the plant.
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Well-Known Member
I was recently in the hospital with these symptoms, they actually blamed it on cannabis use, when I got home the first thing I did was vape, the pain came back but I don't think it was really the vaping that triggered it or should I feel bad again now instead after a few days I'm fine and my consumption hasn't dropped, I consume about 2/3 g of weed every day to which I add 0.2 of Kief and a small piece of Moroccan hash and sometimes I ate rso, for sleep 😉
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I was recently in the hospital with these symptoms, they actually blamed it on cannabis use, when I got home the first thing I did was vape, the pain came back but I don't think it was really the vaping that triggered it or should I feel bad again now instead after a few days I'm fine and my consumption hasn't dropped, I consume about 2/3 g of weed every day to which I add 0.2 of Kief and a small piece of Moroccan hash and sometimes I ate rso, for sleep 😉
I've been vaping cannabis for the past 3 years at night to help me sleep. It really helps me sleep with no dreams. I've had the CHS symptoms a few times but didn't know what it was until the last time about 3 weeks ago when I did some research online and learned about CHS.

I don't sleep very well now and I stopped drinking coffee which seems to help me sleep a little better but not nearly as well with the weed. Now I have strange dreams which I don't like. The only question I have is, can I ever vape weed again without getting sick? I miss my deep sleep without the weird dreams.

If I do it again I'm going to start with only one hit and see if that helps because I might have been over doing it with too many hits from my Volcano.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I understand the need for a restful sleep. I have had sleep disorder and sadly cannabis doesn't help me with it. (Quite the contrary...)

But your dreams are telling you something. Ignoring them or trying to avoid them will prevent you to get to the roots of what causes them and why you don't like them.

Moreover, being dependent on whatever medicine for a restful sleep is not something desirable imho.

Have you thought about therapy ? Some therapist are better at dream analysis than others. Some of them haven't dealt with their own traumas and won't be able to see yours or to help you with them. (Don't be afraid to change if you reach in impasse).
Group therapy can be an easier approach, less intimidating and truly powerful. It also eliminates some of the bias of a single interlocutor...

Stay strong !


Well-Known Member
I've been vaping cannabis for the past 3 years at night to help me sleep. It really helps me sleep with no dreams. I've had the CHS symptoms a few times but didn't know what it was until the last time about 3 weeks ago when I did some research online and learned about CHS.

I don't sleep very well now and I stopped drinking coffee which seems to help me sleep a little better but not nearly as well with the weed. Now I have strange dreams which I don't like. The only question I have is, can I ever vape weed again without getting sick? I miss my deep sleep without the weird dreams.

If I do it again I'm going to start with only one hit and see if that helps because I might have been over doing it with too many hits from my Volcano.
I don't know, I think it depends a lot on stress, it always happened to me in very very stressful periods of my life and not in the periods in which I abused the substance. My current consumption is about 3/4g per day. (Very high) Considering that the last time I didn't stop vaping almost at all, only about 48 hours (and I still had the symptoms when I started again) and at that time my consumption wasn't even half, I'm starting to think that marijuana isn't to blame at all.
It probably becomes a problem in times of stress, because it does not eliminate the problem but gives you a feeling of tranquility without making you feel stressed but in reality the stress remains and eats you from the inside silently. It happened to me 3 times in the last 3 years, every time the same dynamics (when a lot of work comes in, in my case in summer in July / August, when i work harder) I get these episodes of malaise and only the last time the doctor described the possibility of this chs sindrome to me but honestly I did not believe it very much until I saw that it was also being talked about here, but at the moment I am convinced that the weed is not the cause of this problem.

IMHO, I AM NOT A DOCTOR, so what I say may be totally wrong, but in my experience, the cause of the disease is not marijuana itself but your psychophysical state at the moment you take it, it does not cure stress, but at the same time it does not make you feel it.


Well-Known Member
Earlier in this thread someone posted some articles stating CHS could be due to azadiractine poisoning, which is the active component of neem oil.
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