Hi Cartman,
Yup, I know RSO Isn't vapable, sadly
but thanks for the heads up
I was more comparing price per dose. I already micro dose with a VapCap but there are periods where it's not enough due to various circumstances and I need stronger effects and to take it longer. But I can't grow my own and as we all know this stuff is sold at pretty high prices.
(I think that cooking with shake weed is about the most cost effective way to medicate, but I don't care for the trouble of making edibles and I tried it in the past and failed and ended up wasting several eighths (each $60) on 3 recipies that all gave exactly 0 effects of any sort, despite my best attempts at de-carbing in the oven according to different recipies. Maybe my oven thermometer isn't accurate, idk, but it put a real sour taste in my mouth when I lost about $200 in weed to these experiments. So I'm done with cooking.)
I know you can put a tiny drop of RSO into an empty pill and swallow, or put it under your tongue. But basically I was wondering if 1g of RSO will last longer than regular 0.5g vape cart, for money saving purposes. I've never used RSO so I don't know how that one tiny "half a rice grain" sized dab ingested would feel or how long it would last compared to let's say a regular edible, or how many of these tiny "half a rice grain" doses are in 1g of RSO.
I went to the dispensary today and found out about a product called FSHO (Full Spectrum Hash Oil) which can be placed into refillable vape carts and vaped as usual so maybe that's the way to go?
From what I read in the past and looking at local dispensary prices, for general cost savings: home made edibles w/ shake>micro dosing flower in a vape (maybe flip home made edibles and micro dosing, not sure tbh)>pen vaping+other concentrates>smoking/combusting the flower.
I have no idea where RSO and FSHO stand