I disagree, I know i'm part of the 9-10% dependent on it, and I can't "willpower" any of the withdrawal effects away... i've been at this game for a decade though, and my brain may be permanently rewired at this point. Regardless, not the place, been discussed much on the forum before, and everyone believes that what is in their heart is right. If you can abstain completely for 2 weeks without issue, then you are just different as if everyone else. Debilitating insomnia for weeks, horrible night sweats, chills, and lack of appetite are just a few of the more common withdrawal effects...for me, they are brutal, worse than any flu i've ever had. I've also gone through caffeine withdrawal, and it sucked equally bad. I used to think it was just me, but the world of google shows just how common it is. I really wish it was all mental and my willpower.