7:41 pm here. Haze vape & hydrotube, store made MK Ultra shatter. Brain was cooked.

Coming down nice and smooth for a 3 point landing a few hours later. Nice ride - no turbulence!
Augmenting with tincture at night is getting me some better sleep. Vape puts me down; tincture keeps me there.
Asthma acts like its totally gone - no script asthma meds in months. It takes 16 days off the shit for asthma to come back. I'm pretty tickled with that. There are plenty of other bennies too, obviously.
Guzzling some Keystone Lime tonight; only partially twisted. Cuts the cottonmouth well; not so good for rattlers.

(oh gawd, the snakes! jk - not THAT mk ultra!)
Pic of my Haze and tube setup (for 'trates) over here at post 2392. Nothin' fancy; very portable (accomodates a lot of travel) and gets it done fast.
Uses a Haze OEM SS mouthpiece DIY heated and bent into an elbow w/oxy-acetylene torch and a Nu-SonG Nearly universal Silicone on Glass adapter (elbow and song are visible in 2nd pic - upper right)
edit 8:35: Decided not to let the cool mk u ride fizzle. Just hit some blue dream wax. This is one of the livelier batches of BD I've tried so I guess I'll be up late! Not saying I'll be able to type coherently.